for week ending July 13, 2005 | Release date: July 14, 2005 | Previous weeks
Overview: Thursday, July 14 (next
release 2:00 p.m. on July 21)
Wednesday, July 6, natural gas spot prices have increased at virtually all
market locations in the Lower 48 States, owing at least partially to the
effects of storm activity in the Gulf of Mexico. For the week (Wednesday-Wednesday), prices at
the Henry Hub increased 10 cents, or about 1.3 percent, to $7.78 per MMBtu. Yesterday (July 13), the price of the NYMEX
futures contract for August delivery at the Henry Hub settled at $7.900 per MMBtu, increasing roughly 21
cents or about 3 percent since last Wednesday (July 6). Natural gas in storage was 2,280 Bcf as of July 8, which is 11.7
percent above the 5-year average. The
spot price for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil decreased $1.24 per
barrel, or about 2 percent, since last Wednesday, after reaching an all time
high of $61.24 per barrel on July 6. Crude oil traded yesterday at $60 per
barrel or $10.34 per MMBtu.
gas prices rose in the wake of Tropical Storm Cindy and Hurricane Dennis, as
storm-related shut-ins reduced gas production in the Gulf of Mexico. The lost production combined with high
temperatures in a few areas gave a boost to spot prices across most of the
Lower 48 States. As of yesterday, July 13, the Minerals Management Service
(MMS) reported that 1.03 Bcf per day of natural gas production
still remains shut in as a result of the recent storm activity in the Gulf (see
Other Market Trends). Natural gas price increases since last Wednesday, July 6,
were widespread, ranging
between 10 and 52 cents per MMBtu
or about 1 to 7 percent at most market locations. Prices at the Henry Hub climbed 10 cents or
about 1.3 percent since last Wednesday, while prices at other points in
Louisiana climbed as much as 20 cents. Approaching the weekend, spot prices at
most market locations around the Gulf of Mexico reached their peak on Friday,
reflecting the impact of the uncertainty caused by Hurricane Dennis. On the week, the largest increases tended to
cluster in the Gulf Coast, the Northeast and in the Midcontinent
regions. Western points recorded smaller increases as high-linepack
operational flow orders (OFO) by PG&E and SoCal
Gas for Saturday limited the price increases at regional markets. Thus, the SoCal Border Average and PG&E citygate
prices rose by about 6 cents and 2 cents, respectively, since last Wednesday.
As of July 13, 2005, prices at the Henry Hub were about 33 percent above last
year's level.
the NYMEX, the price of the futures contract for August delivery at the Henry
Hub increased about 21 cents per MMBtu
or nearly 3 percent since last Wednesday, July 6, to $7.900 per MMBtu. This is the highest
settlement price for the August futures contract since April 1, 2005. The
futures contracts for delivery during the heating season months exhibited
successively smaller increases, as price increases ranged from 3 to 0.9
percent. While the August 2005 contract is currently trading at a relatively
low premium to the Henry Hub spot price of about 12 cents per MMBtu, futures contract prices
for each month from November 2005 through March 2006 exceed the Henry Hub spot
price by at least $0.69 to about $1.46 per MMBtu.
Natural Gas Market Data
Estimated Average Wellhead Prices |
Jan-05 |
Feb-05 |
Mar-05 |
Apr-05 |
May-05 |
Jun-05 |
($ per Mcf) |
5.52 |
5.59 |
5.98 |
6.44 |
6.02 |
6.15 |
($ per MMBtu) |
5.37 |
5.44 |
5.82 |
6.27 |
5.86 |
5.99 |
Prices were converted from $ per Mcf to $ per MMBtu using an average heat content of 1,027 Btu per
cubic foot as published in Table A4 of the Annual Energy
Review 2002. |
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office
of Oil and Gas. |
gas in storage increased to 2,280 Bcf as of Friday,
July 8, which is nearly 12 percent above the 5-year average inventory level for
the report week, according to EIA's Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (See Storage Figure). The implied net injection of 94 Bcf is 4 Bcf or 4 percent less
than the 5-year average injection for the report week of 98 Bcf
and 13 percent less than last year's injection of 108 Bcf. Although this is the second consecutive week
in which the year-on-year storage surplus declined, working gas levels remain
140 Bcf more than the level estimated for this time
last year and 238 Bcf more than the 5-year
average. Temperatures were below normal
across the New England, East North Central, and West North Central Census
regions, and above normal elsewhere in the Lower 48 States (See
Temperature Maps).
Overall, cooling degree days in the Lower 48 States were about 3 percent
above normal. These warmer-than-normal
temperatures and reduced natural gas production in the Gulf of Mexico, owing to
shut-ins of offshore production as a result of the threat posed by Tropical
Storm Cindy and Hurricane Dennis, likely contributed to the below-average net
injection. According to the Minerals
Management Service, cumulative shut-ins of natural gas production as of July 7
totaled about 1.7 Bcf.
Market Trends:
Storm Activity in the Gulf of
Mexico: An active Atlantic
hurricane season recently resulted in two storms that caused production
disruptions in the offshore Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Based on reports by 15 companies, the Minerals
Management Service (MMS) reported that production lost from shut-ins amounted
to 1.03 Bcf per day of natural gas and 231.8 thousand
barrels of oil per day as of 11:00 a.m. (Central Time) on July 13. Since
July 5, cumulative shut-ins related to Tropical Storm Cindy and Hurricane
Dennis resulted in losses of 24.7 Bcf of natural gas,
which is the equivalent of almost two and one-half days' production in the
Federal areas of the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, operators shut in about 5.5
million barrels of oil, amounting to almost four days of oil production in the
GOM. As of July 13, the evacuations continue to affect four manned
platforms and two of the drilling rigs that are operating in the Gulf.
Issues Order Clarifying Policy Statement on Natural Gas and Electric Price
Indices: The Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an order on July 6, 2005, clarifying a
previously issued policy statement on natural gas and electric price indices, which was one of many steps FERC took to encourage
better transparency of price formation in wholesale energy markets. In response
to two requests regarding matters addressed in its prior orders, FERC clarified
that the safe harbor provisions of the Policy Statement extend to an energy hub
and its participants, and also extend to data providers that, while not
specifically subject to the Market Behavior Rules, nonetheless wish to provide
transaction data to price index developers. While the Policy Statement focused
on existing industry practice and the use of commercially published price
indices for price discovery in energy markets, FERC also noted that the Policy
Statement was not intended to interfere with improvements in current price
indices or any future evolution of the price discovery process that will bring
more accurate, reliable, and transparent price information to energy markets.
With this latest order, FERC granted a safe harbor assurance to a data hub or
other new entity that is acting as a data provider when it provides aggregate
data to others, if it adopts the applicable Policy Statement standards. FERC
also stated that the safe harbor protection applies to data providers during
any testing or demonstration phase of a new industry structure for gathering
and disseminating wholesale price data, assuming the data provider follows the
Policy Statement standards.
gas prices increased across much of the Lower 48 States since last Wednesday,
July 6, as storm activity reduced natural gas production in the Gulf of Mexico
and supported price increases on both the spot and futures markets. Working gas in storage increased to 2,280 Bcf, which is about 11.7 percent
above the 5-year average.