2010 MECS Survey Data 2018 |2014 | 2010 | 2006 | 2002 | 1998 | 1994 | 1991 | Archive
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- Methodology & Forms
2010 MECS Methodology
The 2010 MECS is EIA's eighth survey of the manufacturing sector and covers the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Previous surveys were conducted for 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2006 respectively. Subsequent MECS are planned for every four years. For more about the scope of the MECS over time, see MECS attributes. Data collection for MECS 2014 will begin in 2015. The basic unit of data collection for MECS is the manufacturing establishment. The 2010 MECS sample size of approximately 15,500 establishments was drawn from a nationally representative sample frame representing 97-98% of the manufacturing payroll. This sample allows EIA to report separate estimates of energy use for 21 3-digit industry subsectors, and 50 industry groups and industries according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). For more on MECS Methodology, see 2002 Methodology |
2010 MECS Survey Forms
Specific questions on this product may be directed to:
Tom Lorenz
Phone: 202-586-3442
Fax: 202-586-0018