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Connecticut   Connecticut Profile

State Profile and Energy Estimates

Changes to the State Energy Data System (SEDS) Notice: In October 2023, we updated the way we calculate primary energy consumption of electricity generation from noncombustible renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal). Visit our Changes to 1960—2022 conversion factor for renewable energy page to learn more.

Table CT1. Energy consumption estimates for selected energy sources in physical units, 1960-2022, Wyoming

Table CT1. Energy consumption estimates for selected energy sources in physical units, 1960-2022, Wyoming



gas a

electric power

power g


ethanol h


fuel oil b


fuel d

gasoline e

fuel oil

Other f

short tons
cubic feet

Thousand barrels

Million kilowatthours

Thousand barrels
1960 993 51 3,278 1,114 56 4,431 1,749 2,874 13,502 0 609 0 NA NA
1961 1,248 57 3,278 1,139 55 4,427 2,598 2,935 14,432 0 633 0 NA NA
1962 1,445 59 3,859 1,124 57 4,616 3,291 3,079 16,027 0 975 0 NA NA
1963 1,886 59 3,815 1,018 61 4,686 2,498 3,241 15,320 0 879 0 NA NA
1964 1,926 60 3,666 1,153 66 4,670 2,235 3,414 15,204 0 874 0 NA NA
1965 2,109 59 3,696 1,171 74 4,739 2,171 3,550 15,401 0 884 0 NA NA
1966 2,608 66 2,982 1,321 98 4,836 1,939 3,586 14,762 0 923 0 NA NA
1967 2,485 73 3,949 1,546 119 4,929 2,826 3,660 17,029 0 789 0 NA NA
1968 2,666 79 5,154 1,822 151 5,300 2,006 4,560 18,994 0 959 0 NA NA
1969 3,325 100 5,229 1,967 157 5,572 2,408 4,289 19,624 0 1,097 0 NA NA
1970 3,802 110 5,059 1,848 128 5,900 1,487 4,137 18,558 0 1,006 0 NA NA
1971 3,600 115 5,731 2,078 129 6,055 1,203 4,383 19,578 0 1,312 0 NA NA
1972 4,818 126 5,499 2,475 163 6,552 1,281 4,396 20,366 0 1,172 0 NA NA
1973 6,085 109 6,295 2,120 163 6,910 1,550 4,998 22,036 0 1,209 0 NA NA
1974 6,365 96 7,094 1,789 165 6,798 1,995 4,536 22,377 0 1,411 0 NA NA
1975 7,628 87 7,656 1,815 124 7,354 2,076 4,296 23,321 0 1,120 0 NA NA
1976 10,155 87 8,161 1,832 130 7,869 2,686 4,286 24,964 0 1,043 0 NA NA
1977 13,033 84 9,340 1,795 150 8,275 2,595 5,154 27,310 0 762 0 NA NA
1978 12,947 87 10,553 2,022 176 8,833 2,945 5,688 30,218 0 982 0 NA NA
1979 15,311 94 12,047 2,068 189 8,544 3,075 5,235 31,158 0 1,053 0 NA NA
1980 15,208 69 13,247 2,030 162 8,501 2,171 4,848 30,959 0 1,108 0 NA NA
1981 18,354 69 12,433 2,028 249 8,498 1,989 3,434 28,631 0 841 0 2 NA
1982 19,197 91 11,090 2,551 214 8,266 1,575 3,096 26,791 0 850 0 1 NA
1983 17,970 81 7,231 2,641 155 7,856 320 3,041 21,243 0 1,150 1 (s) NA
1984 20,756 85 6,457 2,194 159 8,196 195 3,973 21,174 0 1,286 3 1 NA
1985 23,155 82 7,216 1,942 154 7,671 211 4,087 21,280 0 1,068 3 1 NA
1986 19,338 75 6,531 2,169 144 7,203 190 3,938 20,175 0 1,140 1 (s) NA
1987 24,399 82 8,426 2,756 202 7,277 119 4,135 22,915 0 768 (s) (s) NA
1988 25,424 82 9,093 2,083 193 7,427 257 4,237 23,289 0 789 (s) (s) NA
1989 23,952 82 9,382 2,462 160 7,561 30 4,109 23,704 0 680 (s) 8 NA
1990 25,514 92 9,308 1,263 143 7,105 39 4,168 22,026 0 645 0 22 NA
1991 25,150 97 7,813 1,228 119 7,212 40 3,250 19,663 0 736 0 82 NA
1992 27,339 124 8,278 1,184 153 7,429 10 3,340 20,395 0 636 0 137 NA
1993 26,171 105 9,273 1,752 140 7,572 71 3,156 21,965 0 787 0 156 NA
1994 27,459 106 8,974 1,580 152 7,683 40 3,478 21,906 0 897 0 177 NA
1995 25,933 98 10,323 1,979 160 7,936 20 3,274 23,693 0 799 0 135 NA
1996 26,647 101 10,552 1,651 151 7,905 6 3,854 24,119 0 1,232 0 49 NA
1997 26,096 101 11,306 308 121 7,603 4 3,934 23,277 0 1,381 0 3 NA
1998 28,773 109 11,103 253 116 7,888 6 3,527 22,892 0 1,342 2 0 NA
1999 27,677 97 13,668 480 174 7,879 8 3,968 26,177 0 1,170 11 0 NA
2000 28,416 101 12,600 1,217 286 7,799 23 4,145 26,070 0 1,011 246 0 NA
2001 27,984 99 14,020 1,238 331 8,102 68 4,262 28,020 0 879 365 0 (s)
2002 27,305 113 13,814 1,114 210 8,041 151 3,596 26,927 0 584 447 0 1
2003 27,575 115 14,733 1,093 166 8,009 143 4,255 28,398 0 594 366 0 1
2004 28,156 107 14,112 993 242 7,968 107 3,902 27,323 0 593 617 0 1
2005 27,752 108 14,112 1,241 204 8,187 133 4,051 27,927 0 808 717 159 4
2006 27,906 108 16,238 1,212 292 8,329 111 3,855 30,037 0 843 759 160 10
2007 28,382 141 16,328 1,469 378 8,523 76 3,957 30,732 0 729 755 283 14
2008 28,672 143 16,522 1,595 393 8,208 89 4,094 30,901 0 835 963 354 12
2009 27,080 143 14,722 1,539 431 8,533 23 4,625 29,871 0 967 2,226 431 13
2010 27,707 150 15,104 1,371 363 8,541 16 4,949 30,344 0 1,024 3,247 501 10
2011 26,818 156 15,392 1,461 364 8,378 (s) 5,242 30,838 0 1,224 4,612 634 35
2012 27,870 153 15,979 1,245 346 8,735 1 5,236 31,543 0 893 4,369 698 70
2013 29,531 150 14,659 1,324 348 8,663 0 4,964 29,958 0 711 4,433 738 43
2014 27,941 137 16,556 1,514 294 8,369 0 4,863 31,595 0 869 4,406 697 95
2015 27,817 119 14,426 1,076 321 8,740 0 4,849 29,412 0 868 3,757 869 40
2016 26,055 123 13,737 1,065 283 8,838 0 4,582 [R ] 28,505 [R ] 0 973 4,389 914 144
2017 26,303 149 14,042 1,284 323 8,400 0 4,579 [R ] 28,627 [R ] 0 1,124 4,321 872 94
2018 25,969 165 15,450 1,386 308 7,932 0 4,415 [R ] 29,490 [R ] 0 976 4,057 819 115
2019 23,384 160 14,819 1,553 351 7,858 0 4,331 [R ] 28,912 [R ] 0 992 4,163 826 191
2020 22,080 157 12,946 1,415 310 7,345 0 3,874 [R ] 25,891 [R ] 0 1,086 5,513 779 162
2021 21,313 153 14,032 [R ] 1,429 442 7,791 0 3,360 [R ] 27,053 [R ] 0 790 8,448 785 103 [R ]
2022 22,217 163 13,963 1,556 361 7,559 0 3,371 26,811 0 745 9,780 710 61
aIncludes supplemental gaseous fuels that are commingled with natural gas. hIncludes denaturant. Because of differences in data sources and estimation methods, the ratio of fuel ethanol
consumption and motor gasoline consumption should not be interpreted as the average ethanol blend rate.
bBeginning in 2009, includes biodiesel blended into distillate fuel oil. Beginning in 2011, includes renewable diesel
blended into distillate fuel oil. Excludes biofuels product supplied.
NA = Not available.
cHydrocarbon gas liquids, include natural gas liquids and refinery olefins. Where shown, R = Revised data and (s) = Value less than 0.5.
dThrough 2004, includes kerosene-type and naphtha-type jet fuel. Beginning in 2005, includes kerosene-type jet fuel
only; naphtha-type jet fuel is included in "Other petroleum." There is a discontinuity in this time series between 2009 and 2010
because of data source and methodology changes, see technical notes.
Notes: · Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding. · The continuity of these data series
estimates may be affected by changing data sources and estimation methodologies. See the Technical Notes for each type
of energy.
eBeginning in 1993, includes fuel ethanol blended into motor gasoline. Web Page: All data are available at https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php.
fIncludes asphalt and road oil, aviation gasoline, kerosene, lubricants, petroleum coke, and the “other petroleum products”
category. See Technical Notes, Section 4.
Data Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data System. See Technical Notes.
gConventional hydroelectric power. For 1960 through 1989, includes hydroelectric pumped-storage, which cannot be
separately identified.