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Total Energy

Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Table 8.4a Consumption for Electricity Generation by Energy Source: Total (All Sectors), 1949-2011 (Sum of Tables 8.4b and 8.4c; Trillion Btu)
Table 8.4a  Consumption for Electricity Generation by Energy Source:  Total (All Sectors), 1949-2011
                        (Sum of Tables 8.4b and 8.4c; Trillion Btu)

Fossil Fuels

Power 5
Renewable Energy

Other 9

Imports 10


Coal 1

Petroleum 2

Gas 3

Gases 4

Power 5
thermal 5

Solar/PV 5,8

Wind 5

Wood 6 Waste 7
1949 1,995 415 569 NA 2,979 0 1,425 6 NA NA NA NA 1,431 NA 5 4,415
1950 2,199 472 651 NA 3,322 0 1,415 5 NA NA NA NA 1,421 NA 6 4,749
1951 2,507 400 791 NA 3,697 0 1,424 5 NA NA NA NA 1,429 NA 7 5,134
1952 2,557 420 942 NA 3,920 0 1,466 6 NA NA NA NA 1,472 NA 8 5,400
1953 2,777 514 1,070 NA 4,362 0 1,413 5 NA NA NA NA 1,418 NA 7 5,787
1954 2,841 417 1,206 NA 4,464 0 1,360 3 NA NA NA NA 1,363 NA 8 5,835
1955 3,458 471 1,194 NA 5,123 0 1,360 3 NA NA NA NA 1,363 NA 14 6,500
1956 3,790 455 1,283 NA 5,527 0 1,435 2 NA NA NA NA 1,436 NA 16 6,979
1957 3,855 498 1,383 NA 5,737 (s) 1,516 2 NA NA NA NA 1,518 NA 12 7,267
1958 3,721 486 1,421 NA 5,628 2 1,592 2 NA NA NA NA 1,594 NA 11 7,235
1959 4,029 552 1,686 NA 6,267 2 1,548 2 NA NA NA NA 1,550 NA 12 7,831
1960 4,228 553 1,785 NA 6,565 6 1,608 2 NA (s) NA NA 1,610 NA 15 8,197
1961 4,355 557 1,889 NA 6,801 20 1,656 1 NA 1 NA NA 1,659 NA 8 8,487
1962 4,622 560 2,035 NA 7,217 26 1,816 1 NA 1 NA NA 1,819 NA 2 9,064
1963 5,050 585 2,211 NA 7,846 38 1,771 1 NA 2 NA NA 1,774 NA (s) 9,659
1964 5,380 634 2,397 NA 8,411 40 1,886 2 NA 2 NA NA 1,890 NA 7 10,347
1965 5,821 722 2,395 NA 8,938 43 2,059 3 NA 2 NA NA 2,064 NA (s) 11,045
1966 6,302 883 2,696 NA 9,881 64 2,062 3 NA 2 NA NA 2,067 NA 4 12,016
1967 6,445 1,011 2,834 NA 10,290 88 2,347 3 NA 3 NA NA 2,353 NA -1 12,730
1968 6,994 1,181 3,245 NA 11,421 142 2,349 4 NA 5 NA NA 2,357 NA -2 13,917
1969 7,219 1,571 3,596 NA 12,386 154 2,648 3 NA 6 NA NA 2,658 NA 4 15,201
1970 7,227 2,117 4,054 NA 13,399 239 2,634 1 2 6 NA NA 2,643 NA 7 16,287
1971 7,299 2,495 4,099 NA 13,893 413 2,824 1 2 6 NA NA 2,833 NA 12 17,152
1972 7,811 3,097 4,084 NA 14,992 584 2,864 1 2 15 NA NA 2,882 NA 26 18,484
1973 8,658 3,515 3,748 NA 15,921 910 2,861 1 2 20 NA NA 2,885 NA 49 19,765
1974 8,534 3,365 3,519 NA 15,418 1,272 3,177 1 2 26 NA NA 3,205 NA 43 19,938
1975 8,786 3,166 3,240 NA 15,191 1,900 3,155 (s) 2 34 NA NA 3,190 NA 21 20,303
1976 9,720 3,477 3,152 NA 16,349 2,111 2,976 1 2 38 NA NA 3,017 NA 29 21,506
1977 10,262 3,901 3,284 NA 17,446 2,702 2,333 3 2 37 NA NA 2,376 NA 59 22,583
1978 10,238 3,987 3,297 NA 17,522 3,024 2,937 2 1 31 NA NA 2,971 NA 67 23,585
1979 11,260 3,283 3,613 NA 18,156 2,776 2,931 3 2 40 NA NA 2,976 NA 69 23,977
1980 12,123 2,634 3,810 NA 18,567 2,739 2,900 3 2 53 NA NA 2,957 NA 71 24,335
1981 12,583 2,202 3,768 NA 18,553 3,008 2,758 3 1 59 NA NA 2,821 NA 113 24,495
1982 12,582 1,568 3,342 NA 17,491 3,131 3,266 2 1 51 NA NA 3,320 NA 100 24,042
1983 13,213 1,544 2,998 NA 17,754 3,203 3,527 2 2 64 NA (s) 3,595 NA 121 24,673
1984 14,019 1,286 3,220 NA 18,526 3,553 3,386 5 4 81 (s) (s) 3,476 NA 135 25,690
1985 14,542 1,090 3,160 NA 18,792 4,076 2,970 8 7 97 (s) (s) 3,082 NA 140 26,090
1986 14,444 1,452 2,691 NA 18,586 4,380 3,071 5 7 108 (s) (s) 3,191 NA 122 26,280
1987 15,173 1,257 2,935 NA 19,365 4,754 2,635 8 7 112 (s) (s) 2,762 NA 158 27,040
1988 15,850 1,563 2,709 NA 20,123 5,587 2,334 10 8 106 (s) (s) 2,458 NA 108 28,276
1989 11 16,359 11 1,756 11 3,582 90 11 21,788 11 5,602 12 2,837 11 345 11 151 11 152 11 3 11 22 11 3,510 39 37 30,976
1990 16,477 1,366 3,791 112 21,746 6,104 3,046 442 211 161 4 29 3,893 36 8 31,788
1991 16,460 1,276 3,861 125 21,723 6,422 3,016 425 247 167 5 31 3,889 59 67 32,160
1992 16,686 1,076 3,999 141 21,903 6,479 2,617 481 283 167 4 30 3,582 40 87 32,091
1993 17,424 1,203 4,027 136 22,790 6,410 2,892 485 288 173 5 31 3,874 34 95 33,203
1994 17,485 1,135 4,476 136 23,233 6,694 2,683 498 301 160 5 36 3,683 40 153 33,803
1995 17,687 813 4,840 133 23,473 7,075 3,205 480 316 138 5 33 4,177 42 134 34,901
1996 18,650 888 4,400 159 24,097 7,087 3,590 513 324 148 5 33 4,613 37 137 35,971
1997 19,128 985 4,658 119 24,890 6,597 3,640 484 339 150 5 34 4,653 36 116 36,293
1998 19,417 1,378 5,205 125 26,124 7,068 3,297 475 332 151 5 31 4,290 36 88 37,607
1999 19,467 1,285 5,441 126 26,320 7,610 3,268 490 332 152 5 46 4,292 41 99 38,362
2000 20,411 1,212 5,818 126 27,567 7,862 2,811 496 330 144 5 57 3,843 46 115 39,433
2001 19,789 1,347 6,001 97 27,235 8,029 2,242 486 228 142 6 70 3,173 160 75 38,672
2002 19,997 1,014 6,250 131 27,392 8,145 2,689 605 257 147 6 105 3,809 191 72 39,610
2003 20,367 1,266 5,736 156 27,525 7,959 2,825 519 249 148 5 115 3,860 193 22 39,559
2004 20,376 1,248 5,827 135 27,586 8,222 2,690 344 230 148 6 142 3,560 183 39 39,591
2005 20,802 1,269 6,212 110 28,393 8,161 2,703 355 230 147 6 178 3,619 173 85 40,430
2006 20,527 668 6,644 115 27,954 8,215 2,869 350 241 145 5 264 3,873 162 63 40,268
2007 20,842 683 7,288 115 28,927 8,455 2,446 353 245 145 6 341 3,536 168 107 41,193
2008 20,549 485 7,087 97 28,218 8,427 2,511 339 267 146 9 546 3,817 172 112 40,747
2009 18,241 403 7,302 84 26,029 8,356 2,669 320 272 146 9 721 4,137 170 116 38,808
2010 R 19,196 R 386 R 7,853 R 90 R 27,525 R 8,434 R 2,539 R 350 R 281 R 148 R 12 R 923 R 4,253 R 184 R 89 R 40,485
2011P 18,044 291 8,051 91 26,477 8,259 3,171 333 287 163 18 1,168 5,140 162 127 40,166
1Anthracite, bituminous coal, subbituminous coal, lignite, waste coal, and coal synfuel. 9Batteries, chemicals, hydrogen, pitch, purchased steam, sulfur, miscellaneous technologies, and,
beginning in 2001, non-renewable waste (municipal solid waste from non-biogenic sources, and tire-derived
2Distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, petroleum coke, jet fuel, kerosene, other petroleum, and waste oil. 10Net imports equal imports minus exports.  See Note 3, "Electricity Imports and Exports," at end of
3Natural gas, plus a small amount of supplemental gaseous fuels. 11Through 1988, data are for electric utilities only.  Beginning in 1989, data are for electric utilities,
independent power producers, commercial plants, and industrial plants.
4Blast furnace gas, propane gas, and other manufactured and waste gases derived from fossil fuels. 12Through 1988, data are for electric utilities and industrial plants.  Beginning in 1989, data are for
electric utilities, independent power producers, commercial plants, and industrial plants.
5Values are converted from kilowattthours to Btu using the approximate heat rates in Table A6. R=Revised.  P=Preliminary.  NA=Not available.  (s)=Less than 0.5 trillion Btu.  
6Wood and wood-derived fuels. Notes:  ·  Data are for energy consumed to produce electricity.  Data also include energy consumed to
produce useful thermal output at a small number of electric utility combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plants.
·  This table no longer shows energy consumption by hydroelectric pumped storage plants.  The change
was made because most of the electricity used to pump water into elevated storage reservoirs is generated
by plants other than pumped-storage plants; thus, the associated energy is already accounted for in other
data columns in this table.  ·  See Note 1, "Coverage of Electricity Statistics," at end of section.  ·  Totals
may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
7Municipal solid waste from biogenic sources, landfill gas, sludge waste, agricultural byproducts, and
other biomass.  Through 2000, also includes non-renewable waste (municipal solid waste from
non-biogenic sources, and tire-derived fuels).
Web Page:  For related information, see http://www.eia.gov/electricity/.
8Solar thermal and photovoltaic (PV) energy. Sources:  ·  1949-1988—Table 8.4b for electric power sector, and Tables 8.1 and A6 for industrial
sector.  ·  1989 forward—Tables 8.4b and 8.4c.
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)