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Electric Power Monthly

Data for May 2024 Release Date: July 24, 2024 Next Release Date: August 26, 2024 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table ES1.A. Total Electric Power Industry Summary Statistics, 2024 and 2023

Net Generation and Consumption of Fuels for May
  Total (All Sectors) Electric Power Sector Commercial Industrial Residential

Electric Utilities Independent Power

Fuel Facility Type May 2024 May 2023 Percentage Change May 2024 May 2023 May 2024 May 2023 May 2024 May 2023 May 2024 May 2023 May 2024 May 2023
Net Generation (Thousand Megawatthours)
Coal Utility Scale Facilities 46,328 43,835 5.7% 36,011 32,552 9,959 10,911 NM 18 353 355 0 0
Petroleum Liquids Utility Scale Facilities 915 903 1.3% 674 659 196 202 5 NM 39 37 0 0
Petroleum Coke Utility Scale Facilities 260 286 -8.9% 168 166 73 100 1 0 19 20 0 0
Natural Gas Utility Scale Facilities 143,917 137,728 4.5% 74,764 70,535 60,499 58,959 684 624 7,969 7,611 0 0
Other Gas Utility Scale Facilities 754 901 -16.3% 0 0 188 282 0 0 565 618 0 0
Nuclear Utility Scale Facilities 64,973 61,473 5.7% 36,822 34,877 28,151 26,596 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hydroelectric Conventional Utility Scale Facilities 21,963 27,445 -20.0% 19,842 25,405 2,016 1,928 NM NM 83 80 0 0
Renewable Sources Excluding Hydroelectric Utility Scale Facilities 66,176 54,516 21.4% 10,786 8,511 52,991 43,573 409 395 1,989 2,036 0 0
... Wind Utility Scale Facilities 38,936 32,066 21.4% 7,210 5,878 31,701 26,165 14 14 NM 10 0 0
... Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Utility Scale Facilities 22,050 16,927 30.3% 3,208 2,287 18,715 14,535 77 70 50 34 0 0
... Wood and Wood-Derived Fuels Utility Scale Facilities 2,659 2,783 -4.5% 203 198 595 660 5 3 1,856 1,922 0 0
... Other Biomass Utility Scale Facilities 1,306 1,369 -4.6% 85 88 835 903 313 308 73 70 0 0
... Geothermal Utility Scale Facilities 1,225 1,371 -10.6% 80 60 1,145 1,310 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hydroelectric Pumped Storage Utility Scale Facilities -292 -450 -35.1% -152 -336 -140 -114 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Energy Sources Utility Scale Facilities 805 857 -6.1% 14 21 250 288 279 272 262 276 0 0
All Energy Sources Utility Scale Facilities 345,798 327,493 5.6% 178,930 172,390 154,183 142,726 1,406 1,345 11,280 11,032 0 0
Estimated Small Scale Solar Photovoltaic Small Scale Facilities 8,592 7,560 13.7% 0 0 0 0 2,255 2,002 480 451 5,856 5,107
Estimated Total Solar Photovoltaic All Facilities 30,228 24,187 25.0% 3,208 2,287 18,301 14,235 2,332 2,073 531 485 5,856 5,107
Estimated Total Solar All Facilities 30,642 24,487 25.1% 3,208 2,287 18,715 14,535 2,332 2,073 531 485 5,856 5,107
Consumption of Fossil Fuels for Electricity Generation
Coal (1000 tons) Utility Scale Facilities 26,448 25,567 3.4% 20,230 18,503 6,097 6,937 2 6 120 121 0 0
Petroleum Liquids (1000 barrels) Utility Scale Facilities 1,664 1,699 -2.1% 1,271 1,284 330 358 18 16 44 42 0 0
Petroleum Coke (1000 tons) Utility Scale Facilities 116 117 -1.2% 83 76 26 34 0.22 0 7 8 0 0
Natural Gas (1000 Mcf) Utility Scale Facilities 1,063,309 1,019,950 4.3% 574,943 543,723 436,047 425,181 4,057 3,862 48,262 47,184 0 0
Consumption of Fossil Fuels for Useful Thermal Output
Coal (1000 tons) Utility Scale Facilities 686 785 -12.7% 94 117 31 43 17 26 543 599 0 0
Petroleum Liquids (1000 barrels) Utility Scale Facilities 302 225 34.7% 5 8 24 26 61 12 213 178 0 0
Petroleum Coke (1000 tons) Utility Scale Facilities 47 56 -16.0% 1 0 7 8 1 0 38 48 0 0
Natural Gas (1000 Mcf) Utility Scale Facilities 98,448 94,720 3.9% 3,912 3,923 24,939 22,879 5,328 5,368 64,269 62,550 0 0
Consumption of Fossil Fuels for Electricity Generation and Useful Thermal Output
Coal (1000 tons) Utility Scale Facilities 27,134 26,353 3.0% 20,324 18,620 6,128 6,980 19 31 663 720 0 0
Petroleum Liquids (1000 barrels) Utility Scale Facilities 1,966 1,923 2.2% 1,276 1,291 354 384 79 28 257 220 0 0
Petroleum Coke (1000 tons) Utility Scale Facilities 163 173 -6.0% 84 76 32 42 1 0 45 55 0 0
Natural Gas (1000 Mcf) Utility Scale Facilities 1,161,757 1,114,670 4.2% 578,855 547,646 460,987 448,061 9,385 9,230 112,531 109,733 0 0
Fuel Stocks (end-of-month)
Coal (1000 tons) Utility Scale Facilities 138,302 126,977 8.9% 114,349 104,282 23,410 22,132 49 45 495 518 0 0
Petroleum Liquids (1000 barrels) Utility Scale Facilities 23,469 25,086 -6.4% 13,552 14,590 8,558 8,735 303 328 1,056 1,432 0 0
Petroleum Coke (1000 tons) Utility Scale Facilities 557 836 -33.4% 307 592 6 9 1 1 243 236 0 0


Sales, Revenue, and Average Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers for May
  Total U.S. Electric Power Industry

Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers
(million kWh)
Revenue from Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers (million dollars) Average Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers (cents/kWh)
Sector May 2024 May 2023 Percentage Change May 2024 May 2023 Percentage Change May 2024 May 2023 Percentage Change
Residential 109,076 100,479 8.6% 17,917 16,225 10.4% 16.43 16.15 1.7%
Commercial 115,422 110,404 4.5% 14,410 13,605 5.9% 12.48 12.32 1.3%
Industrial 86,699 86,394 0.4% 6,889 6,587 4.6% 7.95 7.62 4.3%
Transportation 596 518 15.2% 73 64 14.5% 12.29 12.36 -0.6%
All Sectors 311,793 297,795 4.7% 39,290 36,481 7.7% 12.60 12.25 2.9%

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error.
W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Coal generation and consumption includes anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, waste coal, refined coal, synthetic coal, and coal-derived synthesis gas.
Petroleum Liquids includes distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, jet fuel, kerosene, propane, and waste oil.
Petroleum Coke includes petroleum coke and synthesis gas derived from petroleum coke.
Natural gas includes a small amount of supplemental gaseous fuels that cannot be identified separately.
Other Gases includes blast furnace gas, hydrogen gas, and other manufactured and waste gases derived from fossil fuels.
Wood and Wood-Derived Fuels include wood, black liquor, and other wood waste.
Other Biomass includes biogenic municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, agricultural byproducts, and other biomass.
Coal stocks include anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, refined coal, and synthetic coal; waste coal is excluded.
Sales of electricity to ultimate customers and net generation may not correspond exactly for a particular month for a variety of reasons (e.g., sales data may include imported electricity).
Net generation is presented for the calendar month while sales of electricity to ultimate customers and associated revenue accumulate from bills collected for periods of time that vary depending
upon customer class and consumption occurring during and outside the calendar month.
Note: Values are preliminary. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
See technical notes for additional information including more on the Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation sectors.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861M, 'Monthly Electric Sales and Revenue With State Distributions Report.'
U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, 'Power Plant Operations Report.'