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Electric Power Monthly

Data for November 2024 Release Date: January 24, 2025 Next Release Date: February 26, 2025 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table 1.11.B. Utility Scale Facility Net Generation from Renewable Sources Excluding Hydroelectric
by State, by Sector, Year-to-Date through November 2024 and 2023 (Thousand Megawatthours)

All Sectors Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector

Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Census Division
and State
November 2024 YTD November 2023 YTD Percentage
November 2024 YTD November 2023 YTD November 2024 YTD November 2023 YTD November 2024 YTD November 2023 YTD November 2024 YTD November 2023 YTD
New England 11,598 10,551 9.9% 540 529 10,018 8,962 471 479 569 581
Connecticut 1,010 947 6.6% 2 0.10 998 938 5 4 4 4
Maine 4,538 3,953 14.8% 0 0 3,974 3,373 4 7 560 573
Massachusetts 3,085 2,912 5.9% 112 107 2,546 2,373 423 428 4 4
New Hampshire 1,118 1,093 2.3% 0 0 1,086 1,060 32 34 0 0
Rhode Island 950 782 21.5% 0 0 945 776 5 5 0 0
Vermont 897 863 3.9% 426 421 469 441 2 1 0 0
Middle Atlantic 17,939 14,641 22.5% 337 322 15,870 12,687 1,280 1,184 453 447
New Jersey 2,305 2,111 9.2% 127 121 1,709 1,556 464 428 5 6
New York 9,922 7,899 25.6% 210 201 8,950 6,990 606 567 157 142
Pennsylvania 5,712 4,631 23.3% 0 0 5,210 4,142 210 189 291 300
East North Central 60,966 50,169 21.5% 11,367 7,859 48,438 41,196 116 121 1,044 994
Illinois 24,648 21,615 14.0% 91 88 24,548 21,524 6 2 NM NM
Indiana 11,823 10,070 17.4% 2,024 1,087 9,755 8,941 2 2 42 40
Michigan 12,385 10,587 17.0% 5,264 4,360 6,543 5,722 41 38 538 467
Ohio 6,614 4,158 59.1% 13 11 6,383 3,907 16 13 203 227
Wisconsin 5,495 3,740 46.9% 3,975 2,313 1,210 1,102 52 65 258 260
West North Central 128,434 117,736 9.1% 47,319 44,243 80,134 72,661 175 163 806 669
Iowa 41,224 38,285 7.7% 29,537 27,571 11,608 10,641 8 8 71 66
Kansas 28,055 24,611 14.0% 2,604 2,304 25,428 22,286 12 12 10 10
Minnesota 16,895 16,082 5.1% 6,078 5,764 10,011 9,650 99 92 707 575
Missouri 6,541 6,371 2.7% 2,567 2,564 3,928 3,769 44 35 3 3
Nebraska 11,427 10,937 4.5% 158 151 11,257 10,769 12 17 0 0
North Dakota 13,584 12,992 4.6% 4,843 4,626 8,741 8,365 0 0 0 0
South Dakota 10,707 8,459 26.6% 1,532 1,263 9,161 7,181 0 0 15 15
South Atlantic 64,752 56,843 13.9% 21,259 17,436 34,941 31,290 896 971 7,656 7,147
Delaware 218 214 2.1% 7 7 189 189 5 6 18 12
District of Columbia 91 77 18.1% 3 3 36 21 52 53 0 0
Florida 19,958 16,142 23.6% 16,464 12,746 1,951 1,840 377 417 1,167 1,140
Georgia 13,029 11,672 11.6% 501 602 9,384 8,170 4 2 3,140 2,900
Maryland 1,867 1,624 14.9% 8 7 1,840 1,594 19 23 0 0
North Carolina 13,435 12,830 4.7% 1,066 1,013 11,413 10,787 105 102 851 927
South Carolina 4,529 4,192 8.0% 63 68 3,096 2,976 0 0 1,370 1,148
Virginia 9,628 8,221 17.1% 3,108 2,990 5,076 3,844 333 367 1,111 1,021
West Virginia 1,997 1,870 6.8% 40 0 1,957 1,870 0 0 0 0
East South Central 9,078 7,690 18.0% 295 314 4,043 2,645 5 4 4,735 4,727
Alabama 4,151 4,029 3.0% 73 23 1,156 1,156 0 0 2,922 2,850
Kentucky 593 529 12.1% 115 115 175 113 NM 1 302 299
Mississippi 2,862 1,800 58.9% 104 173 1,611 419 0 0 1,147 1,209
Tennessee 1,472 1,331 10.6% NM 2 1,101 957 4 3 364 368
West South Central 194,101 174,295 11.4% 7,025 6,815 183,527 164,073 47 44 3,501 3,362
Arkansas 2,781 1,372 102.7% 281 229 1,758 509 17 18 725 616
Louisiana 2,864 2,070 38.3% 41 38 1,130 313 0 0 1,693 1,719
Oklahoma 35,865 33,894 5.8% 6,338 6,100 29,242 27,574 -2 -7 288 228
Texas 152,590 136,958 11.4% 365 448 151,397 135,677 33 34 795 799
Mountain 90,778 76,596 18.5% 14,573 13,373 75,722 62,735 126 113 356 374
Arizona 12,580 8,807 42.8% 944 556 11,584 8,200 23 19 30 32
Colorado 20,860 17,953 16.2% 4,084 3,869 16,731 14,071 18 8 27 6
Idaho 3,958 3,436 15.2% 407 410 3,258 2,692 28 28 265 306
Montana 5,564 4,250 30.9% 871 846 4,677 3,386 0 0 16 19
Nevada 15,613 13,266 17.7% 400 170 15,154 13,039 48 45 12 12
New Mexico 17,797 16,177 10.0% 3,105 2,889 14,690 13,286 NM 1 0 0
Utah 5,831 4,879 19.5% 234 231 5,582 4,636 8 12 7 0
Wyoming 8,575 7,827 9.6% 4,528 4,402 4,047 3,426 0 0 0 0
Pacific Contiguous 94,130 87,144 8.0% 7,298 6,615 83,828 77,479 879 907 2,125 2,143
California 73,058 67,138 8.8% 1,644 1,428 69,595 63,975 846 873 972 862
Oregon 11,943 11,412 4.6% 1,562 1,469 9,846 9,434 28 27 507 482
Washington 9,130 8,594 6.2% 4,092 3,719 4,387 4,069 6 7 645 800
Pacific Noncontiguous 1,932 1,748 10.5% 154 148 1,593 1,426 186 175 0 0
Alaska 165 138 19.7% 65 57 61 45 39 36 0 0
Hawaii 1,767 1,610 9.7% 88 91 1,532 1,380 147 139 0 0
U.S. Total 673,707 597,413 12.8% 110,166 97,652 538,114 475,154 4,182 4,162 21,245 20,445

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values for 2024 are preliminary. Values for 2023 are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.