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Electric Power Monthly

Data for October 2024 Release Date: December 20, 2024 Next Release Date: January 24, 2025 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table 4.1. Receipts, Average Cost, and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Total (All Sectors), 2014 - October 2024 (continued)

  Petroleum Coke Natural Gas All Fossil Fuels
  Receipts Average Cost   Receipts Average Cost   Average Cost

Average Sulfur Percent by Weight Percentage of
Percentage of
(Dollars per MMBtu)
Annual Totals
2014 147,310 5,195 1.98 56.23 5.56 91.2 8,679,286 8,431,423 5.00 5.14 89.6 3.31
2015 138,668 4,897 1.84 52.11 5.25 94.4 10,173,502 9,842,581 3.23 3.34 89.9 2.65
2016 116,942 4,166 1.65 46.30 5.40 77.9 10,619,105 10,271,180 2.87 2.97 90.7 2.47
2017 92,837 3,309 2.13 59.90 5.56 74.1 9,951,815 9,628,733 3.37 3.49 90.2 2.65
2018 85,122 3,010 2.54 71.76 5.74 66.1 11,253,502 10,894,849 3.55 3.67 90.4 2.83
2019 56,294 1,969 1.91 54.59 5.51 55.3 12,104,890 11,704,743 2.88 2.98 91.4 2.50
2020 67,842 2,396 1.70 48.03 5.41 62.1 12,380,902 11,981,552 2.40 2.48 90.6 2.22
2021 64,891 2,296 3.16 89.27 5.24 60.0 11,966,785 11,578,254 5.20 5.38 91.0 3.82
2022 64,689 2,286 4.35 122.99 5.52 61.8 12,840,250 12,436,074 7.21 7.45 91.5 5.22
2023 40,716 1,450 4.05 113.73 5.61 54.7 13,669,499 13,237,380 3.36 3.47 91.6 3.12
Year 2022
January 5,343 189 4.32 122.16 5.11 64.0 1,021,396 988,075 6.56 6.78 91.1 4.74
February 4,050 141 4.24 121.53 5.80 44.9 857,192 829,722 6.00 6.20 90.0 4.32
March 5,791 205 4.84 136.40 5.31 74.6 839,836 814,025 5.10 5.26 90.2 3.75
April 6,637 235 4.80 135.31 5.57 83.6 807,698 783,189 6.21 6.41 91.0 4.40
May 5,992 212 4.97 140.62 5.48 67.1 990,628 960,839 7.57 7.80 92.1 5.25
June 4,887 173 4.50 126.93 5.51 52.0 1,204,672 1,168,959 8.01 8.26 92.3 5.86
July 5,781 205 4.65 131.34 5.54 75.9 1,466,772 1,422,545 7.53 7.76 92.5 5.78
August 6,465 228 5.02 142.06 5.62 73.6 1,443,158 1,397,570 9.00 9.30 92.3 6.54
Sept 3,818 134 2.32 66.08 5.74 40.7 1,184,368 1,145,493 8.15 8.42 91.9 5.81
October 4,142 147 3.37 94.92 5.75 45.3 1,005,835 973,705 5.80 5.99 91.3 4.37
November 6,485 229 3.84 108.96 5.53 76.8 959,373 929,074 5.71 5.89 90.5 4.38
December 5,298 187 4.19 118.73 5.50 52.7 1,059,322 1,022,878 8.92 9.24 91.3 6.38
Year 2023
January 4,871 176 4.54 126.02 5.67 77.1 1,028,666 993,456 7.05 7.30 90.9 5.25
February 3,886 136 4.80 136.95 5.62 67.8 920,531 890,751 4.38 4.52 90.7 3.73
March 4,905 172 4.66 132.76 5.71 88.5 992,761 960,991 3.37 3.48 90.4 3.08
April 4,768 168 4.70 133.61 5.72 95.6 918,838 890,525 2.70 2.79 91.2 2.70
May 1,985 72 3.14 86.86 5.76 35.9 1,055,883 1,024,121 2.55 2.63 92.2 2.61
June 1,853 66 3.48 98.25 5.77 30.8 1,238,116 1,199,980 2.60 2.68 92.1 2.62
July 2,787 100 3.62 101.16 5.45 31.4 1,526,661 1,478,239 3.00 3.10 92.1 2.89
August 2,311 84 3.39 93.79 5.73 26.0 1,528,247 1,480,257 2.94 3.04 92.4 2.85
Sept 3,289 118 3.76 104.81 5.48 40.7 1,258,226 1,220,588 2.87 2.96 92.1 2.84
October 2,404 86 3.84 107.56 5.50 48.1 1,080,166 1,047,092 2.92 3.02 92.0 2.86
November 3,097 111 3.60 100.64 5.35 85.7 1,028,518 995,713 3.39 3.50 91.4 3.12
December 4,559 163 3.39 94.99 5.53 81.2 1,092,887 1,055,666 3.28 3.40 90.4 3.07
Year 2024
January 909 33 2.65 73.16 5.53 16.7 1,108,706 1,071,210 4.80 4.97 83.7 4.02
February 1,385 50 2.63 73.05 5.56 32.8 910,583 879,933 2.88 2.98 84.5 2.80
March 1,054 38 2.63 73.51 5.49 38.0 909,196 879,879 2.18 2.26 84.0 2.39
April 1,078 38 2.62 73.50 5.51 26.3 853,384 827,659 2.05 2.11 82.5 2.32
May 2,177 78 2.86 80.18 5.46 47.0 1,004,300 974,957 2.26 2.33 83.5 2.45
June 3,620 127 3.11 88.55 5.54 58.4 1,180,026 1,143,580 2.69 2.77 83.9 2.69
July 5,356 189 3.23 91.69 5.52 80.5 1,419,716 1,373,106 2.51 2.59 82.6 2.55
August 3,756 134 3.08 86.70 5.70 57.3 1,384,079 1,337,878 2.23 2.30 82.4 2.36
Sept 3,518 125 3.09 87.22 5.49 83.4 1,175,280 1,137,448 2.37 2.45 84.3 2.45
October 1,008 37 2.63 72.20 6.78 30.6 1,034,272 1,001,336 2.62 2.70 84.1 2.63
Year to Date
2022 52,905 1,871 4.42 125.13 5.52 61.3 10,821,555 10,484,122 7.18 7.41 91.6 5.18
2023 33,060 1,176 4.18 117.55 5.64 50.7 11,548,095 11,186,000 3.36 3.47 91.7 3.12
2024 23,861 848 3.00 84.42 5.59 49.4 10,979,542 10,626,987 2.66 2.75 83.5 2.67
Rolling 12 Months Ending in October
2023 44,843 1,592 4.13 116.45 5.61 53.6 13,566,790 13,137,953 3.96 4.09 91.6 3.49
2024 31,517 1,121 3.11 87.56 5.56 54.8 13,100,947 12,678,366 2.77 2.86 84.6 2.74

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.

Beginning in January 2013, the threshold for reporting fuel receipts data was changed from 50 megawatts to 200 megawatts of nameplate capacity for plants primarily fueled by natural gas, petroleum coke, distillate fuel oil, and residual fuel oil. In addition, the requirement to report self-produced and minor fuels, i.e., blast furnace gas, other manufactured gases, kerosene, jet fuel, propane, and waste oils was eliminated. The threshold for coal plants remained at 50 megawatts. The following caveats for each fuel type should be noted:
PETROLEUM COKE - includes petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas. Prior to 2011, petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas was included in Other Gases.
NATURAL GAS - includes natural gas only. Prior to 2011, includes Other Gases.

- Values for 2023 and prior years are final. Values for 2024 are preliminary.
- See Glossary for definitions.
- Starting in January 2013, there may have been a shift in the continuity of Chapter 4 tables due to changes in the sample design of Form EIA-923 and the imputation process.
- See the EIA-923 section of the Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923 and predecessor forms.
- See the Technical Notes for fuel conversion factors.
- Totals may not equal the sum of components because of independent rounding.

Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report" and predecessor forms including Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report" and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants."