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State Profile and Energy Estimates

Table F40. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure, 2023
Table F40. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure, 2023

Locations Ports







Level 2

Level 1


ports per
location a

Level 2
ports per
location b
Alabama 352 59 21 334 97 1 432 378 788 37 0 1,203 3.35 2.45
Alaska 63 5 1 25 40 4 69 39 111 3 0 153 2.05 1.95
Arizona 1,179 50 18 1,068 175 4 1,247 1,033 2,840 9 0 3,882 6.15 2.60
Arkansas 332 15 8 269 83 3 355 123 771 3 0 897 3.42 2.43
California 16,059 720 138 15,633 1,236 48 16,917 11,278 43,345 686 21 55,330 5.08 2.88
Colorado 2,128 97 20 2,004 235 6 2,245 1,018 4,791 90 0 5,899 2.68 2.52
Connecticut 920 100 23 782 247 14 1,043 464 2,946 70 1 3,481 4.14 3.12
Delaware 195 9 3 168 38 1 207 204 371 5 0 580 3.92 2.38
Dist. of Col. 350 41 3 354 38 2 394 57 1,221 27 0 1,305 5.18 3.19
Florida 3,289 146 68 3,147 341 15 3,503 2,254 7,959 363 0 10,576 4.94 2.58
Georgia 1,840 49 36 1,751 169 5 1,925 1,139 4,277 230 0 5,646 3.27 2.64
Hawaii 363 15 9 281 105 1 387 92 882 26 0 1,000 1.80 2.59
Idaho 166 30 4 140 57 3 200 151 389 10 0 550 3.36 2.43
Illinois 1,249 65 34 1,170 175 3 1,348 1,002 2,962 51 0 4,015 4.47 2.56
Indiana 510 38 20 448 106 14 568 539 1,135 8 0 1,682 4.77 2.38
Iowa 361 14 7 321 60 1 382 318 582 4 0 904 3.09 2.07
Kansas 436 17 16 412 56 1 469 228 1,001 14 0 1,243 4.00 2.42
Kentucky 315 14 6 221 114 0 335 217 643 24 0 884 3.88 2.30
Louisiana 232 23 7 190 68 4 262 224 490 21 0 735 4.67 2.30
Maine 463 16 10 310 177 2 489 226 885 22 0 1,133 2.69 2.14
Maryland 1,693 106 26 1,550 270 5 1,825 990 4,560 39 0 5,589 3.22 2.84
Massachusetts 2,973 134 29 2,908 225 3 3,136 718 7,182 89 0 7,989 3.80 2.42
Michigan 1,394 67 19 1,068 402 10 1,480 769 2,783 13 7 3,572 2.45 2.32
Minnesota 752 32 9 664 126 3 793 490 1,554 73 0 2,117 3.20 2.27
Mississippi 132 12 10 95 59 0 154 122 297 139 0 558 3.49 2.54
Missouri 1,030 34 11 998 76 1 1,075 453 2,424 15 0 2,892 2.98 2.57
Montana 125 3 2 94 34 2 130 184 198 3 0 385 4.49 2.22
Nebraska 258 1 4 255 8 0 263 155 426 1 0 582 2.50 2.06
Nevada 582 22 3 547 57 3 607 641 1,634 16 0 2,291 6.28 3.16
New Hampshire 218 24 13 175 77 3 255 182 454 5 0 641 4.04 2.11
New Jersey 1,253 77 28 1,205 148 5 1,358 1,034 3,078 16 0 4,128 4.36 2.68
New Mexico 270 10 3 227 56 0 283 249 458 10 0 717 3.51 2.16
New York 4,071 177 56 3,946 344 14 4,304 1,484 13,083 38 0 14,605 4.11 3.29
North Carolina 1,509 72 40 1,359 259 3 1,621 1,011 3,406 37 0 4,454 4.08 2.44
North Dakota 94 1 2 59 38 0 97 88 122 0 0 210 2.59 1.77
Ohio 1,525 46 38 1,291 309 9 1,609 806 3,090 41 0 3,937 2.91 2.27
Oklahoma 328 19 13 278 75 7 360 880 549 6 0 1,435 5.03 2.55
Oregon 1,199 68 15 1,091 184 7 1,282 827 2,566 73 0 3,466 3.11 2.40
Pennsylvania 1,674 47 41 1,525 233 4 1,762 1,028 3,712 53 0 4,793 4.11 2.43
Rhode Island 302 17 8 295 32 0 327 92 723 82 0 897 2.42 2.48
South Carolina 494 38 20 365 183 4 552 479 1,013 15 0 1,507 4.94 2.20
South Dakota 91 2 3 84 11 1 96 111 136 2 0 249 3.17 2.19
Tennessee 817 51 25 752 140 1 893 493 1,796 36 0 2,325 3.76 2.30
Texas 3,172 124 58 3,111 230 13 3,354 2,377 7,544 83 0 10,004 5.26 2.54
Utah 880 26 9 828 82 5 915 359 2,042 23 0 2,424 3.12 2.50
Vermont 378 16 4 320 75 3 398 129 924 21 0 1,074 2.19 2.64
Virginia 1,503 97 40 1,344 288 8 1,640 1,167 3,685 226 0 5,078 4.05 2.69
Washington 2,142 92 19 1,975 264 14 2,253 1,173 5,034 165 0 6,372 3.60 2.54
West Virginia 134 12 7 92 60 1 153 144 307 18 0 469 4.36 2.67
Wisconsin 567 23 13 534 65 4 603 441 1,075 8 0 1,524 4.12 2.13
Wyoming 96 8 1 73 32 0 105 116 142 4 0 262 3.74 1.95
United States 62,458 2,981 1,021 58,136 8,059 265 66,460 40,176 154,386 3,053 29 197,644 4.13 2.66


a Calculated as the total number of DC fast-charging ports divided by the total number of locations with DC fast-charging ports (available in the microdata file). Includes only locations with DC fast-charging ports.

b Calculated as the total number of Level 2 charging ports divided by the total number of locations with Level 2 charging ports (available in the microdata file). Includes only locations with Level 2 charging ports.

Data source: Table by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data System based on charging infrastructure data from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC). See technical notes. http://www.eia.gov/state/seds/