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Historical State Data

Final annual data for 2022
Release Date: September 28, 2023 2021 data re-released: March 8, 2023 (Correction/revision notices) Next Release Date: October 2024
Electric Power Monthly with data for June 2024
Release Date: August 27, 2024 Next re-release Date: End of September 2024
  • EIA-860 Annual Electric Generator Report (released: 9/20/2023)
  • Existing Nameplate and Net Summer Capacity by Energy Source, Producer Type and State (EIA-860)1, 3
  • Date range: 1990 – 2022
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Proposed Nameplate and Net Summer Capacity by Year, Energy Source, and State (EIA-860)1
  • Date range: 2023 – 2027
  • Available formats: XLS
  • EIA-923 Power Plant Operations Report (released: 10/26/2023)
  • Net Generation by State by Type of Producer by Energy Source (EIA-906, EIA-920, and EIA-923)1
  • Date range: 1990 – 2022
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Fossil Fuel Consumption for Electricity Generation by Year, Industry Type and State (EIA-906, EIA-920, and EIA-923)2
  • Date range: 1990 – 2020
  • Available formats: XLS
  • U.S. Electric Power Industry Estimated Emissions by State (EIA-767, EIA-906, EIA-920, and EIA-923)4 Final 2022 data released on November 1, 2023
  • Date range: 1990 – 2022
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Net Generation by State by Type of Producer by Energy Source1
  • Date range: 2001 – present
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Date range: 2001 – present
  • Fossil Fuel Consumption for Electricity Generation by Year, Industry Type and State2
  • Available formats: XLS
  • EIA-861 Annual Electric Power Industry Report (released: 10/5/2023)
  • Annual sales to ultimate customers by state and sector
  • Date range: 2010 – 2022
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Annual sales to ultimate customers by state and sector
  • Date range: 1990 – 2009
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Annual sales to ultimate customers by state and sector
  • Date range: 1960 – 1989
  • Available formats: XLS
  • EIA-861M Monthly Electric Power Industry Report (released: 8/27/2024)
  • Monthly sales to ultimate customers by state and sector
  • Date range: 2010 – present
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Monthly sales to ultimate customers by state and sector
  • Date range: 1990 – 2009
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Monthly data from Electric Power Monthly (released: 7/25/2024)
  • Net Generation by State by Type of Producer by Energy Source1
  • Date range: 2001–Present
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Fossil Fuel Consumption for Electricity Generation by Year, Industry Type and State2
  • Date range: 2001–Present
  • Available formats: XLS
  • EIA-412 Annual Electric Industry Financial Report (released: 8/10/2022)
  • Financial Data on Publicly Owned Electric Utilities with Generation Facilities by State (EIA-412)6
  • Date range: 2001 – 2003
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Financial Data on Publicly Owned Electric Utilities without Generation Facilities by State (EIA-412)6
  • Date range: 2001 – 2003
  • Available formats: XLS
  1. The "Other Renewables" category in Capacity and Generation tables has been disaggregated from the summary totals and reported as component sources, e.g., wind or geothermal.
  2. A new method of allocating fuel consumption between electric power generation and useful thermal output (UTO) was implemented for 2004 forward. This new methodology proportionally distributes a combined heat and power (CHP) plant’s losses between the two output products (electric power and UTO). This change results in lower fuel consumption for electricity generation, and therefore the appearance of an increase in efficiency of production of electric power between 2003 and 2004.
  3. Wind generating capacity of 278 MW was misclassified in 2001 into the combined heat and power sector and has now been shifted to the independent power producers sector.
  4. The SO2 and NOx values have been revised for the years 1995-2000 to make the methodology consistent with the estimates for 2001 and forward.
  5. Beginning in 2003 the Other Sector has been eliminated. Data previously assigned to the Other Sector have been reclassified as follows: Lighting for public buildings, streets, and highways, interdepartmental sales, and other sales to public authorities are now included in the Commercial Sector; agricultural and irrigation sales where separately identified are now included in the Industrial Sector; and a new sector, Transportation, now includes electrified rail and various urban transit systems (such as automated guideway, trolley, and cable) where the principal propulsive energy source is electricity. Comparisons of data across years should include consideration of these reclassification changes.
  6. There is no data due to form discontinuation. Excel files are for historical information.