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Electric Power Monthly

Data for June 2024 Release Date: August 23, 2024 Next Release Date: September 24, 2024 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table 1.15.B. Utility Scale Facility Net Generation from Biomass
by State, by Sector, Year-to-Date through June 2024 and 2023 (Thousand Megawatthours)

All Sectors Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector

Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Census Division
and State
June 2024 YTD June 2023 YTD Percentage
June 2024 YTD June 2023 YTD June 2024 YTD June 2023 YTD June 2024 YTD June 2023 YTD June 2024 YTD June 2023 YTD
New England 2,081 2,158 -3.5% 116 122 1,453 1,465 225 234 288 336
Connecticut 206 212 -2.9% 0 0 206 212 0 0 0 0
Maine 750 807 -7.1% 0 0 460 466 3 5 288 336
Massachusetts 444 453 -2.0% 0 0 239 242 205 211 0 0
New Hampshire 382 382 -0.1% 0 0 365 365 16 18 0 0
Rhode Island 120 118 2.1% 0 0 120 118 0 0 0 0
Vermont 180 186 -3.6% 116 122 63 63 1 1 0 0
Middle Atlantic 1,863 1,947 -4.3% 0 0 1,007 1,151 604 539 252 257
New Jersey 331 335 -1.2% 0 0 151 170 180 166 0 0
New York 770 817 -5.8% 0 0 379 470 314 279 77 68
Pennsylvania 762 795 -4.1% 0 0 477 512 110 94 175 189
East North Central 1,893 2,048 -7.6% 350 419 989 1,085 43 48 512 496
Illinois 128 143 -10.2% 41 49 88 94 0 0 0 0
Indiana 173 185 -6.4% 127 135 22 27 0 0 23 23
Michigan 996 1,023 -2.7% 0 0 684 753 22 21 290 249
Ohio 122 162 -24.7% 0 0 58 72 4 4 60 86
Wisconsin 474 536 -11.6% 182 235 136 140 17 23 139 137
West North Central 821 821 -0.1% 120 129 250 254 59 63 391 374
Iowa 102 102 0.3% 18 18 45 48 3 4 36 31
Kansas 29 31 -5.3% 0 0 29 31 0 0 0 0
Minnesota 583 578 0.9% 58 63 157 155 27 31 341 329
Missouri 56 54 3.9% 13 14 19 20 22 18 2 2
Nebraska 38 45 -15.8% 31 35 0 0 6 9 0 0
North Dakota 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
South Dakota 13 13 2.0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 13
South Atlantic 7,789 8,139 -4.3% 656 675 2,404 2,627 424 464 4,306 4,373
Delaware 36 38 -4.2% 0 0 27 28 0 0 10 10
District of Columbia 30 31 -3.0% 0 0 0 0 30 31 0 0
Florida 1,567 1,801 -13.0% 215 214 466 564 197 225 688 799
Georgia 2,620 2,596 0.9% 0 0 876 876 0 0 1,744 1,720
Maryland 163 153 6.0% 0 0 163 151 0 3 0 0
North Carolina 802 865 -7.2% 0 0 322 347 0 0 480 517
South Carolina 991 1,026 -3.3% 27 28 176 256 0 0 789 742
Virginia 1,576 1,624 -3.0% 414 433 371 400 197 206 594 585
West Virginia NM 5 NM 0 0 NM 5 0 0 0 0
East South Central 2,623 2,616 0.3% 38 46 55 56 0 0 2,530 2,514
Alabama 1,589 1,557 2.0% 0 0 21 22 0 0 1,568 1,535
Kentucky 214 211 1.7% 38 46 7 6 0 0 169 160
Mississippi 604 644 -6.2% 0 0 NM 5 0 0 600 639
Tennessee 216 204 5.8% 0 0 23 24 0 0 193 180
West South Central 2,131 2,044 4.3% 106 83 131 151 -1 -5 1,896 1,815
Arkansas 425 384 10.6% 0 0 18 23 0 0 407 361
Louisiana 990 977 1.4% 0 0 39 41 0 0 951 935
Oklahoma 165 147 12.3% 0 0 8 8 -1 -5 158 143
Texas 552 537 2.8% 106 83 66 78 0 0 380 375
Mountain 418 468 -10.6% 11 11 241 266 20 22 146 168
Arizona 97 96 1.6% 0 0 97 96 0 0 0 0
Colorado 49 66 -24.9% 0 0 49 66 0 0 0 0
Idaho 186 211 -11.9% 7 7 24 31 15 15 140 159
Montana 10 14 -26.0% NM 4 0 0 0 0 6 10
Nevada 27 28 -5.3% 0 0 27 28 0 0 0 0
New Mexico 13 15 -10.5% 0 0 13 15 0 0 0 0
Utah 36 39 -8.0% 0 0 30 32 5 7 0 0
Wyoming 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pacific Contiguous 3,313 3,556 -6.8% 173 175 1,797 1,940 360 357 982 1,084
California 2,315 2,446 -5.4% 20 20 1,589 1,732 340 337 365 357
Oregon 480 470 2.0% 27 28 156 157 15 15 282 270
Washington 519 640 -18.9% 126 126 52 51 5 6 336 457
Pacific Noncontiguous 130 148 -12.4% 8 8 33 53 89 87 0 0
Alaska 20 18 12.5% 0 0 0 0 20 18 0 0
Hawaii 109 130 -15.8% 8 8 33 53 68 69 0 0
U.S. Total 23,063 23,946 -3.7% 1,578 1,669 8,359 9,050 1,823 1,810 11,303 11,417

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values are preliminary. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.