Historical U.S. oil and natural gas field maps
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Combined oil and natural gas
- The following national map portrays the location of fields identified as being among the 100 largest oil and/or 100 largest natural gas fields in the U.S. on December 31, 2009.
- Gas production in conventional fields, Lower 48 States
- Release date: April 8, 2009
- Available formats:
- Gas production in offshore fields, Lower 48 States
- Release date: April 8, 2009
- Available formats:
By product
- The following letter size maps portray the same information by product.
Detailed Historical Oil and Natural Gas field maps
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- The detailed field maps linked below portray the locations, boundaries, names, and either the barrel-of-oil equivalent (BOE) or the liquid hydrocarbon (crude oil plus lease condensate) or the natural gas reserve size classes of the known oil and natural gas fields in selected geologically defined areas of the U.S. at year-end 2001. Multiple map sheets were required to adequately portray the fields of some areas. Use this
Index of Detailed Field Maps to identify which of the subsequently listed oil and natural gas field maps you might be interested in viewing. Pursuant to Section 604 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, these maps are one product of a joint Department of the Interior, Department of Energy, and Department of Agriculture study of access to oil and natural gas resources located on Federal onshore lands. The maps conform to that ongoing study's temporal, areal, and technical requirements.
Note that most of the maps are large format (60 inches X 36 inches, for example) and are intended for printing on a wide-bed printer. To clearly view them on your monitor you will have to zoom in and then scroll through the map.
Appalachian Basin
- Northern Ohio, Southwestern New York, and Western Pennsylvania
- Available formats: BOE
Natural gas
- Southern Ohio, Southwestern Pennsylvania, and Northwestern West Virginia
- Available formats: BOE
Natural gas
Black Warrior Basin
South Florida Peninsula
Alaska's Cook Inlet
Alaskan North Slope
National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 Area
Eastern Oregon and Washington
Ventura Basin
Montana Thrust Belt
Williston Basin
Wyoming Thrust Belt
Eastern Great Basin
Powder River Basin
Greater Green River Basin
Uinta-Piceance Basin
Paradox-San Juan Basin
Denver Basin
Shapefiles for detailed oil and gas field maps
- Powder River, Greater Green River, Uinta-Piceance, and Paradox-San Juan Basins plus Shapefile for the Montana Thrust Belt
- Available formats: Shapefile
- Appalachian Basin
- Available formats: Shapefile
- Black Warrior Basin, Denver Basin, Wyoming Thrust Belt, National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska plus the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 Area, and the South Florida Peninsula
- Available formats: Shapefile
- Eastern Great Basin, Eastern Oregon and Washington, Alaskan North Slope, Alaska's Cook Inlet, Ventura Basin, and Williston Basin
- Available formats: Shapefile
EIA's oil and gas field Boundary Generation Scripts
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- The following Word® (.doc) files provide and describe three script codes conceived, developed, and implemented by EIA to (a) automatically and efficiently generate geologically reasonable oil and gas field boundaries from well data, and then (b) calculate the percentage of Federal land within the each field's boundary. The scripts are coded in Visual Basic® for use in conjunction with ArcGIS® software.
- Well Buffering Script
- Available formats: DOC
- Field Outline Smoothing Script
- Available formats: DOC
- Smoothing Tool for ArcGIS 10.0
- Release date: June 1, 2011
- Available formats: ZIP
- Federal Land Percentage Calculation Script
- Available formats: DOC
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