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Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Table 8.5c Consumption of Combustible Fuels for Electricity Generation: Electric Power Sector by Plant Type, 1989-2011 (Breakout of Table 8.5b)
Table 8.5c  Consumption of Combustible Fuels for Electricity Generation:  Electric Power Sector by Plant Type, 1989-2011
                      (Breakout of Table 8.5b)


Coal 1

Natural Gas 6

Other Gases 7

Other 10
Distillate Fuel Oil 2 Residual Fuel Oil 3 Other Liquids 4 Petroleum Coke 5 Total 5 Wood 8 Waste 9
Short Tons

Thousand Barrels
Short Tons
Cubic Feet

Trillion Btu
  Electricity-Only Plants 11
1989 767,378 25,574 241,960 3 517 270,125 2,790,567 59 111
1990 774,213 14,956 181,231 17 1,008 201,246 2,794,110 (s) 87 162
1991 773,183 13,822 171,157 51 974 189,898 2,822,159 (s) 85 195
1992 781,186 11,998 135,779 48 1,320 154,428 2,828,996 (s) 94 232
1993 816,558 13,460 149,287 11 1,553 170,521 2,755,093 (s) 101 237
1994 821,209 16,693 134,666 52 1,193 157,375 3,064,561 (s) 112 248
1995 832,928 16,169 86,584 133 1,082 108,297 3,287,571 (s) 84 262
1996 878,825 17,361 96,386 50 1,010 118,848 2,823,724 (s) 94 258
1997 904,245 17,702 109,989 30 1,687 136,156 3,039,227 1 91 266
1998 920,353 22,293 163,541 295 2,202 197,137 3,543,931 1 95 263
1999 924,692 22,877 149,193 380 1,891 181,905 3,729,175 1 105 264
2000 967,080 28,001 135,419 94 1,457 170,799 4,092,729 2 105 267
2001 946,068 27,695 157,090 26 1,827 193,945 4,163,930 (s) 96 179 98
2002 960,077 21,521 102,622 444 3,925 144,212 4,258,467 6 118 193 117
2003 983,538 25,951 136,050 936 4,794 186,904 3,780,314 6 127 185 120
2004 994,774 17,944 137,736 1,441 6,096 187,601 4,141,535 5 134 190 122
2005 1,015,640 18,689 137,082 1,676 6,876 191,827 4,592,271 (s) 143 189 108
2006 1,004,769 12,375 55,192 991 5,988 98,497 5,091,049 (s) 141 198 107
2007 1,022,840 14,626 60,929 1,709 4,711 100,818 5,611,600 2 142 203 107
2008 1,017,806 11,950 36,059 2,478 4,254 71,760 5,520,491 2 136 223 112
2009 913,566 11,509 26,569 1,911 3,642 58,197 5,750,589 2 133 222 105
2010 R 954,514 R 13,337 R 22,470 R 1,777 R 4,464 R 59,902 R 6,239,466 R 1 R 153 R 228 R 105
2011P 909,645 10,374 12,817 1,546 4,059 45,032 6,439,729 1 137 235 107
  Combined-Heat-and-Power Plants 12
1989 4,173 462 747 6 1,215 232,946 7 16 16 2
1990 7,088 1,438 2,054 7 3,499 353,179 6 18 18 (s)
1991 9,470 433 473 7 912 393,898 6 20 22 4
1992 12,204 471 1,902 69 170 3,291 495,967 12 25 20 3
1993 13,293 1,098 2,120 202 1,018 8,513 589,147 12 28 18 3
1994 14,904 3,548 2,531 615 1,063 12,011 693,923 12 22 22 2
1995 14,926 1,898 2,311 307 1,370 11,366 806,202 18 22 20 2
1996 15,575 1,111 2,410 517 1,456 11,320 836,086 15 24 22 2
1997 14,764 944 2,434 100 1,514 11,046 863,968 14 26 26 1
1998 13,773 872 2,334 117 1,797 12,310 871,881 21 30 24 2
1999 13,197 998 2,728 134 1,716 12,440 914,600 14 20 26 1
2000 15,634 1,721 2,627 310 1,698 13,147 921,341 17 21 28 1
2001 15,455 1,360 2,059 347 1,482 11,175 978,563 9 20 26 11
2002 15,174 289 1,955 800 1,780 11,942 1,149,812 20 23 30 20
2003 19,498 1,491 1,311 1,002 926 8,431 1,128,935 23 29 31 16
2004 17,685 850 1,095 1,070 1,039 8,209 933,804 22 16 16 9
2005 17,927 760 1,254 915 1,001 7,933 892,509 24 22 17 9
2006 18,033 203 1,155 792 918 6,738 800,173 27 22 18 10
2007 18,506 509 1,144 787 812 6,498 890,012 25 23 18 9
2008 19,085 368 1,162 130 746 5,389 821,839 22 23 18 10
2009 16,126 340 1,199 199 843 5,953 816,402 19 27 22 11
2010 R 16,731 R 340 1,090 R 71 R 215 R 2,575 R 845,950 R 19 R 24 R 21 R 10
2011P 14,878 139 1,097 18 223 2,366 838,833 19 23 21 10
1Anthracite, bituminous coal, subbituminous coal, lignite, waste coal, and coal synfuel. 9Municipal solid waste from biogenic sources, landfill gas, sludge waste, agricultural byproducts, and other
biomass.  Through 2000, also includes non-renewable waste (municipal solid waste from non-biogenic sources,
and tire-derived fuels).
2Fuel oil nos. 1, 2, and 4.  Through 2000, electric utility data also include small amounts of kerosene and jet
10Batteries, chemicals, hydrogen, pitch, purchased steam, sulfur, miscellaneous technologies, and, beginning
in 2001, non-renewable waste (municipal solid waste from non-biogenic sources, and tire-derived fuels).
3Fuel oil nos. 5 and 6.  Through 2000, electric utility data also include a small amount of fuel oil no. 4. 11Electricity-only plants within the NAICS 22 category whose primary business is to sell electricity to the
public.  Data also include a small number of electric utility combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plants.
4Jet fuel, kerosene, other petroleum liquids, and waste oil. 12Combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plants within the NAICS 22 category whose primary business is to sell
electricity and heat to the public.  Data do not include electric utility CHP plants—these are included under
"Electricity-Only Plants."
5Petroleum coke is converted from short tons to barrels by multiplying by 5. R=Revised.  P=Preliminary.  – =No data reported.  (s)=Less than 0.5.  
6Natural gas, plus a small amount of supplemental gaseous fuels. Notes:  ·  Data are for fuels consumed to produce electricity.  Data also include fuels consumed to produce
useful thermal output at a small number of electric utility combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plants.
·  See Table 8.5d for commercial and industrial CHP and electricity-only data.  ·  See Note 1, "Coverage of
Electricity Statistics," and Note 2, "Classification of Power Plants Into Energy-Use Sectors," at end of section.  · 
Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
7Blast furnace gas, propane gas, and other manufactured and waste gases derived from fossil fuels. Web Page:  For related information, see http://www.eia.gov/electricity/.
8Wood and wood-derived fuels. Sources:  ·  1989-1997—U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Form EIA-759, "Monthly Power Plant
Report," and Form EIA-867, "Annual Nonutility Power Producer Report."  ·  1998-2000—EIA, Form EIA-759,
"Monthly Power Plant Report," and Form EIA-860B, "Annual Electric Generator Report—Nonutility."  · 
2001-2003—EIA, Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report."  ·  2004-2007—EIA, Form EIA-906, "Power Plant
Report," and Form EIA-920, "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report."
·  2008 forward—EIA, Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report."
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)