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Committed to making energy data more accessible, understandable, relevant, and responsive to your needs.

Embedding EIA Charts and Maps on Your Website

EIA has added functionality to its data tools to allow users to easily embed widgets of EIA's interactive charts and graphs onto their website. This allows users to easily add official statistics from U.S. Energy Administration's API to their websites. No API key, programming, or library installation is required.

To embed a visualization:

  1. Use any of the following EIA data tools to create a chart or a map:
  2. Click on the "embed" option in the download menu (see image to right) to preview your visualization
  3. Configure (e.g. change dates or add a drill-down interactive) then copy and paste the tag into your web page

Note that the source key icons API Key from anywhere on the EIA website to link to the time series' page in the API Query Browser to navigate to any of the 1.2 million time series in EIA's data API, and select the "Show me how to embed..." links.

Sample Dashboards

The following sample dashboards demonstrate how a handful of embedded visualizations can easily be assembled to tell a story:

  1. Sample Electricity Dashboard
  2. Sample World Petroleum Dashboard

Sample Visualizations

Interactive Chart (125 most recent data points)

Interactive Chart

Interactive Chart with Drill-Down

EIA offers its widgets to the public free of charge under the BSD2 open source license. The library is offered as-is, without support or warranty. User are free to fork it on Github and modifiy the library to suit their needs. The widget uses third-party libraries which may require a license. License details are found on all embed preview and instructions page.