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U.S. Biodiesel Plant Production Capacity

Release Date:  August 15, 2024   |   Next Release Date: August 2025

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The U.S. Biodiesel Plant Production Capacity contains data for U.S. biodiesel plants, as of January 1, 2024.

Detailed annual production capacity by plant is available in XLSX format.

U.S. Biodiesel Plant Production Capacity as of January 1, 2024
PAD District Number of Plants Production Capacity
(MMgal/year) (Mb/d)
PADD 1 9 126 8
PADD 2 32 1,473 96
PADD 3 9 298 19
PADD 4 0 0 0
PADD 5 6 193 13
U.S. Total 56 2,090 136

Biodiesel Production Capacity is intended to measure estimated gallons of biodiesel that a plant is capable of producing over a period of one year (365 consecutive days) starting on the first day of each report month.

Note: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.

Data source: Form EIA-819, Monthly Biofuels, Fuel Oxygenates, Isooctane, and Isooctene Report.
State Plants Annual capacity
(million gallons per year)
Alabama 1 20
Arkansas 2 75
California 4 80
Connecticut 1 38
Florida 1 8
Hawaii 1 6
Illinois 3 192
Indiana 4 102
Iowa 9 472
Kansas 1 95
Kentucky 2 65
Maine 1 1
Massachusetts 1 1
Michigan 2 16
Minnesota 3 85
Mississippi 2 29
Missouri 5 257
New Hampshire 1 8
North Carolina 1 2
North Dakota 1 85
Oklahoma 1 40
Pennsylvania 2 64
Tennessee 1 36
Texas 3 174
Virginia 1 5
Washington 1 107
Wisconsin 1 28