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State Profile and Energy Estimates

Table F3: Motor gasoline consumption, price, and expenditure estimates, 2022

Table F3: Motor gasoline consumption, price, and expenditure estimates, 2022


Prices a
Commercial Industrial Transportation Total Commercial Industrial Transportation Total Commercial Industrial Transportation Total

Thousand barrels

Trillion Btu
Dollars per
million Btu

Million dollars
Alabama 1,906 908 73,415 76,229 9.6 4.6 370.7 384.9 29.00 279.1 133.0 10,748.5 11,160.6
Alaska 200 109 6,093 6,403 1.0 0.6 30.8 32.3 46.12 46.7 25.4 1,419.0 1,491.1
Arizona 1,965 1,932 65,795 69,692 9.9 9.8 332.2 351.9 37.10 368.2 361.9 12,325.9 13,056.0
Arkansas 646 802 34,153 35,602 3.3 4.0 172.4 179.8 29.34 95.8 118.8 5,059.5 5,274.0
California 10,896 6,225 299,304 316,425 55.0 31.4 1,511.2 1,597.6 42.81 2,355.2 1,345.6 64,698.3 68,399.1
Colorado 1,557 1,283 57,172 60,012 7.9 6.5 288.7 303.0 31.65 248.8 205.1 9,136.5 9,590.3
Connecticut 966 402 33,282 34,650 4.9 2.0 168.0 174.9 33.83 165.1 68.6 5,684.5 5,918.2
Delaware 254 146 11,017 11,417 1.3 0.7 55.6 57.6 32.71 41.9 24.1 1,819.6 1,885.7
Dist. of Col. 78 39 2,214 2,331 0.4 0.2 11.2 11.8 34.41 13.5 6.7 384.7 404.9
Florida 6,159 4,754 206,272 217,185 31.1 24.0 1,041.5 1,096.6 29.50 917.3 708.0 30,721.2 32,346.5
Georgia 2,588 1,345 105,083 109,016 13.1 6.8 530.6 550.4 28.33 370.2 192.4 15,031.9 15,594.5
Hawaii 341 289 9,207 9,838 1.7 1.5 46.5 49.7 46.14 79.5 67.4 2,144.8 2,291.7
Idaho 430 620 18,314 19,364 2.2 3.1 92.5 97.8 34.59 75.1 108.2 3,198.3 3,381.7
Illinois 3,504 2,134 92,558 98,196 17.7 10.8 467.3 495.8 31.59 558.9 340.5 14,764.1 15,663.4
Indiana 1,715 1,092 68,465 71,273 8.7 5.5 345.7 359.9 30.53 264.4 168.4 10,552.0 10,984.8
Iowa 2,895 858 34,638 38,391 14.6 4.3 174.9 193.8 31.05 453.8 134.4 5,429.8 6,018.1
Kansas 625 995 27,201 28,820 3.2 5.0 137.3 145.5 30.84 97.3 154.9 4,235.3 4,487.4
Kentucky 835 580 49,476 50,891 4.2 2.9 249.8 256.9 31.57 133.1 92.5 7,886.2 8,111.7
Louisiana 867 825 48,955 50,647 4.4 4.2 247.2 255.7 29.15 127.7 121.4 7,205.7 7,454.8
Maine 347 237 14,457 15,041 1.8 1.2 73.0 75.9 33.63 59.0 40.3 2,454.5 2,553.7
Maryland 1,840 598 51,115 53,553 9.3 3.0 258.1 270.4 32.87 305.3 99.3 8,483.0 8,887.6
Massachusetts 1,598 823 56,023 58,443 8.1 4.2 282.9 295.1 33.51 270.4 139.2 9,479.5 9,889.1
Michigan 2,192 1,656 98,212 102,060 11.1 8.4 495.9 515.3 30.85 341.4 257.9 15,297.8 15,897.1
Minnesota 1,744 1,328 53,830 56,902 8.8 6.7 271.8 287.3 31.63 278.5 212.2 8,596.9 9,087.6
Mississippi 497 391 39,001 39,889 2.5 2.0 196.9 201.4 29.10 73.0 57.5 5,729.6 5,860.1
Missouri 1,428 990 72,789 75,207 7.2 5.0 367.5 379.7 30.13 217.3 150.6 11,073.4 11,441.3
Montana 162 365 12,502 13,029 0.8 1.8 63.1 65.8 34.44 28.2 63.4 2,173.8 2,265.4
Nebraska 404 662 20,161 21,228 2.0 3.3 101.8 107.2 31.90 65.1 106.7 3,247.2 3,419.0
Nevada 920 473 27,638 29,031 4.6 2.4 139.5 146.6 38.63 179.5 92.2 5,390.3 5,662.0
New Hampshire 338 191 15,607 16,136 1.7 1.0 78.8 81.5 32.65 55.7 31.5 2,572.5 2,659.7
New Jersey 2,455 1,371 78,267 82,093 12.4 6.9 395.2 414.5 31.68 392.8 219.3 12,519.7 13,131.7
New Mexico 432 591 21,867 22,890 2.2 3.0 110.4 115.6 30.27 66.1 90.3 3,342.0 3,498.4
New York 3,822 2,950 115,201 121,972 19.3 14.9 581.6 615.8 31.56 608.9 470.0 18,355.6 19,434.5
North Carolina 6,489 1,362 109,103 116,954 32.8 6.9 550.9 590.5 30.52 1,000.0 209.9 16,813.2 18,023.0
North Dakota 107 356 9,167 9,630 0.5 1.8 46.3 48.6 32.96 17.9 59.2 1,525.6 1,602.7
Ohio 3,299 1,660 105,427 110,385 16.7 8.4 532.3 557.3 31.51 524.7 264.1 16,770.6 17,559.4
Oklahoma 1,104 947 42,634 44,685 5.6 4.8 215.3 225.6 30.20 168.3 144.4 6,500.9 6,813.6
Oregon 992 680 33,097 34,768 5.0 3.4 167.1 175.5 39.62 198.3 136.1 6,620.4 6,954.8
Pennsylvania 3,036 1,589 100,935 105,560 15.3 8.0 509.6 533.0 33.59 514.9 269.5 17,117.8 17,902.2
Rhode Island 216 129 8,092 8,437 1.1 0.7 40.9 42.6 33.54 36.6 21.8 1,370.5 1,428.9
South Carolina 1,466 642 62,009 64,117 7.4 3.2 313.1 323.7 28.72 212.5 93.1 8,992.7 9,298.3
South Dakota 150 265 11,116 11,531 0.8 1.3 56.1 58.2 32.13 24.3 43.0 1,803.0 1,870.4
Tennessee 1,432 1,234 77,694 80,360 7.2 6.2 392.3 405.7 30.64 221.5 190.9 12,019.9 12,432.3
Texas 5,502 3,950 332,631 342,083 27.8 19.9 1,679.5 1,727.2 28.76 799.1 573.6 48,309.0 49,681.8
Utah 467 456 27,979 28,902 2.4 2.3 141.3 145.9 34.42 81.1 79.2 4,862.2 5,022.6
Vermont 147 93 6,352 6,592 0.7 0.5 32.1 33.3 33.79 25.0 15.9 1,083.7 1,124.7
Virginia 2,438 784 86,535 89,757 12.3 4.0 436.9 453.2 29.64 364.9 117.3 12,949.7 13,431.9
Washington 1,692 1,039 57,991 60,722 8.5 5.2 292.8 306.6 37.87 323.6 198.6 11,087.8 11,610.0
West Virginia 389 268 17,661 18,319 2.0 1.4 89.2 92.5 32.00 62.9 43.3 2,853.2 2,959.4
Wisconsin 1,236 1,061 59,100 61,398 6.2 5.4 298.4 310.0 32.61 203.5 174.7 9,731.9 10,110.1
Wyoming 369 259 6,930 7,559 1.9 1.3 35.0 38.2 32.24 60.1 42.2 1,128.1 1,230.4
United States 87,140 54,738 3,073,735 3,215,613 440.0 276.4 15,519.3 16,235.6 (b) 14,472.1 9,084.5 502,701.7 526,258.3
aState motor gasoline prices are the same for the commercial, industrial, and transportation sectors.
bDue to consumption weighting, U.S. average commercial price is $32.89 per million Btu, U.S. average industrial price is $32.87 per million Btu, U.S. average transportation price is $32.39 per million Btu, and the U.S. average price of all sectors
is $32.41 per million Btu.
Where shown, (s) = Btu value less than 0.05.
Notes: · Motor gasoline estimates include fuel ethanol blended into motor gasoline. · Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data System. See technical notes. http://www.eia.gov/state/seds/