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Table 3. U.S. uranium mills and heap leach facilities by owner, location, capacity, and operating status
  Operating status at the end of
Owner Mill and heap leach1 facility name County, state (existing and planned locations) Capacity (short tons of ore per day) 2023 First-quarter 2024 Second-quarter 2024 Third-quarter 2024 Fourth-quarter 2024
Anfield Resources Inc. Shootaring Canyon Uranium Mill Garfield, Utah 750 standby standby standby - -
EFR White Mesa LLC White Mesa Mill San Juan, Utah 2,000 standby standby standby - -
Energy Fuels Wyoming Inc Sheep Mountain Fremont, Wyoming 725 undeveloped undeveloped undeveloped - -
Kennecott Uranium Company/Wyoming Coal Resource Company Sweetwater Uranium Project Sweetwater, Wyoming 3,000 standby standby standby - -
Total capacity     6,475          
1 Heap leach solutions: The separation, or dissolving-out from mined rock, of the soluble uranium constituents by the natural action of percolating a prepared chemical solution through mounded (heaped) rock material. The mounded material usually contains low-grade mineralized material and/or waste rock produced from open pit or underground mines. The solutions are collected after percolation is completed, and the solutions are processed to recover the valued components.
- = No data reported
Notes: Capacity for the second-quarter of 2024. An operating status of operating indicates the mill usually was producing uranium concentrate at the end of the period.
Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration: Form EIA-851A, Domestic Uranium Production Report (Annual), and Form EIA-851Q, Domestic Uranium Production Report (Quarterly)