for week ending March 21, 2007 | Release date: March 22, 2007 | Previous weeks
Overview: Thursday, March 22, 2007 (next release 2:00
p.m. on March 29, 2007)
As the bitter cold has evolved to more moderate
temperatures, natural gas spot prices have eased through most of the country.
During the report week (Wednesday-Wednesday, March 14-21), the Henry Hub spot
price declined 4 cents per MMBtu to $6.82. At the New York Mercantile Exchange
(NYMEX), prices for futures contracts were slightly higher, as increases Tuesday
and yesterday (March 20 and 21) more than offset decreases that occurred in the
3 previous trading days. The futures contract for April delivery, which is the
first contract following the current heating season, increased 7.7 cents per
MMBtu on the week to $7.160. Relatively high levels of natural gas in working
storage and decreasing prices for competing fuels likely contributed to falling
natural gas spot prices this week. Working gas in storage as of Friday, March
16, was 1,533 Bcf, which is 18.5 percent above the 5-year (2002-2006) average.
The spot price for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil decreased $1.17 per
barrel on the week to $56.98, or $9.82 per MMBtu.
natural gas prices moved lower this week, as weather-related demand generally
declined through much of the country despite a cold weather front in the
Northeast last weekend. Indicative of the unusually low natural gas demand, the
first net injection into storage this year occurred in the week ending Friday,
March 16. With less than 2 weeks left in
the traditional heating season, storage supplies are viewed as ample and
attention is already turning to how the injection season will shape up. On
Monday, March 19, the average price at the Henry Hub was $6.69 per MMBtu, the
lowest price since mid-January - just before a period of general price increases
as colder weather arrived in the Lower 48 States after an unusually warm end to
2006. On the week, the price at the Henry Hub posted a net decline of less than
1 percent to an average of $6.82 per MMBtu. Price changes were largest in the
Rockies, where the average price decrease was 91 cents per MMBtu. The price for
gas on the Questar system in Colorado and Utah registered the steepest decline,
falling $1.56 per MMBtu, or nearly 30 percent, to $3.70. The relatively large
price decreases in the Rockies were linked to several transportation and
storage developments, such as a major reduction in El Paso Natural Gas's North
Mainline capacity because of maintenance. Injection opportunities were reduced
at Quester's Clay Basin storage field, perhaps accounting for some of the price
slide at the trading point. Price declines were geographically widespread, with
prices outside of the Rockies falling between an average of 2 cents per MMBtu and
an average of 31 cents at the various market regions across the country. There were
scattered small increases at specific trading points in the Northeast, but
prices in the region as a whole averaged a decline of 5 cents per MMBtu. After
a cold weekend, more moderate weather moved into the Northeast, and prices for
deliveries into New York City (Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Zone 6) yesterday
(March 21) were nearly $1 per MMBtu less than the high point during the week.
Although forecasts of moderating temperatures for
late March led to an easing in the price of the NYMEX contract for April
delivery in the first part of the week, trading in the last couple of sessions
resulted in a slight net increase for the report week. The near-month contract
ended the week at $7.160 per MMBtu, which is 7.7 cents higher than its close
last Wednesday (March 14). Futures contracts through the end of the next
heating season all rose on the week, albeit by a relatively small amount. As a
result, the price of the 12-month strip, or the average price for contracts
over the next year, increased by 11.5 cents per MMBtu, or 1.4 percent, to
$8.189. The general price level of the near-month contract is similar to last
year's price at this time. The April 2006 contract expired at $7.233, which is
7.3 cents, or about 1 percent, higher than yesterday's closing price for the
April 2007 contract. Similar to last year, storage supplies are generally
viewed as ample at this time. Additionally, significant concerns remain over
the possibility of lost supplies from an active hurricane season, as well as
North American well productivity. Unlike last year, imports of liquefied
natural gas (LNG) appear on the rise as preliminary indications are that they
have averaged more than 2 Bcf per day since the beginning of March. At this
time last year, the difference between the Henry Hub price and the price for
the NYMEX contract for delivery the following January (the month that is
normally the highest price in the 12-month strip) had widened to $3.97 per
MMBtu, a spread that was highly unusual. The spread (the Henry Hub price and
the following January NYMEX price) this year, although lower, remains at a
historically high $2.62 per MMBtu. Interestingly, the January 2007 contract
expired on December 27, 2006, at just $5.838 per MMBtu. However, this followed
an extraordinarily warm beginning of the 2006-2007 heating season, and it now
appears that the January 2007 contract will be the lowest priced NYMEX contract
for this winter heating season. Currently, the January 2008 contract is priced
at $9.437 per MMBtu.
Estimated Average Wellhead Prices |
Sep-06 |
Oct-06 |
Nov-06 |
Dec-06 |
Jan-07 |
Feb-07 |
5.51 |
5.03 |
6.43 |
6.65 |
5.92 |
6.66 |
Price ($ per MMBtu) |
5.37 |
4.90 |
6.26 |
6.48 |
5.76 |
6.48 |
Note: Prices were converted from $ per Mcf to $ per
MMBtu using an average heat content of 1,027 Btu per cubic foot as published
in Table A4 of the Annual Energy Review 2002. |
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of
Oil and Gas. |
gas in underground storage was 1,533 Bcf as of March 16, which is 18.5 percent
above the 5-year average inventory level for the report week, according to
EIA's Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report
(See Storage Figure). The net change for the report week was
an injection of 17 Bcf, the first injection of 2007. The net injection this
week was the earliest and only the fifth injection coming before the end of the
traditional heating season (end of March) in EIA's 14-year database of weekly
storage data. The net injection considerably expanded the difference between
current inventories and the 5-year average to 239 Bcf (the 5-year average
change for the week was a withdrawal of 64 Bcf). During the report week, the
weather for the country as a whole was about 32 percent warmer than normal, as
measured by heating degree-days (HDDs) for the week ending March 15, according
to the National Weather Service (See Temperature Maps). Key markets for space heating demand
were considerably warmer than normal. In the Middle Atlantic, HDDs were 15
percent lower than normal. In the East North Central, which includes Chicago
and other major population centers in the Midwest, HDDs were 29 percent below
Updates Web Site on Retail Gas Competition: The
Energy Information Administration (EIA) has updated its web site on the status
of natural gas residential choice programs in each State to include information
through December 2006. According to the web site, Natural
Gas Residential Choice Programs, enrollment in "customer choice"
programs increased in 2006 for the first time since 2003, although the number
of States allowing choice remained unchanged. Overall, about 12 percent or
about 4.2 million of the approximately 35 million residential gas customers
with access to choice were buying gas from marketers in 2006, up from the 3.9
million participating in 2005 and about 28,000 more than the record high in
2003. As of December 2006, 21 States and the District of Columbia have
legislation or programs in place that allow residential consumers and other
small-volume gas users to purchase natural gas from someone other than their
traditional utility company. Georgia and Ohio continue to have the most
comprehensive programs, accounting for about two-thirds of the enrollment total
in 2006. The number of marketers offering services to residential customers increased or remained the same in all States but
one, even though the overall total was about the same as in 2005
(82 vs. 81).