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Total Energy

Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Table 2.9 Commercial Buildings Consumption by Energy Source, Selected Years, 1979-2003 (Trillion Btu)
Table 2.9  Commercial Buildings Consumption by Energy Source, Selected Years, 1979-2003
                      (Trillion Btu)

Energy Source
and Year
Square Footage Category Principal Building Activity Census Region 1

1,001 to
10,001 to


and Service





Major Sources 2                                
    1979 1,255 2,202 1,508 511 [3] 336 469 278 894 861 1,616 1,217 1,826 1,395 526 4,965
    1983 1,242 1,935 1,646 480 [3] 414 463 362 812 1,018 1,274 858 1,821 1,462 682 4,823
    1986 1,273 2,008 1,696 633 147 247 456 299 985 1,008 1,202 1,037 1,585 1,459 896 4,977
    1989 1,259 2,402 2,127 704 139 255 449 425 1,048 1,230 1,538 1,354 1,659 1,648 1,126 5,788
    1992 1,258 2,301 1,932 637 137 307 403 463 892 1,247 1,404 1,090 1,578 1,825 998 5,490
    1995 4 1,332 2,152 1,838 614 137 332 561 461 973 1,019 1,225 1,035 1,497 1,684 1,106 5,321
    1999 1,381 2,300 2,053 649 201 447 515 450 1,145 1,089 1,237 1,116 1,509 1,961 1,147 5,733
    2003 1,248 2,553 2,721 820 251 427 594 510 1,333 1,134 1,455 1,396 1,799 2,265 1,063 6,523

Electricity 5
    1979 429 872 608 163 [3] 171 129 119 361 424 543 425 593 662 227 1,908
    1983 469 903 758 152 [3] 212 147 151 426 509 532 324 673 801 331 2,129
    1986 654 927 809 179 99 121 132 120 536 641 563 430 584 867 510 2,390
    1989 572 1,145 1,056 217 105 113 154 138 550 781 715 586 609 975 604 2,773
    1992 586 991 1,033 235 113 138 138 189 444 704 649 419 622 1,002 566 2,609
    1995 4 618 1,064 926 221 119 166 211 187 508 676 521 436 558 1,027 587 2,608
    1999 698 1,235 1,164 257 165 216 232 196 659 767 606 543 662 1,247 645 3,098
    2003 685 1,405 1,469 371 208 217 248 235 883 719 679 587 799 1,542 631 3,559

Natural Gas
    1979 646 996 532 214 [3] 145 221 115 422 272 784 443 1,007 470 255 2,174
    1983 684 809 597 246 [3] 188 218 170 327 365 576 278 978 523 311 2,091
    1986 485 715 523 254 45 114 205 105 332 258 409 244 742 426 311 1,723
    1989 568 836 670 323 27 128 186 187 417 238 566 353 831 498 391 2,073
    1992 572 1,017 586 291 24 157 189 193 381 388 552 354 747 697 376 2,174
    1995 4 535 830 580 245 18 158 258 213 395 239 420 297 750 528 371 1,946
    1999 604 803 616 227 31 216 217 181 446 219 486 299 709 618 396 2,023
    2003 482 909 709 268 39 203 243 215 403 269 460 462 751 527 360 2,100

Fuel Oil 6
    1979 177 272 231 107 [3] 15 97 20 103 107 232 285 133 237 26 681
    1983 85 140 90 61 [3] Q 28 18 43 75 79 172 28 104 Q 314
    1986 114 206 121 103 Q Q Q 20 105 39 130 270 63 86 23 442
    1989 101 170 86 71 Q Q 17 10 76 43 122 237 61 50 Q 357
    1992 86 111 75 62 Q Q 21 16 55 47 67 194 26 48 Q 272
    1995 4 71 104 60 57 Q Q 21 Q 49 28 70 168 16 45 7 235
    1999 29 73 60 48 Q Q 19 Q 18 29 65 138 5 29 8 179
    2003 71 74 83 47 Q Q 11 35 41 18 68 181 24 15 9 228

District Heat 7
    1979 Q 61 136 27 [3] Q 22 24 Q 58 57 64 93 Q Q 201
    1983 Q 83 202 21 [3] Q 70 22 Q 68 87 84 141 34 30 289
    1986 Q 159 243 97 Q Q 80 Q 12 71 99 94 196 81 51 422
    1989 19 252 315 Q Q Q 92 Q Q 167 134 179 159 126 121 585
    1992 Q 182 238 49 NC Q 55 65 Q 109 135 123 183 78 51 435
    1995 4 Q 154 271 91 Q Q 70 57 Q 75 214 135 173 83 Q 533
    1999 Q 158 213 117 Q Q 46 68 Q 74 126 136 132 67 98 433
    2003 Q 165 460 134 NC Q Q Q Q 128 247 166 225 182 Q 636
1See Appendix C for map of Census regions. 7Through 1983, includes purchased steam only.  Beginning in 1986, includes purchased and
non-purchased steam and hot water.
2Includes electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, and district heat. Q=Data withheld because either the relative standard error was greater than 50 percent or fewer than 20
buildings were sampled.  NC=No cases in the sample.
3Included in "Food Service." Note:  Data are estimates.  Statistics for individual fuels are for all buildings using each fuel.  Statistics for
"Major Sources" are for the sum of "Electricity," "Natural Gas," "Fuel Oil," and "District Heat," across all
buildings using any of those fuels.
4Beginning in 1995, excludes commercial buildings at multi-building manufacturing facilities, and
parking garages.
Web Page:  For related information, see http://www.eia.gov/consumption/commercial/.
5Electricity only; excludes electricity system energy losses. Sources:  ·  1979—U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Form EIA-143, "Nonresidential
Buildings Energy Consumption Survey."  ·  1983—EIA, Form EIA-788, "Nonresidential Buildings Energy
Consumption Survey."  ·  1986—EIA, Form EIA-871, "Nonresidential Buildings Energy Consumption
Survey."  ·  1989 forward—EIA, Form EIA-871A-F, "Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey."
6Distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, and kerosene.  
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)