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Electric Power Monthly

Data for June 2024 Release Date: August 23, 2024 Next Release Date: September 24, 2024 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table 7.1. Electric Power Industry - U.S. Electricity Imports from and Electricity Exports to Canada
and Mexico (Megawatthours)

Canada Mexico U.S. Total
Period Imports from Exports to Imports from Exports to Imports Exports Net Imports
Annual Totals
2016 65173818 2682381 7542445 3531636 72716263 6214017 66502246
2017 59909320 3312798 5775597 6058005 65684917 9370803 56314114
2018 51494627 7290070 6765975 6514422 58260602 13804492 44456110
2019 52309254 13532067 6743207 6475965 59052461 20008032 39044429
2020 57001240 9855106 4447623 4279573 61448863 14134679 47314184
2021 48140438 10067396 5026570 3788021 53167008 13855418 39311591
2022 52187403 10651209 4782900 5107113 56970303 15758322 41211981
2023 33152646 18091647 5721644 1778279 38874290 19869926 19004364
Year 2022
January 4042047 1308758 425753 161512 4467800 1470270 2997530
February 3215153 1171627 144626 367552 3359779 1539179 1820600
March 3388199 1207760 293001 477405 3681200 1685165 1996035
April 3552599 934026 317755 440121 3870354 1374147 2496207
May 4010343 1025038 364183 582820 4374526 1607858 2766668
June 5123334 641211 391371 489104 5514705 1130315 4384390
July 6295212 766185 443070 507701 6738282 1273886 5464396
August 6810768 765145 418236 550822 7229004 1315967 5913037
Sept 4683783 867176 504443 483658 5188226 1350834 3837392
October 3740536 838388 399055 413166 4139591 1251554 2888037
November 3067640 562777 466374 344579 3534014 907356 2626658
December 4257789 563118 615033 288673 4872822 851791 4021031
Year 2023
January 4080305 769353 393029 403105 4473334 1172458 3300876
February 3100194 1362099 410963 188332 3511157 1550431 1960726
March 3458995 1241647 419500 59250 3878495 1300897 2577598
April 3423252 1544551 163079 128981 3586331 1673532 1912799
May 3606207 1099609 297511 179615 3903718 1279224 2624494
June 2616523 1236416 449132 139691 3065655 1376107 1689548
July 2588006 1808004 628915 155251 3216921 1963255 1253666
August 2365281 1453099 635633 153225 3000914 1606324 1394590
Sept 1773886 2107530 581900 142050 2355786 2249580 106206
October 1578196 1877439 632526 128399 2210722 2005838 204884
November 1928906 1772906 540292 56060 2469198 1828966 640232
December 2632895 1818994 569164 44320 3202059 1863314 1338745
Year 2024
January 2962963 1650615 650173 225723 3613136 1876338 1736798
February 2074024 2221825 464965 156777 2538989 2378602 160387
March 1677169 2419779 529864 135813 2207033 2555592 -348559
April 1524951 2116495 274638 146206 1799589 2262701 -463112
May 1399943 1556845 391690 189616 1791633 1746461 45172
June 2439048 1313197 435385 139696 2874433 1452893 1421540

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-111, "Quarterly Electricity Imports and Exports Report."