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How much carbon dioxide is produced per kilowatthour of U.S. electricity generation?

In 2023, total annual U.S. net electricity generation by utility-scale electric power plants (plants with at least one megawatt of electricity generation capacity) was about 4.18 trillion kilowatthours (kWh) from all energy sources. U.S. net generation resulted in about 1.53 billion metric tons—1.69 billion short tons—of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which is about 0.81 pounds of CO emissions per kWh.

Emissions from electricity generation vary by type of energy source and by type and efficiency of the electric power plant. The amount of CO2 produced per kWh during any period varies based on the fuel sources of the electricity. As a result, electricity-related CO2 emissions and CO2 emission factors vary hourly, daily, monthly, and annually. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) publishes CO2 emissions estimates related to electricity generation both monthly and annually.

In 2023, utility-scale electric power plants that burned coal, natural gas, or petroleum were the source of about 60% of total annual U.S. utility-scale electricity net generation, but they accounted for 99% of the associated CO2 emissions. The other 1% of CO2 emissions were from other fuels and gases derived from fossil fuels and some types of geothermal power plants. EIA considers electricity generation from biomass, hydro, solar, and wind to be carbon neutral.

U.S. utility-scale net electricity generation and resulting CO2 emissions by fuel in 2023
 Electricity generationCO2 emissions        
 million kWhmillion metric tonsmillion short tonspounds per kWh
Coal675,115  709  7812.31
Natural gas1,806,063  790  8710.96
Petroleum16,233    18    20
All other energy sources4,183,2711,5321,6880.81
Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Electricity Profiles, U.S. Profile, Table 5 (net generation) and Table 7 (emissions).
Note: All other energy sources includes fossil fuels, some types of geothermal power plants, and other sources. Petroleum includes petroleum liquids (mainly distillates and residual fuel oil) and petroleum coke. Data are for utility-scale electric power plants, including combined heat and power plants. Actual COemissions per kWh from specific power plants may vary considerably from the factors in the table. kWh=kilowatthour

State-level emissions and emissions factors

EIA publishes annual CO2 emissions and average annual CO2 emissions factors related to total electricity generation by the electric power industry in the United States and in each state in the State Electricity Profiles. In each profile, Table 1 includes the CO2 emissions and emission factor for the most recent year available, and Table 7 includes historical annual emissions and emissions factors back to 1990. The factors are in pounds of CO2 per megawatthour (MWh). Divide the factors by 1,000 to convert the factor to pounds per kWh.

State-level emissions and electricity generation by type of fuel

Additional state-level data on electricity-related CO2 emissions and electricity generation by type of electricity producer and by fuel/energy source is available in our state-level electricity data files (xls).

Learn more:
How much coal, natural gas, or petroleum is used to generate a kilowatthour of electricity?
What are the greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions factors for fuels and electricity?
What is the efficiency of different types of power plants?
Does EIA have data on each power plant in the United States?
Where greenhouse gases come from

Last updated: December 11, 2024.

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