Saudi Arabia produces and sells its crude oil via Saudi Aramco, its state-owned oil company. Like many such companies, Saudi Aramco sells its oil to long-term customers at an official selling price (OSP). Saudi Aramco adjusts the OSP monthly based on specific conditions in different regions of the world.
For example, refiners in the United States that import Arab Light crude oil this month will expect to pay the Argus Sour Crude Index (ASCI) price plus a differential of +$3.65/barrel. While differentials to the United States have not changed from July to August, Aramco has reduced its differentials for other destinations, especially Europe. According to Arab Oil & Gas, these reductions reflect the anticipated reopening of the Ras Lanuf and Es Sider terminals in Libya, which could increase that country's crude oil exports by 500,000 barrels per day. They also reflect the intention for Saudi oil to remain competitive in southern European markets.
Saudi Aramco's OSP is calculated on a differential to a crude benchmark based on destination and crude quality, taking into account product yields and local market conditions. Each month, Saudi Aramco publishes these differentials, which determine the OSP for the following month.
In 2013, Saudi Arabia produced 9.7 million barrels of crude oil per day with a total liquid fuels production of 11.6 million barrels per day, ranking it the second-largest producer in the world after the United States. Saudi Arabia exported more than 1.3 million barrels of oil per day to the United States in 2013, which represented 17% of total U.S. crude oil imports.
Principal contributor: Joseph Ayoub
Tags: crude oil, liquid fuels, prices, Saudi Arabia