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December 10, 2024

Five states drove record U.S. natural gas production in 2023

October 10, 2024

U.S. hourly electricity demand peaked in July with widespread heatwaves

October 3, 2024

Data centers and cryptocurrency mining in Texas drive strong power demand growth

October 2, 2024

Utility-scale U.S. solar electricity generation continues to grow in 2024

September 17, 2024

Heat content of dry natural gas in Texas was among the lowest in the United States in 2023

September 10, 2024

Natural gas pipeline capacity from the Permian Basin is set to increase

May 22, 2024

Forecast strong hurricane season presents risk for U.S. oil and natural gas industry

May 16, 2024

Natural gas-fired electricity generation in Texas set winter record in January 2024

May 9, 2024

Propane prices were slightly lower this winter compared with last winter

April 12, 2024

Natural gas filled in most of the drop in solar generation in Texas during April 8 eclipse

April 9, 2024

Solar capacity additions are changing the shape of daily electricity supply in Texas

December 12, 2023

New pipelines will bring significant volumes of natural gas to new LNG export terminals

October 5, 2023

Peak hourly U.S. electricity demand in July was the second highest since 2016

August 22, 2023

Commercial energy use increased in eight states in 2021 over pre-pandemic levels

August 21, 2023

Difference in natural gas prices between Texas and Henry Hub narrowed in first half 2023

July 26, 2023

Texas power grid met record-breaking demand for electricity during recent heat wave

July 13, 2023

As Texas wind and solar capacity increase, energy curtailments are also likely to rise

July 6, 2023

Two counties in New Mexico account for 29% of Permian Basin crude oil production

June 27, 2023

LNG-exporting Gulf Coast states drove U.S. natural gas demand growth

June 13, 2023

Natural gas production in the Permian region established a new record in 2022

May 18, 2023

Texas and New Mexico led U.S. crude oil production in 2022

April 17, 2023

Pennsylvania natural gas production changed little in 2022

February 14, 2023

Spending by U.S. natural gas consumers rose 37% in 2021, especially in Oklahoma and Texas

January 30, 2023

Proved reserves of natural gas increased 32% in the United States during 2021

January 11, 2023

Crude oil prices forecast to decline beginning in the second half of 2023

January 4, 2023

Crude oil prices increased in first-half 2022 and declined in second-half 2022

October 6, 2022

ERCOT electricity prices vary more with changes in wind power than with electricity demand

September 30, 2022

Advances in technology led to record new well productivity in the Permian Basin in 2021

September 15, 2022

More natural gas rigs are now operating in the United States than before the pandemic

September 1, 2022

Record numbers of solar panels were shipped in the United States during 2021

August 26, 2022

Crude oil production in Texas’s Eagle Ford region has been increasing since February 2022

August 18, 2022

U.S. natural gas exports to Mexico are increasing at the West Texas border

August 5, 2022

U.S. propane spot prices have declined from multiyear highs

August 4, 2022

Pipeline projects announced to expand Permian natural gas capacity

July 22, 2022

Public U.S. oil producers saw higher revenues and higher operational costs during Q1 2022

July 15, 2022

EIA updated geologic maps of the hydrocarbon-rich Midland Basin Spraberry formation

April 29, 2022

Calcasieu Pass, the seventh U.S. liquefied natural gas export terminal, begins production

February 14, 2022

Generators in Texas meet electric demand, avoid widespread outages during recent cold snap

January 4, 2022

Crude oil prices increased in 2021 as global crude oil demand outpaced supply

December 28, 2021

The United States installed more wind turbine capacity in 2020 than in any other year

December 22, 2021

U.S. crude oil production fell by 8% in 2020, the largest annual decrease on record

November 9, 2021

Crude oil demand returns faster than supply, increasing prices and reducing inventories

October 19, 2021

Drilling and completion improvements support Permian Basin hydrocarbon production

September 27, 2021

High global demand, low global supply contribute to rising U.S. propane spot prices

August 31, 2021

Six U.S. states accounted for over half of the primary energy produced in 2019

August 10, 2021

Texas’s Midland Basin accounted for 15% of U.S. crude oil production in 2020

July 23, 2021

U.S. natural gas exports to Mexico established a new monthly record in June 2021

June 8, 2021

New infrastructure connects West Texas natural gas-producing areas to demand markets

May 10, 2021

February 2021 weather triggers largest monthly decline in U.S. natural gas production

May 7, 2021

Average Texas electricity prices were higher in February 2021 due to a severe winter storm

April 21, 2021

Texas likely to add record utility-scale solar capacity in the next two years

March 31, 2021

Extreme winter weather event in Texas reduced fuel ethanol production in February

March 12, 2021

Texas uses natural gas for electricity generation and home heating

March 9, 2021

U.S. crude oil production fell by 8% in 2020, the largest annual decrease on record

March 4, 2021

Texas and Florida had large small-scale solar capacity increases in 2020

March 3, 2021

The United States installed more wind turbine capacity in 2020 than in any other year

March 1, 2021

Cold weather led to refinery shutdowns in U.S. Gulf Coast region

February 25, 2021

Texas natural gas production fell by almost half during recent cold snap

February 19, 2021

Extreme winter weather is disrupting energy supply and demand, particularly in Texas

January 27, 2021

Six states accounted for more than half of U.S. jet fuel consumption in 2019

December 8, 2020

Natural gas venting and flaring in North Dakota and Texas increased in 2019

November 24, 2020

EIA updates geological maps of Midland Basin’s Wolfcamp formation

November 12, 2020

2020 could be a record year for U.S. wind turbine installations

October 15, 2020

Wind is a growing part of the electricity mix in Texas

September 10, 2020

In 2018, U.S. energy expenditures increased for the second consecutive year

August 31, 2020

More energy is used per person for transportation in states with low population density

July 24, 2020

EIA now estimates biodiesel production and consumption by state

May 27, 2020

North American crude oil prices are closely, but not perfectly, connected

April 27, 2020

Low liquidity and limited available storage pushed WTI crude oil futures prices below zero

December 6, 2019

Natural gas venting and flaring increased in North Dakota and Texas in 2018

December 4, 2019

EIA updates geologic maps of the Delaware Basin’s Bone Spring formation

September 17, 2019

Natural gas and wind forecast to be fastest growing sources of U.S. electricity generation

August 14, 2019

State-level average annual gasoline expenditures per capita ranged from $400 to $1,400

August 7, 2019

EIA introduces short-term forecasts for wholesale electricity prices

July 31, 2019

Texas ranks first in U.S.-installed wind capacity and number of turbines

June 18, 2019

NERC report highlights potential summer electricity issues for Texas and California

June 7, 2019

Four states account for more than half of U.S. wind electricity generation

April 9, 2019

U.S. crude oil production grew 17% in 2018, surpassing the previous record in 1970

April 1, 2019

Energy-related carbon dioxide emission profiles differ dramatically from state to state

January 8, 2019

Wholesale power prices were generally higher in 2018, with both winter and summer spikes

November 16, 2018

The Wolfcamp play has been key to Permian Basin oil and natural gas production growth

November 8, 2018

Electricity residential retail choice participation has declined since 2014 peak

August 22, 2018

U.S. natural gas pipeline exports increase with commissioning of new pipelines in Mexico

August 20, 2018

The port district of Houston-Galveston became a net exporter of crude oil in April

August 10, 2018

Natural gas pipeline capacity to South Central region and export markets increases in 2018

July 31, 2018

Electricity Reliability Council of Texas surpassed all-time peak hourly load in July

July 18, 2018

Permian region natural gas prices fall as production continues to grow

July 2, 2018

Coal plant retirements and high summer electricity demand lower Texas reserve margin

June 25, 2018

U.S. hydrocarbon gas liquids consumption increases as prices, expenditures decrease

May 16, 2018

U.S. Gulf Coast port limitations impose additional costs on rising U.S. crude oil exports

May 10, 2018

EIA raises crude oil, gasoline price forecasts for 2018

April 4, 2018

U.S. production of crude oil grew 5% in 2017, likely leading to record 2018 production

January 17, 2018

Wholesale power prices in 2017 were stable in the east, but increased in Texas, California

January 3, 2018

Crude oil prices increased in 2017, and Brent-WTI spread widened

December 5, 2017

Natural gas power generation share grew in Southern states for a decade as coal declined

November 15, 2017

Transportation constraints and export costs widen the Brent-WTI crude oil price spread

November 13, 2017

CO2 emissions from coal fell by record amount in 2015, led by Texas and Midwest

November 1, 2017

Widening Brent-WTI price spread unlikely to change East Coast crude oil supply

October 26, 2017

Gulf Coast refinery runs are approaching levels seen prior to Hurricane Harvey

October 16, 2017

U.S. crude oil production expected to increase through end of 2017, setting up record 2018

September 13, 2017

Hurricane Harvey caused electric system outages and affected wind generation in Texas

September 11, 2017

Hurricane Harvey caused U.S. Gulf Coast refinery runs to drop, gasoline prices to rise

August 25, 2017

Hurricane Harvey headed for area with significant oil, natural gas infrastructure

August 15, 2017

EIA’s Drilling Productivity Report adds Anadarko region, aggregates Marcellus and Utica

August 2, 2017

Among states, Texas consumes the most energy, Vermont the least

July 31, 2017

Wyoming, Texas, and Pennsylvania rank as the top net energy suppliers among states

July 13, 2017

Brent and WTI crude oil prices expected to average about $50 per barrel through 2018

May 9, 2017

New pipeline infrastructure should accommodate expected rise in Permian oil production

April 25, 2017

Ohio and Pennsylvania increased natural gas production more than other states in 2016

March 6, 2017

U.S. wind generating capacity surpasses hydro capacity at the end of 2016

January 31, 2017

Major U.S. tight oil-producing states expected to drive production gains through 2018

December 5, 2016

Thanksgiving holiday causes unique electricity usage patterns across the country

November 7, 2016

U.S. crude oil production in 2015 was the highest since 1972, but has since declined

August 23, 2016

North Carolina has more PURPA-qualifying solar facilities than any other state

May 19, 2016

Many natural gas-fired power plants under construction are near major shale plays

March 23, 2016

Wind adds the most electric generation capacity in 2015, followed by natural gas and solar

March 11, 2016

Crude oil shipments by rail from Midwest to coastal regions decline

January 26, 2016

Changing contract expiration dates will affect crude oil futures comparisons

January 13, 2016

Crude oil prices to remain relatively low through 2016 and 2017

January 12, 2016

State severance tax revenues decline as fossil fuel prices drop

January 6, 2016

Crude oil prices started 2015 relatively low, ended the year lower

November 4, 2015

Texas expected to keep breaking records for wind generation as wind capacity grows

August 19, 2015

EIA lowers crude oil price forecast through 2016

August 17, 2015

Texas electric grid serves record-high power demand

July 13, 2015

Last Monday’s large percentage decline in crude oil prices was relatively rare

July 10, 2015

EIA’s estimates for state crude oil production account for incomplete, lagged data

March 12, 2015

Oil price decline leads to lower tax revenues in top oil-producing states

February 19, 2015

Wind generates more than 10% of Texas electricity in 2014

January 21, 2015

EIA updates Eagle Ford maps to provide greater geologic detail

January 14, 2015

Market expectations of oil price uncertainty have increased in recent months

January 6, 2015

Crude oil prices down sharply in fourth quarter of 2014

January 5, 2015

Energy had larger price declines than most nonenergy commodities in 2014

November 26, 2014

U.S. gasoline prices this Thanksgiving are the lowest since 2009

November 25, 2014

Shale gas provides largest share of U.S. natural gas production in 2013

November 5, 2014

Texas leads nation in growth in oil and natural gas production jobs during 2013

November 3, 2014

U.S. gasoline prices move with Brent rather than WTI crude oil

October 28, 2014

Benchmarks play an important role in pricing crude oil

September 29, 2014

New Eagle Ford wells continue to show higher production

September 23, 2014

Higher Permian production, constrained infrastructure increase spread between WTI oil hubs

August 15, 2014

Reasons for projected natural gas-fired generation growth vary by region

August 7, 2014

Energy production and other mining account for a large percentage of some state economies

July 30, 2014

Oil prices drive projected enhanced oil recovery using carbon dioxide

July 9, 2014

Six formations are responsible for surge in Permian Basin crude oil production

July 1, 2014

North Dakota and Texas now provide nearly half of U.S. crude oil production

June 24, 2014

Fewer wind curtailments and negative power prices seen in Texas after major grid expansion

June 23, 2014

Texas hits new peak wind output

June 20, 2014

NERC’s Summer Reliability Assessment highlights regional electricity capacity margins

April 15, 2014

Twelve states produced 80% of U.S. wind power in 2013

April 10, 2014

Crude oil reserves at start of 2013 reach highest level since 1976

April 1, 2014

Florida gasoline supply sources and prices reflect broader market shifts

February 18, 2014

Peak-to-average electricity demand ratio rising in New England and many other U.S. regions

February 10, 2014

Eagle Ford production increasingly targets oil-rich areas

January 27, 2014

States closer to western mines have lower coal costs

January 9, 2014

U.S. crude oil production growth contributes to global oil price stability in 2013

December 17, 2013

Pennsylvania is the fastest-growing natural gas-producing state

December 2, 2013

Renewable electricity production grows in Texas

September 9, 2013

Cooler-than-normal August relieves strain on Texas electricity market

August 5, 2013

Spread narrows between Brent and WTI crude oil benchmark prices

June 28, 2013

Price difference between Brent and WTI crude oil narrowing

June 25, 2013

Average U.S. residential summer 2013 electric bill expected to be lowest in four years

June 24, 2013

Electric supply additions are not keeping pace with increased peak-hour demand in Texas

June 6, 2013

Electricity reliability report released; Texas and California raise concerns for summer

May 21, 2013

A number of western states increased oil production since 2010

March 20, 2013

U.S. crude oil production on track to surpass imports for first time since 1995

March 19, 2013

Bakken crude oil price differential to WTI narrows over last 14 months

March 13, 2013

U.S. natural gas exports to Mexico reach record high in 2012

February 28, 2013

U.S. crude oil production tops 7 million barrels per day, highest since December 1992

February 7, 2013

EIA begins posting daily energy prices on Today in Energy webpage

January 10, 2013

2012 Brief: Average 2012 crude oil prices remain near 2011 levels

January 7, 2013

2012 Brief: Coal and mid-continent crude oil prices declined during 2012

December 4, 2012

U.S. monthly crude oil production reaches highest level since 1998

November 15, 2012

Europe and Asia are the leading destinations for U.S. coal exports in 2012

October 9, 2012

EIA improves state-level monthly oil production estimates with up to 10 years of revisions

September 13, 2012

EIA survey shows Gulf Coast plants recovering from hurricane outages

September 11, 2012

Pad drilling and rig mobility lead to more efficient drilling

August 21, 2012

Crude oil prices peaked early in 2012

August 20, 2012

Natural gas, renewables dominate electric capacity additions in first half of 2012

August 16, 2012

Energy needed to produce aluminum

August 7, 2012

EIA has updated Gulf of Mexico energy statistics

July 19, 2012

Much of the country’s refinery capacity is concentrated along the Gulf Coast

July 16, 2012

Crude oils have different quality characteristics

July 10, 2012

Rising production in the Permian basin

June 26, 2012

Drop in U.S. gasoline prices reflects decline in crude oil costs

June 21, 2012

North American spot crude oil benchmarks likely diverging due to bottlenecks

June 15, 2012

Working crude oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma rises

June 11, 2012

U.S. dry natural gas production growth levels off following decline in natural gas prices

June 8, 2012

U.S. crude oil production in first quarter of 2012 highest in 14 years

June 1, 2012

Reserve electric generating capacity helps keep the lights on

May 24, 2012

OPEC spare capacity in the first quarter of 2012 at lowest level since 2008

May 1, 2012

Wholesale electricity prices spike in Texas

April 27, 2012

Top 5 producing states' combined marketed natural gas output rose in 2011

April 23, 2012

Eagle Ford oil and natural gas well starts rose sharply in first quarter 2012

April 17, 2012

Williston Basin crude oil production and takeaway capacity are increasing

April 10, 2012

U.S. imports of Nigerian crude oil have continued to decline in 2012

April 5, 2012

Spot crude prices near 12-month high; natural gas and power prices near 12-month low

April 4, 2012

Cushing crude oil inventories rising in 2012

March 20, 2012

Refinery utilization rates react to economics in 2011

March 19, 2012

U.S. crude oil imports drop to lowest level since 1999 as domestic oil production rises

March 15, 2012

U.S. natural gas net imports at lowest levels since 1992

March 14, 2012

Five states accounted for about 56% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2011

March 1, 2012

Review of developments in crude oil and product markets over the past two months

February 29, 2012

WTI discount to Brent and premium to Bakken both rising in early 2012

January 25, 2012

From 1980 to 2010, most regions contributed to growth in global crude oil production

January 12, 2012

2011 Brief: Brent crude oil averages over $100 per barrel in 2011

January 11, 2012

2011 Brief: Wholesale electricity prices mostly lower in 2011

January 9, 2012

2011 Brief: Energy commodity price trends varied widely during 2011

December 5, 2011

Spread between WTI and Brent prices narrows on signs of easing transportation constraints

November 14, 2011

Strong finish to 2011 natural gas storage injection season on Oct. 31

November 3, 2011

Trends in Eagle Ford drilling highlight the search for oil and natural gas liquids

October 31, 2011

3:2:1 Crack spreads based on WTI & LLS crude oils have diverged in 2011

October 27, 2011

Recent gasoline and diesel prices track Brent and LLS, not WTI

October 24, 2011

Cross-market relationships strengthened in the third quarter of 2011

September 9, 2011

Texas Heat Wave, August 2011: Nature and Effects of an Electricity Supply Shortage

September 8, 2011

EPA rule requires SO2 emissions reduction from Texas coal power plants in 2012

August 22, 2011

Recently, S&P 500 Index and WTI crude oil futures price movements tracked each other

August 8, 2011

High temperatures drove record electricity demand and very high wholesale prices in Texas

May 18, 2011

Electricity retail choice is mandated in Texas and growing in three States

March 18, 2011

Haynesville surpasses Barnett as the Nation's leading shale play

March 14, 2011

Crude oil and condensate production rises at Bakken and other U.S. shale plays

February 28, 2011

WTI-Brent crude oil price spread has reached unseen levels

February 11, 2011

New Texas wholesale power market weathers extreme cold