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Electricity explained Electricity generation, capacity, and sales in the United States

Largest U.S. electricity generation facilities (power plants) by annual net electricity generation (2022)
Rank Facility name Primary fuel/energy source State Net generation
1 Palo Verde Nuclear Arizona 31,942,793
2 Browns Ferry Nuclear Alabama 29,325,461
3 Peach Bottom Nuclear Pennsylvania 22,183,803
4 South Texas Project Nuclear Texas 21,919,885
5 Grand Coulee Hydro Washington 21,176,202
6 Oconee Nuclear South Carolina 21,125,129
7 James H. Miller Jr. Coal, natural gas Alabama 21,067,413
8 Turkey Point Nuclear, natural gas, petroleum Florida 20,793,348
9 Braidwood Generation Station Nuclear Illinois 20,155,630
10 Talen Energy Susquehanna Nuclear Pennsylvania 20,065,031
Source: Form EIA-923 database; final data for 2022.
Largest U.S. electricity generation facilities (power plants) by electricity generating capacity (2022)
Rank Facility name Primary fuel/energy source State Summer capacity
1 Grand Coulee Hydroelectric Washington 7,079
2 Palo Verde Nuclear Arizona 3,937
3 West County Energy Center Natural gas Florida 3,777
4 W.A. Parish Natural gas, coal Texas 3,690
5 Browns Ferry Nuclear Alabama 3,662
6 Bowen Coal Georgia 3,200
7 Gibson Coal Indiana 3,132
8 Monroe Coal, petroleum Michigan 3,080
9 Crystal River Coal, natural gas Florida 3,020
10 Bath County Hydro Virginia 3,003
Source: Form EIA-860 database, final data for 2022.

Last updated: October 26, 2023, with data available at the time of update.