for week ending August 29, 2007 | Release date: August 30, 2007 | Previous weeks
Overview: Thursday, August 30, 2007 (next release 2:00
p.m. on September 6, 2007)
Wednesday, August 22, natural gas spot prices decreased at most markets in the
Lower 48 States outside the Rocky Mountain region. Prices at the Henry Hub fell 20 cents per
MMBtu, or 3 percent, since Wednesday, August 22, to $5.64 per MMBtu. At the NYMEX, the futures contract for
September delivery at the Henry Hub expired yesterday (August 29) at $5.430 per
MMBtu, falling 15 cents or 3 percent since last Wednesday, August 22. Natural gas in storage was 2,969 Bcf as of
August 24, which is 12 percent above the 5-year average (2002-2006). The spot price for West Texas Intermediate
(WTI) crude oil gained $4.22 per barrel on the week (Wednesday-Wednesday) to
$73.52 per barrel or $12.68 per MMBtu.
Natural gas prices decreased at most market locations
since last Wednesday, August 22, as prices exhibited a general pattern of
decline, falling in each day of trading through Monday, August 27, before
rallying on Tuesday and Wednesday (August 28 - 29), which partially offset the
earlier declines. Moderating
temperatures and soft weekend demand for natural gas likely contributed to the
pattern of declining prices, while expectations of a new warm front and
injection demand for natural gas likely accounted for the subsequent midweek
recovery. On a regional basis, price
declines outside the Florida and Rocky Mountain regions averaged between 12 and
26 cents per MMBtu, or 2 and 4 percent, since last Wednesday, August 22. Prices in the Florida and Rocky Mountain
regions posted the largest declines on a regional basis, falling 91 and 83
cents per MMBtu, respectively. Furthermore, by far the largest price declines for individual markets
since last Wednesday were posted at selected locations in the Rocky Mountain
region with declines of as much as $1.62 per MMBtu. Yet this region also included markets that
reported price increases since last Wednesday. Continuing transportation constraints in the Rocky Mountain region
doubtlessly contributed to the unusual pricing patterns in the region.The only other markets in the Lower 48 States
reporting price increases since last Wednesday were in the Northeast region,
where some selected markets, including the Algonquin citygate, eked out gains
of less than a nickel per MMBtu. As of
Wednesday, August 29, spot prices were about 5 to 10 percent below last year's
level at most market locations, with the price at the Henry Hub 60 cents per
MMBtu or about 10 percent below last year's price.
At the NYMEX, prices for the futures contracts for
delivery in the next 12 months decreased, with the 12-month futures strip
(September 2007 through August 2008) falling about 18 cents per MMBtu, or about
2.5 percent, since last Wednesday, August 22. The futures contract for
September delivery expired yesterday (August 29) at $5.430 per MMBtu, declining
$1.069 per MMBtu, or 16 percent, during its time as the next-month contract.This is the lowest expiry for a NYMEX natural
gas futures contract since September 27, 2006, when the futures contract for
October delivery at the Henry Hub expired at $4.201 per MMBtu. The prices of the NYMEX futures contract for
delivery at the Henry Hub during the months of the upcoming 2007-2008 heating
season (November 2007 through March 2008) decreased 21 cents per MMBtu, or 3
percent, on average, since last Wednesday. Overall, the 12-month futures strip (September 2007 through August 2008)
traded at a premium of about $1.50 per MMBtu relative to the Henry Hub spot
price, averaging $7.14 per MMBtu as of Wednesday, August 29.
Recent Natural Gas Market Data
gas in storage totaled 2,969 Bcf as of Friday, August
24, which is 12 percent above the 5-year average inventory level for the report
week, according to EIA's Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (see Storage Figure). As of August 24, stocks were
71 Bcf above the 2,898 Bcf in storage at this time last year, and
exceeded the 5-year average by 315 Bcf. On the week, net injections into working gas
storage totaled 43 Bcf compared with the 5-year average injection of 61 Bcf and
last year's net injection of 49 Bcf for the same report week.Warmer-than-normal temperatures throughout
the Lower 48 States likely contributed to the below-normal injections (see
Temperature Maps). Cooling degree-days were 14 percent above
normal levels in the Lower 48 States, exceeding normal levels in all Census
Divisions outside the New England and Middle Atlantic regions, where cooling
degree-days were significantly below normal levels.Cooling degree-days exceeded normal levels by
more than 21 percent in the West North Central, South Atlantic, East South
Central, Mountain, and Pacific Census Divisions.
Other Market
MMS Announces Results of Lease Sale 204: The Minerals Management Service (MMS) announced that
the August 22 Western Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 204 garnered nearly $290
million in high bids. The sale, which was held in New Orleans, received a total
of 358 bids by 47 companies that submitted their offers for 282 tracts. Lease
Sale 204 offered 3,338 tracts that included about 18 million acres offshore
Texas, with total bids received for the sale amounting to $369 million. The
largest dollar amount based on high bids submitted in the lease sale was bid by
Statoil Gulf of Mexico LLC with $139 million for the 36 high bids it submitted.
BP Exploration and Production Incorporated, however, submitted the greatest
number of high bids (91), which totaled $31million. According to MMS, the high
bid for each block will go through a strict evaluation process to ensure the
public receives a fair market value before a lease is awarded.
DOE Awards Funding for Nuclear Research
Infrastructure: The U.S. Department
of Energy provided $100,000 awards to 38 universities to enhance nuclear
research and development under President Bush's Global Nuclear Energy
Partnership (GNEP). The GNEP contains a provision that specifies that $3.8
million in funding be awarded under GNEP University Readiness, which would be
used to upgrade laboratories, improve reactor facilities, purchase
state-of-the-art equipment, provide increased faculty support, and further
enhance nuclear-related curricula. GNEP is part of a President Bush's Advanced
Energy Initiative and aims to close the nuclear fuel cycle by reducing
proliferation risks, reducing waste, and further increasing energy security around
the world. The GNEP University Readiness awards will enable the chosen
universities to compete in future GNEP research and development solicitations.
Natural Gas Transportation