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Electric Power Monthly

Data for September 2024 Release Date: November 22, 2024 Next Release Date: December 23, 2024 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table 1.7.B. Utility Scale Facility Net Generation from Natural Gas
by State, by Sector, Year-to-Date through September 2024 and 2023 (Thousand Megawatthours)

All Sectors Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector

Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Census Division
and State
September 2024 YTD September 2023 YTD Percentage
September 2024 YTD September 2023 YTD September 2024 YTD September 2023 YTD September 2024 YTD September 2023 YTD September 2024 YTD September 2023 YTD
New England 43,942 43,442 1.2% 157 89 42,043 41,660 850 777 892 915
Connecticut 19,224 18,607 3.3% 28 31 18,468 17,897 221 207 507 473
Maine 3,416 2,912 17.3% 0 0 3,274 2,718 24 23 118 171
Massachusetts 11,504 11,115 3.5% 129 59 10,686 10,423 568 503 120 129
New Hampshire 3,477 3,406 2.1% 0 0 3,448 3,377 9 9 19 20
Rhode Island 6,320 7,401 -14.6% 0 0 6,166 7,245 27 34 127 122
Vermont 1 1 -14.9% 0.43 0.11 0 0 0.40 1 0 0
Middle Atlantic 184,670 177,443 4.1% 10,466 9,164 170,088 164,346 950 893 3,166 3,040
New Jersey 23,307 24,669 -5.5% 157 125 22,635 24,041 196 177 320 326
New York 49,117 44,139 11.3% 10,291 9,028 37,701 34,092 646 593 479 427
Pennsylvania 112,246 108,634 3.3% 19 11 109,752 106,213 108 123 2,367 2,286
East North Central 184,042 167,496 9.9% 69,849 63,213 109,113 99,491 1,215 1,192 3,865 3,600
Illinois 24,592 21,456 14.6% 3,014 1,907 20,545 18,586 327 315 706 647
Indiana 28,929 26,626 8.6% 13,867 12,557 13,163 12,270 161 159 1,738 1,640
Michigan 44,490 40,809 9.0% 24,507 23,016 19,073 16,894 473 473 437 426
Ohio 65,252 59,227 10.2% 8,481 7,083 56,332 51,740 215 201 224 204
Wisconsin 20,780 19,378 7.2% 19,979 18,650 0 0 41 44 760 683
West North Central 37,987 34,233 11.0% 30,975 27,322 5,570 5,571 277 275 1,165 1,065
Iowa 7,450 8,117 -8.2% 6,833 7,579 NM 0.05 92 84 525 454
Kansas 4,516 3,444 31.1% 4,269 3,179 0 0 0 0 246 265
Minnesota 12,230 10,395 17.6% 8,150 6,653 3,694 3,383 72 82 313 278
Missouri 8,401 7,313 14.9% 6,391 4,987 1,876 2,188 108 108 27 30
Nebraska 1,376 1,198 14.8% 1,362 1,197 0 0 5 1 9 0
North Dakota 2,227 2,161 3.1% 2,218 2,155 0 0 0 0 10 6
South Dakota 1,787 1,604 11.4% 1,752 1,572 0 0 0 0 35 32
South Atlantic 326,160 314,648 3.7% 273,703 265,627 48,062 44,722 540 516 3,854 3,783
Delaware 3,142 3,434 -8.5% 53 15 2,415 2,616 0 0 674 803
District of Columbia 83 76 8.9% 0 0 0 0 83 76 0 0
Florida 157,370 152,504 3.2% 149,061 144,570 7,190 6,758 86 80 1,033 1,096
Georgia 44,767 47,167 -5.1% 36,240 38,589 7,799 8,013 0 0 729 565
Maryland 10,921 11,514 -5.2% 2,256 3,455 8,374 7,769 247 246 43 45
North Carolina 42,445 39,901 6.4% 35,941 33,266 6,291 6,420 108 100 104 116
South Carolina 17,132 18,301 -6.4% 16,475 17,811 547 378 0.00 0.00 110 112
Virginia 47,544 39,258 21.1% 33,428 27,532 13,439 11,111 16 15 661 601
West Virginia 2,757 2,493 10.6% 249 390 2,008 1,658 0 0 500 444
East South Central 121,540 112,184 8.3% 94,443 81,935 24,223 27,551 147 149 2,727 2,549
Alabama 50,068 46,075 8.7% 25,062 17,657 23,782 27,266 0 0 1,223 1,152
Kentucky 13,830 11,388 21.4% 13,235 10,960 435 280 0 0 160 148
Mississippi 44,918 43,061 4.3% 44,505 42,619 NM 5 0 0 407 438
Tennessee 12,724 11,660 9.1% 11,640 10,699 0 0 147 149 937 811
West South Central 339,189 334,317 1.5% 129,239 125,116 160,033 158,827 733 598 49,184 49,776
Arkansas 17,841 21,408 -16.7% 16,700 20,348 956 911 27 30 158 118
Louisiana 57,872 56,026 3.3% 36,171 33,214 3,425 3,896 50 43 18,228 18,873
Oklahoma 38,003 36,305 4.7% 26,162 24,293 11,480 11,638 -0.13 -1 361 375
Texas 225,473 220,579 2.2% 50,206 47,261 144,172 142,383 657 525 30,437 30,410
Mountain 102,002 97,700 4.4% 81,562 76,860 18,698 19,253 326 320 1,415 1,268
Arizona 41,094 39,664 3.6% 29,146 27,626 11,843 11,941 105 97 0 0
Colorado 13,979 13,168 6.2% 11,861 11,356 1,985 1,687 4 2 130 123
Idaho 4,477 4,222 6.0% 3,003 2,781 1,310 1,316 29 30 135 95
Montana 785 696 12.8% 625 625 159 70 0 0 NM 1
Nevada 19,361 18,533 4.5% 17,955 17,028 983 1,072 48 49 375 383
New Mexico 9,586 10,828 -11.5% 7,107 7,614 2,343 3,082 74 80 63 53
Utah 8,727 9,081 -3.9% 8,421 8,842 75 85 66 62 165 93
Wyoming 3,991 1,508 164.7% 3,443 987 1 1 0 0 547 520
Pacific Contiguous 94,544 96,441 -2.0% 38,787 38,607 47,221 49,509 1,106 1,114 7,429 7,212
California 63,066 65,652 -3.9% 20,110 19,834 35,209 38,200 1,061 1,081 6,686 6,537
Oregon 17,868 16,911 5.7% 9,348 9,393 8,389 7,404 41 33 90 82
Washington 13,610 13,878 -1.9% 9,329 9,380 3,623 3,905 5 0.04 653 593
Pacific Noncontiguous 2,250 2,349 -4.2% 2,221 2,299 0 0 0.08 0.16 29 50
Alaska 2,250 2,349 -4.2% 2,221 2,299 0 0 0.08 0.16 29 50
Hawaii 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. Total 1,436,326 1,380,253 4.1% 731,402 690,233 625,051 610,929 6,145 5,833 73,727 73,259

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values for 2024 are preliminary. Values for 2023 are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.