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State Profile and Energy Estimates

Changes to the State Energy Data System (SEDS) Notice: In October 2023, we updated the way we calculate primary energy consumption of electricity generation from noncombustible renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal). Visit our Changes to 1960—2022 conversion factor for renewable energy page to learn more.

Technical notes & documentation - updates for 2023

Revisions and updates to the technical notes & documentation are added to this page as the 2023 estimates are released.

Introduction PDF
Section 1: Documentation guide PDF
Section 2: Coal PDF
Section 3: Natural gas PDF
Section 4: Petroleum PDF
Section 5: Renewable energy PDF
Section 6: Electricity PDF
Section 7: Total energy PDF
Appendix A - Mnemonic series names (MSNs) - SEDS variables: consumption PDF
Appendix B - Thermal conversion factors PDF
Appendix C - Metric and other physical conversion factors PDF
Glossary PDF
Prices and expenditures
Introduction PDF
Section 1: Documentation guide PDF
Section 2: Coal PDF
Section 3: Natural gas PDF
Section 4: Petroleum PDF
Section 5: Renewable energy PDF
Section 6: Electricity PDF
Section 7: Consumption adjustments PDF
Appendix A - Mnemonic series names (MSNs) - SEDS variables: prices and expenditures PDF
Appendix B - Metric and other physical conversion factors PDF
Glossary PDF
Introduction PDF
Section 1: Coal PDF
Section 2: Crude oil PDF
Section 3: Natural gas PDF
Section 4: Nuclear PDF
Section 5: Renewable energy PDF
Section 6: Total energy PDF
Appendix A - Mnemonic series names (MSNs) - SEDS variables: production PDF
Energy indicators
Introduction PDF
Section 1: Energy indicators PDF
Appendix A - Mnemonic series names (MSNs) - SEDS variables: energy indicators PDF
Glossary PDF
Data file documentation
Energy source estimates PDF
Codes and descriptions XLSX CSV