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Short-Term Energy Outlook

Release Date: Sep. 10, 2024  |  Forecast Completed: Sep. 5, 2024  |  Next Release Date: Oct. 8, 2024  |  Full Report    |   Text Only   |   All Tables   |   All Figures

Short-Term Energy Outlook Notice

Released: May 11, 2021

Notice: Beginning in the May Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), we changed the U.S. dollar exchange rate index in STEO Table 3d. We will no longer report the U.S. dollar index weighted by oil consumption. Instead, we will report the U.S. Federal Reserve System’s Nominal Broad Trade Weighted U.S. Dollar Index. This change affects two STEO data series:

  • U.S. dollar index (forex_world)
  • U.S. dollar index—percentage change from prior year (forex_world_pct)

In previous editions of the STEO, these variables represented a real index of the U.S. dollar weighted by the geometric mean of select countries’ exchange rates with the U.S. dollar. Weights were equal to each country's share of world oil consumption in a base period.

Going forward, these variables will represent the U.S. Federal Reserve System’s Nominal Broad Trade Weighted U.S. Dollar Index. History and forecasts of these series come from Oxford Economics. We will re-index the data to make the first quarter of 2015 the base year.

In addition, we will no longer show these data series monthly. Values for the nominal dollar index will be available quarterly. The variable names and codes did not change.