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Electric Power Monthly

Data for September 2024 Release Date: November 22, 2024 Next Release Date: December 23, 2024 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table 1.14.B. Utility Scale Facility Net Generation from Wind
by State, by Sector, Year-to-Date through September 2024 and 2023 (Thousand Megawatthours)

All Sectors Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector

Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Census Division
and State
September 2024 YTD September 2023 YTD Percentage
September 2024 YTD September 2023 YTD September 2024 YTD September 2023 YTD September 2024 YTD September 2023 YTD September 2024 YTD September 2023 YTD
New England 2,487 2,486 0.0% 146 145 2,321 2,325 20 17 0 0
Connecticut 8 7 17.5% 0 0 8 7 0 0 0 0
Maine 1,681 1,695 -0.8% 0 0 1,681 1,695 0 0 0 0
Massachusetts 122 130 -6.2% 25 25 81 93 16 12 0 0
New Hampshire 301 290 3.9% 0 0 301 290 0 0 0 0
Rhode Island 130 124 4.9% 0 0 126 120 4 4 0 0
Vermont 244 240 1.5% 121 120 124 120 0 0 0 0
Middle Atlantic 6,660 5,445 22.3% 187 147 6,469 5,295 NM 2 NM 1
New Jersey 14 14 -0.1% 0 0 14 14 0 0 0 0
New York 4,137 3,160 30.9% 187 147 3,946 3,011 NM 2 NM 1
Pennsylvania 2,509 2,270 10.5% 0 0 2,509 2,270 0 0 0 0
East North Central 34,326 30,096 14.1% 4,986 4,013 29,250 26,002 20 17 69 65
Illinois 17,238 15,022 14.8% 8 8 17,227 15,014 NM 1 0 0
Indiana 6,878 6,255 10.0% 0 0 6,878 6,255 0 0 0 0
Michigan 6,796 5,664 20.0% 4,025 3,226 2,771 2,438 0 0 0 0
Ohio 2,021 1,962 3.0% NM 3 1,950 1,896 1 2 66 60
Wisconsin 1,393 1,193 16.7% 949 775 424 399 16 14 4 4
West North Central 98,245 89,271 10.1% 36,812 34,132 61,392 55,107 33 24 NM 8
Iowa 31,842 29,337 8.5% 22,991 21,261 8,849 8,075 2 1 0 0
Kansas 22,380 19,244 16.3% 2,058 1,813 20,303 17,413 10 9 NM 8
Minnesota 10,856 10,221 6.2% 4,660 4,360 6,176 5,847 21 13 0 0
Missouri 5,094 4,819 5.7% 2,081 1,958 3,013 2,861 0 0 0 0
Nebraska 8,932 8,727 2.3% 71 65 8,861 8,662 0 0 0 0
North Dakota 10,912 10,248 6.5% 3,877 3,639 7,035 6,609 0 0 0 0
South Dakota 8,228 6,674 23.3% 1,074 1,035 7,154 5,640 0 0 0 0
South Atlantic 2,207 2,274 -2.9% 37 37 2,168 2,234 1 3 0 0
Delaware 1 3 -58.9% 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0
District of Columbia 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Florida 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Georgia 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Maryland 395 336 17.7% 0 0 395 336 0 0 0 0
North Carolina 376 406 -7.3% 0 0 376 406 0 0 0 0
South Carolina 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Virginia 37 37 1.4% 37 37 0 0 0 0 0 0
West Virginia 1,397 1,492 -6.4% 0 0 1,397 1,492 0 0 0 0
East South Central 217 9 NM 0 0 217 9 0 0 0 0
Alabama 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kentucky 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mississippi 201 0 -- 0 0 201 0 0 0 0 0
Tennessee 16 9 72.2% 0 0 16 9 0 0 0 0
West South Central 121,680 118,114 3.0% 5,381 4,948 116,271 113,137 28 29 0 -0.21
Arkansas 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Louisiana 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Oklahoma 28,661 27,143 5.6% 5,233 4,792 23,428 22,351 0 0 0 0
Texas 93,019 90,971 2.3% 148 156 92,843 90,786 28 29 0 -0.21
Mountain 39,590 36,443 8.6% 9,880 9,555 29,706 26,885 NM 1 2 2
Arizona 1,914 1,360 40.7% 0 0 1,914 1,360 0 0 0 0
Colorado 13,049 11,765 10.9% 3,301 3,186 9,746 8,578 0 0 2 2
Idaho 2,023 1,775 14.0% 114 113 1,909 1,661 0 0 0 0
Montana 4,136 3,138 31.8% 667 664 3,469 2,474 0 0 0 0
Nevada 237 239 -0.6% 0 0 237 239 0 0 0 0
New Mexico 11,089 11,499 -3.6% 2,132 2,086 8,956 9,411 NM 1 0 0
Utah 564 558 1.1% 0 0 564 558 0 0 0 0
Wyoming 6,577 6,108 7.7% 3,666 3,505 2,912 2,603 0 0 0 0
Pacific Contiguous 25,158 25,911 -2.9% 4,991 4,834 20,158 21,068 4 5 4 4
California 11,429 11,954 -4.4% 609 521 10,812 11,424 4 5 4 4
Oregon 7,521 7,795 -3.5% 1,292 1,299 6,229 6,496 0 0 0 0
Washington 6,208 6,162 0.8% 3,089 3,014 3,118 3,148 0 0 0 0
Pacific Noncontiguous 609 589 3.3% 50 47 559 542 0 0 0 0
Alaska 89 84 6.4% 50 47 39 36 0 0 0 0
Hawaii 520 506 2.8% 0 0 520 506 0 0 0 0
U.S. Total 331,177 310,638 6.6% 62,470 57,857 268,511 252,604 111 97 85 80

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values for 2024 are preliminary. Values for 2023 are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.