for week ending July 11, 2007 | Release date: July 12, 2007 | Previous weeks
Overview: Thursday, July 12, 2007 (next release 2:00
p.m. on July 19, 2007)
gas spot prices increased during this holiday-shortened report week (Thursday-Wednesday,
July 5-11) as weather-related demand emerged in response to the hottest
temperatures to date this year in the Northeast and Midwest. On the week, the
Henry Hub spot price increased 36 cents per MMBtu, or
5.7 percent, to $6.65. At the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the story
was slightly different with the contract price for August delivery decreasing
to $6.600 per MMBtu, which was 1.8 cents lower than last Thursday's (July 5)
closing price. EIA's Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report today reported
natural gas storage supplies of 2,627 Bcf as of
Friday, July 7. This level of working gas in underground storage is 16.6
percent above the 5-year average inventory for this time of year. The spot
price for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil increased $0.77 per barrel on
the week to $72.58 per barrel. On a Btu basis, the crude oil price is now
nearly double the price of natural gas at $12.51 per MMBtu.
The relative difference in pricing can have a large effect on demand (mostly in
the industrial sector and power plants).
the Henry Hub price of $6.15 per MMBtu on Friday (July 6) was at its lowest
level since January, price increases in the 3 consecutive trading days since
the weekend resulted in a net increase for the report week. The price at the
Henry Hub yesterday (July 11) was $6.65 per MMBtu, or 36 cents more than last
Thursday's price. The increase reversed the past month's downward trend in
prices, as moderate temperatures dominated the weather picture for much of the
country and underground storage inventories rose to comfortable levels for this
time of year. At least briefly this week, mild temperatures gave way to
above-normal temperatures in the Midwest and Northeast, boosting demand for
natural gas as a fuel for power generation to meet air-conditioning needs.
Prices at production-area trading locations along the Gulf Coast generally
increased between $0.27 and $0.96 per MMBtu to a regional
average of $6.64 in Louisiana and $6.44 in East Texas. Highly-variable
pricing continues to characterize Rockies production-region trading locations,
where relatively abundant supplies lack access to markets, resulting in large
price differentials with other markets in the Lower 48 States. The average
price in the region yesterday was $4.74 per MMBtu, or almost $2 less than the
Henry Hub price. For the report week, prices at Rockies markets also
represented the only declines in the country. At $3.60 per MMBtu as of
Wednesday (July 11), the price at the Questar pool in Utah was 85 cents lower
than the previous Thursday, representing the largest weekly decrease in the
Rockies and also the lowest price in the country. Following an average increase
of 39 cents per MMBtu for the week in the Northeast, prices at some trading
locations exceed $7. Off Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line in New York City, the
average price yesterday was $7.23 per MMBtu, or 39 cents higher on the week.
Although price decreases characterized much of the springtime, there are still
factors that could lead to rising prices this summer. Being only 3 weeks into
the official summer season, plenty of time remains for episodes of hot
temperatures in the next few months.Competing petroleum products (as evidenced by an increase in the
underlying crude oil price) continue to trade at near-record prices.
Additionally, the hurricane season may yet become active and result in
hurricanes that could disrupt production in the Gulf of Mexico region.
Recent Natural Gas Market Data
Estimated Average Wellhead Prices |
Dec-06 |
Jan-07 |
Feb-07 |
Mar-07 |
Apr-07 |
May-07 |
6.65 |
5.92 |
6.66 |
6.56 |
6.84 |
6.98 |
Price ($ per MMBtu) |
6.48 |
5.76 |
6.48 |
6.39 |
6.66 |
6.80 |
Note: Prices were converted from $ per Mcf to $ per
MMBtu using an average heat content of 1,027 Btu per cubic foot as published
in Table A4 of the Annual Energy Review 2002. |
Source:Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas. |
Working gas in underground
storage was 2,627 Bcf as of July 6, which is 16.6 percent above the 5-year
average inventory level for the report week, according to EIA's Weekly
Natural Gas Storage Report (see Storage Figure). The implied net change for the week was 106
Bcf. However, it should be noted the implied net change was affected in this
week's report by a reclassification of 10 Bcf from base to working gas. Without
this reclassification, the implied net change would have been equal to the
5-year average (2002-2006). The report's implied net change also was higher
than the implied injection of 86 Bcf last year at the same time (calculated
through an interpolation of EIA data). As a result, current inventory levels
are now just 64 Bcf less than at this time last year but 374 Bcf higher than
the 5-year average. (The percentage difference between current storage levels
and the 5-year average declined slightly because of the increase in the total
amount of natural gas in underground storage). Cooling degree-day (CDD)
statistics published by the National Weather Service for the period roughly
coinciding with the week covered by the storage report show that
weather-related gas demand likely was low relative to normal in most Census
Divisions (see Temperature Maps). For
the United States as a whole, temperatures totaled about 9 percent less than
normal. Temperatures in Census Divisions in populous regions that would affect
weather-related demand for natural gas were significantly cooler than normal.
For example, the East North Central, which includes Chicago and other major
metropolitan centers, experienced weather that was 39 percent cooler than
normal during the report week.
Other Market
EIA Releases July 2007 Short-Term Energy Outlook: In its latest Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), released July 10, the Energy Information
Administration (EIA) projects that the Henry Hub spot price will average $7.66
per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) in the third quarter of 2007 and $8.79 per Mcf in
the fourth quarter. On an annual basis, the Henry Hub spot price is projected
to average $7.91 per Mcf in 2007, increasing 98 cents per Mcf over the 2006
average. These prices are based on the assumption that near-normal temperatures
will prevail during the third quarter of 2007. Population-weighted cooling degree-days (CDD) are projected to number
788 between July and September, a significant decline compared with the same
quarter of 2006. With natural gas serving as a primary fuel source for meeting
peak demand for summer cooling, temperatures will continue to play a key role
in determining natural gas consumption throughout the third quarter. While the
2007 second quarter consumption increased 2.9 percent over the corresponding
period of 2006 because of colder-than-normal weather and increased gas-fired
electric power generation, the third-quarter 2007 consumption is projected to
decline year-over-year. On an annual basis, however, total natural gas
consumption is expected to increase by 4.3 percent in 2007 and 1.1 percent in
2008. The projection incorporates possible hurricane-induced production
disruptions in the Gulf of Mexico with a reduction in production of 85 Bcf this
summer. The 2007 total dry natural gas
production is expected to increase by 0.3 percent. Total Federal Gulf of Mexico
production is expected to decline by 4.9 percent in 2007, but increase by 8.1
percent in 2008. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports are expected to remain
strong through the end of 2007, increasing 44 percent above the volume imported
in 2006. Total LNG imports in 2007 and 2008 are projected to reach 840 and
1,020 Bcf, respectively.
Natural Gas Transportation Update: