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Total Energy

Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Table 5.21 Crude Oil Refiner Acquisition Costs, 1968-2011 (Dollars per Barrel)
Table 5.21  Crude Oil Refiner Acquisition Costs, 1968-2011
                       (Dollars per Barrel)

Domestic Imported Composite
Nominal 1 Real 2 Nominal 1 Real 2 Nominal 1 Real 2
1968E 3.21 R 14.57 2.90 R 13.16 3.17 R 14.39
1969E 3.37 R 14.58 2.80 R 12.11 3.29 R 14.23
1970E 3.46 R 14.22 2.96 R 12.16 3.40 R 13.97
1971E 3.68 R 14.40 3.17 R 12.41 3.60 R 14.09
1972E 3.67 R 13.77 3.22 R 12.08 3.58 R 13.43
1973E 4.17 R 14.82 4.08 R 14.50 4.15 R 14.75
1974 7.18 R 23.40 12.52 R 40.80 9.07 R 29.55
1975 8.39 R 24.98 13.93 R 41.47 10.38 R 30.90
1976 8.84 R 24.89 13.48 R 37.95 10.89 R 30.66
1977 9.55 R 25.28 14.53 R 38.46 11.96 R 31.65
1978 10.61 R 26.24 14.57 R 36.03 12.46 R 30.81
1979 14.27 R 32.58 21.67 R 49.48 17.72 R 40.46
1980 24.23 R 50.70 33.89 R 70.91 28.07 R 58.73
1981 34.33 R 65.68 37.05 R 70.88 35.24 R 67.42
1982 31.22 R 56.29 33.55 R 60.50 31.87 R 57.47
1983 28.87 R 50.08 29.30 R 50.82 28.99 R 50.28
1984 28.53 R 47.70 28.88 R 48.28 28.63 R 47.86
1985 26.66 R 43.26 26.99 R 43.80 26.75 R 43.41
1986 14.82 R 23.53 14.00 R 22.23 14.55 R 23.10
1987 17.76 R 27.40 18.13 R 27.97 17.90 R 27.62
1988 14.74 R 21.98 14.56 R 21.72 14.67 R 21.88
1989 17.87 R 25.68 18.08 R 25.99 17.97 R 25.83
1990 22.59 R 31.26 21.76 R 30.11 22.22 R 30.75
1991 19.33 R 25.83 18.70 R 24.99 19.06 R 25.47
1992 18.63 R 24.32 18.20 R 23.76 18.43 R 24.06
1993 16.67 R 21.29 16.14 R 20.62 16.41 R 20.96
1994 15.67 R 19.60 15.51 R 19.40 15.59 R 19.50
1995 17.33 R 21.24 17.14 R 21.00 17.23 R 21.11
1996 20.77 R 24.98 20.64 R 24.82 20.71 R 24.90
1997 19.61 R 23.17 18.53 R 21.90 19.04 R 22.50
1998 13.18 R 15.40 12.04 R 14.07 12.52 R 14.63
1999 17.90 R 20.61 17.26 R 19.88 17.51 R 20.16
2000 29.11 R 32.81 27.70 R 31.22 28.26 R 31.85
2001 24.33 R 26.82 22.00 R 24.25 22.95 R 25.30
2002 24.65 R 26.74 23.71 R 25.72 24.10 R 26.14
2003 29.82 R 31.68 27.71 R 29.44 28.53 R 30.31
2004 38.97 R 40.26 35.90 R 37.09 36.98 38.21
2005 52.94 52.94 48.86 48.86 50.24 50.24
2006 62.62 R 60.66 59.02 R 57.17 60.24 R 58.35
2007 69.65 R 65.57 67.04 R 63.11 67.94 R 63.96
2008 98.47 R 90.69 92.77 R 85.44 94.74 R 87.25
2009 59.49 R 54.22 59.17 R 53.92 59.29 R 54.03
2010 77.96 R 70.24 75.88 R 68.37 76.69 R 69.10
2011 100.74 88.87 102.70 90.60 101.93 89.92
1See "Nominal Dollars" in Glossary. Note:  Costs are for crude oil to refiners, including transportation and other fees; they do not include
crude oil purchased for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.  The cost for each category and for the composite
is derived by dividing the sum of the total purchasing (acquisition) costs of all refiners by the total volume of
all refiners' purchases.
2In chained (2005) dollars, calculated by using gross domestic product implicit price deflators in Table
D1.  See "Chained Dollars" in Glossary.
Web Pages:  ·  See http://www.eia.gov/totalenergy/data/monthly/#prices for updated monthly and annual
data.  ·  See http://www.eia.gov/petroleum/ for related information.
R=Revised.  E=Estimate.   Sources:  ·  1968-1973—U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates.  The cost of domestic
crude oil was derived by adding estimated transportation costs to the reported average domestic first
purchase value. The cost of imported crude oil was derived by adding an estimated ocean transport cost
based on the published "Average Freight Rate Assessment" to the average "Free Alongside Ship" value
published by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. The composite cost was derived by weighting domestic costs
and imported costs on the basis of quantities produced and imported.  ·  1974-January 1976—Federal
Energy Administration (FEA), Form FEA-96, "Monthly Cost Allocation Report."  ·  February
1976-1977—FEA, Form FEA-P110-M-1, "Refiners' Monthly Cost Allocation Report."  ·  1978-1984—U.S.
Energy Information Administration (EIA), Petroleum Marketing Annual, annual reports.  ·  1985
forward—EIA, Petroleum Marketing Monthly (April 2012), Table 1.
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)