Notice: EIA will discontinue support for its legacy API (APIv1) in November, 2022. Excel add-in v1 sheets will continue to function as they are. Please refer to our documentation for the APIv2 interaction methods and our APIv2 query browser to view the data.
EIA Chart Widget
HTML for the embedded visualization
Copy and paste the following HTML into your web page:
<iframe id="eia_widget" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;" src="//" load="iframe_load"></iframe>
Note modify the width and height style to size the visualization on your web page.
Visualization preview
Modify visualization settings:
Licenses and Source Code
The visualization makes use of an EIA visualization JavaScript library, several free open source JavaScript libraries, a commercial open source JavaScript library, and EIA's data service. When embedding a visualization via the above code (an IFRAME to an hosted web page), your use of these libraries is covered by EIA's licenses.
The EIA visualization libary's source code is available on Users are invited to fork the code and submit improvements and new features.