Profile Overview
U.S Energy Atlas with total energy layers
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- Two of the five storage sites that make up the 1-million-barrel Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve, which was created to offset disruptions in heating fuel supplies, are located in Connecticut and hold 300,000 barrels of heating oil.
- In 2023, the Millstone nuclear power plant generated 33% of Connecticut’s in-state electricity. The state had the seventh-highest share of utility-scale electricity generation provided by nuclear power in the nation.
- About 41% of Connecticut households use heating oil or other petroleum products for home heating, the fourth-highest share for any state, and 37% of households use natural gas.
- In 2023, Connecticut’s electric power sector used a record amount of natural gas, which fueled 60% of the state's total electricity net generation.
- Connecticut has one of the least energy-intensive economies and uses less energy to produce one dollar of gross domestic product (GDP) than all other states except New York, California, Massachusetts, and Washington.
Last Updated: December 19, 2024