Profile Overview
U.S Energy Atlas with total energy layers
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- About 5 of every 10 Maine households use petroleum products, primarily heating oil or propane, for home heating, a larger share than in any other state.
- In 2023, renewable resources fueled 67% of Maine's total electricity net generation, with hydropower accounting for about two-fifths of the state's total renewable generation.
- Maine uses less energy than 44 states, but Maine's economy uses significantly more energy per dollar of GDP than any other New England state and more than the national average.
- Maine ranked 12th in the nation in the amount of electricity generated by biomass fuels in 2023. Biomass accounted for 14% of the state’s total electricity generation, the second highest share, after Vermont.
- In 2022, Maine's natural gas use on a per capita basis was the fourth-lowest among the states, in large part because most of Maine lacks local natural gas distribution systems.
Last Updated: November 21, 2024