We provide daily information on the Southern California energy market in the Southern California Daily Energy Report, which uses several of our data sources as well as third-party information from sources such as the Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas), the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
During the summer, the major challenge in energy systems management in Southern California is meeting electricity load. The report provides a consolidated view of hourly load across Southern California by combining CAISO information for Southern California Edison and the San Diego Gas and Electric Company with data from our hourly power data report for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the Imperial Irrigation District. The report also provides recent and forecast daily temperatures in downtown Los Angeles, the most significant drivers of energy demand.
Our report monitors daily changes in aggregate natural gas storage inventories in SoCalGas's four storage fields—Aliso Canyon, Goleta, Honor Rancho, and Playa Del Ray—and compares the current status to the level last year at this time and the most recent five-year average.
The report presents an integrated view of how changes in weather influence electricity loads, natural gas demand, storage activity, electricity and natural gas transmission flows, and wholesale energy prices.
Different versions of the report appear in the summer and winter months, reflecting the different seasonal energy consumption trends and relevant demand indicators. We update the report every day at 10:00 a.m. eastern time.
Principal contributor: EIA Staff
Tags: electricity, California, states