for week ending January 9, 2008 | Release date: January 10, 2008 | Previous weeks
Overview (Wednesday,
January 2, 2007 to Thursday, January 9, 2008)
Released: January 10, 2008
Next release: January 17, 2008
the eastern half of the Lower 48 States, temperatures warmed significantly this
report week, resulting in a respite from elevated prices at many trading
locations. In the West, however, bitter cold persisted and prices continued to
move upward as space-heating demand remained strong. During the report week, the
Henry Hub spot price increased $0.05 per million Btu (MMBtu) to $7.88.
the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), prices for futures contracts after an
initial decline increased through the past 4 trading days as the timing of
another cold front became more certain. The futures contract for February delivery
rose about 25 cents per MMBtu on the week to $8.099.
level of working gas in underground storage continues to be well above the 5-year
average for this time of year. As of Friday, January 4, working gas in storage was
2,750 Bcf, which is 4.6 percent above the 5-year (2003-2007) average. The
implied net withdrawal for the week was 171 Bcf, the largest so far this
heating season.
spot price for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil decreased $4.00 per
barrel on the week, trading yesterday at $95.64 per barrel or $16.49 per MMBtu.
Spot prices at trading locations east
of the Mississippi River generally declined this week, while prices increased at
locations in the West. Weather conditions
largely dictated the differences in price movements, with the coldest
temperatures of the heating season in the East at the beginning of the report
week transitioning to unseasonably warm temperatures. Production-area prices in
Louisiana decreased an average of 18 cents per MMBtu to $7.84, although the
Henry Hub price increased 5 cents to $7.88. In the Northeast, where spot prices had surged
the previous week, price declines were significant. The average price in the
region on Wednesday (January 9) was $8.52, less than half the average price of the
prior Wednesday ($17.48). The average spot price of natural gas off Iroquois
Gas Transmission Zone 2 (with deliveries in New England) this week posted the
largest decrease in the region, falling $30.65 per MMBtu to $8.76. The pattern
of steep declines this week following the run-up of the prior week reflects the
industry operating conditions. With increased heating load in major population
centers, various natural gas transportation providers such as Iroquois Gas
Transmission System and Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation reported tight
operating conditions. The reduction in transportation flexibility primarily
affects shippers who have purchased less expensive, non-firm capacity that
often is interrupted during peak demand periods. Prices surge in downstream
markets as local suppliers need to meet their delivery obligations or
large-volume consumers try to meet their own requirements. Prices then fall as precipitously as they
increased with the passing of extreme temperatures and the easing of pipeline
In Midwest consuming locations, the
average price increased 8 cents per MMBtu to $8.07, as traders returned from a
balmy weekend to colder temperatures in the region. At Chicago,
the price for next-day delivery decreased during a brief warm-up late last
week, then increased in three successive trading sessions, finishing the report
week unchanged at $7.96 per MMBtu. Price increases in producing areas connected
by pipeline to Midwest consuming markets also likely provided some upward price
pressure on supplies. For example, in East Texas, the average price increase for
the report week was 12 cents per MMBtu.
Counter to the price movements in the
East, prices for upstream Rockies supplies and downstream consuming markets in
the West increased this report week.
The West continued to experience lower-than-normal temperatures during the
report week, which sustained price increases from the prior week--although at
levels below those seen in the East. For the week, the average Rockies price
increased 31 cents to $7.27 per MMBtu. The price for supplies at Opal, Wyoming,
increased 50 cents per MMBtu, or 7.5 percent, to $7.13. The current price at
this market location substantially surpasses prices of roughly $2 per MMBtu that
prevailed in early October. The staged opening of the new Rockies Express Pipeline
(REX) over the past couple of weeks, as well as sustained cold temperatures, have
resulted in the higher prices in the region. Transportation capacity on REX is
expected to be available all the way to Brown County, Kansas, on January 12
(and points into Missouri in February). The new pipeline is expected to improve
the integration of the Rockies supply region with markets in other parts of the
country, and this in turn is expected to lessen the difference between the Gulf
and Rockies prices. At the Arizona/Nevada trading points, prices increased 4
cents per MMBtu to $7.67, while in California the average price increased 12
cents per MMBtu to $7.67.
Futures prices increased at the NYMEX, with
forecasters now expecting the return of seasonal temperatures in the coming
days. The price
of the near-month contract (for February delivery) rose $0.25 per MMBtu this week
to $8.099. Combined with a large price increase the prior report week, the price
increase this week means the value of the February contract has increased by more
than 93 cents, or more than 13 percent, since December 26, 2007. The increases
this week may have come in anticipation of the largest pull from underground
storage so far this heating season (for the week ending January 4 but reported
on Thursday, January 10). During the report week, crude oil prices continued to
trade at exceptionally high levels relative to historical norms, likely
providing upward pressure on all energy commodities. However, price increases
from the pending cold weather likely were contained by a perception of adequate
storage supplies for this winter season, now about 4.6 percent higher than the 5-year
average for this time of year. The current February contract price of $8.099
per MMBtu is significantly higher ($1.182) than the February 2007 expiration
price of $6.917 per MMBtu, but also a great deal lower ($0.30) than the
expiration price of $8.40 for the February 2006 contract.
for futures prices beyond the near-month contract all generally increased
during the week. At the end of trading yesterday, the 12-month strip, which is the average price for futures contracts over
the next 12 months, was priced at $8.369 per MMBtu, an increase of about 11.2
cents since last Wednesday. Currently,
the average price for contract months remaining in this winter heating season
(February and March) is $8.094, which is 92 cents higher than the expiration
price of $7.172 for the January 2008 contract.
Natural Gas Market Data
Working gas in storage was 2,750 Bcf as
of Friday, January 4, 2008, according to EIA’s Weekly Natural Gas Storage
Report (see
Storage Figure). The
implied net withdrawal was 171 Bcf, which leaves storage levels at 4.6 percent above
the 5-year average. This report week’s implied net withdrawal is substantially
more than the withdrawal for the same report week last year, when 49 Bcf was
withdrawn. At a current aggregate level of 2,750 Bcf, underground storage stocks
are 282 Bcf less than last year at this time and 122 Bcf above the 5-year
average of 2,628 Bcf.
This week’s withdrawal reflects the
impact of the return of cold temperatures to major consuming regions in the
Lower 48 States. Temperatures across
the country were 37 percent colder than last year at this time and about normal,
as measured by National Weather Service heating degree-days (HDDs) for the week
ended January 3 (see Temperature Maps and Data). HDDs in five Census Divisions were colder than normal,
with the highest deviations recorded in the western part of the country. The
East North Central Division, which includes Chicago and other Midwestern
cities, recorded 60 percent more HDDs than last year at the same time, the
largest deviation of any Census Division (see Temperature Maps).
Other Market Trends:
EIA Releases January 2008 Short-Term Energy Outlook: In its latest Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), released January 8, EIA projects that the Henry Hub spot
price is expected to average about $7.78 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) in 2008
and 7.92 per Mcf in 2009. Total natural gas consumption is estimated to have
increased by 6.0 percent in 2007 because of increases in the residential,
commercial, and electric power sectors that occurred in the first half of
2007. However, in 2008 and 2009, the
upward trend in total consumption is expected to reverse with decreases of 0.6
percent and 1 percent, respectively, on the assumption that near-normal weather
conditions occur during the 2 years.
U.S. marketed natural gas production is projected to increase by 1.6
percent in 2008 and by 0.6 percent in 2009.
The expected increase in 2008 is due mainly to the planned startup of
new deepwater Gulf of Mexico supply infrastructure, resulting in an expected
increase in Gulf production of 7.9 percent in 2008. In addition, lower 48 onshore production is
expected to grow by 0.5 percent in 2008.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports were estimated at 781 Bcf in 2007,
which is 34 percent higher than in 2006. LNG import volumes are expected to
increase to 937 Bcf and 1,179 Bcf in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Working
natural gas in storage was 2,921 Bcf as of December 28, 2007, which was 222 Bcf
above the 5-year average.
GAO Releases New Report on Tanker Safety: The General Accountability Office’s (GAO) January 9
report, Federal Efforts Needed to Address
Challenges in Preventing and Responding to Terrorist Attacks on Energy
Commodity Tankers, found that major challenges continue to exist in
liquefied natural gas (LNG), crude oil, and refined petroleum products tanker
safety. These challenges include domestic resource constraints, substantial
disparities in implementation between the domestic and international efforts,
lack of integrated plans for addressing fuel spills and terrorist attacks on
tankers, and the redistribution of Coast Guard resources to U.S. ports where
most LNG shipments arrive. The report also addresses the types of threats that
tankers face and the potential consequences of a successful attack. GAO’s
review spanned several foreign and domestic ports, and multiple steps to
analyze data and gather opinions from agencies and stakeholders. Based on its
findings, the GAO recommends that agencies heighten security and protection of
LNG shipments and help ensure that ports develop plans for dealing with
economic consequences of an attack. These agencies include the U.S. Coast
Guard, Customs and Border Protection, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S.
Navy, Bureau of Consular Affairs, and various State and local law enforcement
agencies. Other GAO recommendations include calls to integrate terrorism and
spill response plans at the national and local level and to develop performance
measures for emergency response.
Natural Gas Transportation
Rockies Express
Pipeline (REX) released an update on January 3 that final preparations for
providing interim service to the ANR delivery point on REX-West in Kansas are
underway. Furthermore, placement of compressor stations into service is nearly
complete, and REX Pipeline expects that it will be providing interim service to
the ANR delivery point and points upstream on or about January 12, 2008. All
other receipt and delivery points on the REX system upstream of the ANR
delivery point are expected to be placed into service at the same time as the
main pipeline system.
As part of the
Jackson Prairie deliverability expansion project in Utah, Northwest Pipeline Company
announced that it is no longer accepting injection requests for interruptible
storage or park capacity at the Jackson Prairie storage facility as of January
3. Shippers who currently have interruptible or park service in the storage
facility can continue to store their gas, However, they might be asked to
withdraw some natural gas volumes if it becomes necessary to reduce pressure in
the facility.
Gas Pipe Line Company (Transco) announced that it placed an expansion of its
system into service, increasing firm capacity into the New York City area by
100,000 decatherms (Dth) per day. The Leidy-to-Long Island project required
expansion of certain Transco facilities in New Jersey, New York, and
Pennsylvania. This included adding approximately 12 miles of new
42-inch-diameter pipeline, replacing approximately 2.5 miles of existing
42-inch-diameter pipeline, adding a new compressor facility in Old Bridge, New
Jersey, and minor modifications to several other Transco facilities.
ANR Pipeline
Company began unplanned engine repairs at its Joliet, Illinois, compressor
station in the Northern Fuel Segment of Main Line 7. The repairs will reduce
the total NGPL-Joliet interconnect capacity to 90,000 Dth per day between
January 9 and 18. Based on current nominations, the pipeline anticipates that
the reductions will result in curtailment of interruptible and firm secondary
California Gas Company reported losing 300 MMcf per day of injection capacity
at the Aliso Canyon in Los Angeles County storage facility as a result of
maintenance. The work which began on January 8 is expected to continue until
March 14.