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Table 5.12. Consumption of Nautral Gas for Electricity Generation by State, by Sector,
2023 and 2022 (Million Cubic Feet)

  Electric Power Sector  
Census Division
and State
All Sectors Electric Utilities Independent Power Producers Commercial Sector Industrial Sector
  Year 2023 Year 2022 Percentage Change Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022
New England 409,759 395,702 3.6% 1,681 1,737 394,951 379,760 5,743 5,806 7,384 8,400
Connecticut 172,421 169,159 1.9% 794 626 166,191 163,271 1,706 1,622 3,730 3,640
Maine 27,059 27,377 -1.2% 0 0 25,875 25,028 150 155 1,034 2,194
Massachusetts 106,935 114,921 -6.9% 884 1,103 101,528 109,161 3,610 3,746 914 911
New Hampshire 31,076 32,197 -3.5% 0 0 30,849 31,983 55 37 172 177
Rhode Island 72,259 52,036 39% 0 0 70,507 50,317 218 242 1,534 1,477
Vermont 8 12 -34% 3 8 0 0 5 4 0 0
Middle Atlantic 1,657,420 1,597,094 3.8% 104,837 102,751 1,515,555 1,457,850 8,003 8,447 29,025 28,046
New Jersey 232,173 235,068 -1.2% 1,543 1,275 226,561 229,865 1,816 1,888 2,253 2,040
New York 459,614 462,958 -0.7% 103,135 101,155 347,479 352,298 5,399 5,706 3,601 3,799
Pennsylvania 965,633 899,068 7.4% 159 322 941,515 875,687 788 853 23,170 22,207
East North Central 1,596,860 1,341,250 19% 634,104 495,530 919,184 802,039 8,408 8,367 35,164 35,315
Illinois 206,544 148,706 39% 20,805 18,284 177,320 122,166 2,465 2,476 5,954 5,780
Indiana 271,610 241,284 13% 139,670 107,773 113,133 113,966 1,048 905 17,760 18,640
Michigan 386,488 299,800 29% 227,125 134,633 152,889 158,553 3,114 3,322 3,360 3,292
Ohio 546,691 477,154 15% 67,796 74,038 475,843 400,050 1,302 1,157 1,751 1,908
Wisconsin 185,526 174,307 6.4% 178,708 160,802 0 7,303 479 507 6,339 5,695
West North Central 353,556 266,033 33% 287,953 221,556 54,245 34,084 2,034 1,774 9,325 8,619
Iowa 70,472 57,910 22% 66,557 54,626 1 2 829 513 3,085 2,769
Kansas 43,392 32,577 33% 40,877 30,569 0 0 0 0 2,514 2,008
Minnesota 100,954 66,079 53% 63,733 42,284 33,824 20,225 466 510 2,932 3,060
Missouri 79,501 70,716 12% 58,210 55,950 20,420 13,857 722 745 149 164
Nebraska 14,311 12,672 13% 14,226 12,666 0 0 17 6 68 0
North Dakota 26,949 13,851 95% 26,836 13,678 0 0 0 0 114 174
South Dakota 17,977 12,228 47% 17,514 11,784 0 0 0 0 463 444
South Atlantic 2,968,873 2,988,673 -0.7% 2,479,798 2,481,886 453,816 474,688 7,014 5,986 28,245 26,114
Delaware 32,510 36,019 -9.7% 187 553 26,787 30,980 0 0 5,536 4,485
District of Columbia 929 823 13% 0 0 0 0 929 823 0 0
Florida 1,411,687 1,396,144 1.1% 1,334,487 1,302,951 69,181 84,478 611 703 7,408 8,012
Georgia 432,544 436,809 -1.0% 351,745 336,359 75,916 95,919 0 0 4,883 4,531
Maryland 113,908 99,960 14% 29,849 26,642 79,968 70,288 3,804 2,793 287 236
North Carolina 402,323 465,832 -14% 341,537 398,255 58,451 65,194 1,506 1,508 829 875
South Carolina 181,285 186,120 -2.6% 176,155 169,439 4,138 15,909 0 0.24 993 771
Virginia 359,769 348,317 3.3% 239,745 242,981 114,036 99,853 163 159 5,825 5,323
West Virginia 33,917 18,651 82% 6,094 4,705 25,339 12,064 0 0 2,484 1,881
East South Central 1,070,457 1,094,416 -2.2% 796,219 818,108 252,010 255,024 930 920 21,298 20,364
Alabama 440,870 446,421 -1.2% 185,031 190,930 246,231 246,708 0 0 9,608 8,783
Kentucky 111,679 136,522 -18% 105,150 127,460 5,692 8,169 0 0 837 893
Mississippi 404,776 379,340 6.7% 401,631 376,536 87 95 0 0 3,058 2,709
Tennessee 113,132 132,133 -14% 104,407 123,181 0 51 930 920 7,795 7,980
West South Central 3,174,679 2,863,514 11% 1,294,209 1,176,465 1,475,232 1,291,807 4,364 4,755 400,874 390,487
Arkansas 188,232 184,973 1.8% 180,167 176,450 6,709 6,981 426 437 930 1,105
Louisiana 527,985 515,085 2.5% 336,771 334,275 37,130 26,658 408 647 153,677 153,506
Oklahoma 361,639 290,767 24% 252,811 199,005 104,869 87,896 1 1 3,957 3,865
Texas 2,096,823 1,872,688 12% 524,460 466,734 1,326,524 1,170,273 3,529 3,670 242,309 232,011
Mountain 1,003,148 883,239 14% 795,928 696,158 192,413 173,047 2,270 2,223 12,536 11,810
Arizona 401,841 339,055 19% 282,480 238,735 118,779 99,747 582 574 0 0
Colorado 134,799 127,968 5.3% 113,708 106,665 19,907 20,080 14 19 1,170 1,204
Idaho 47,138 33,554 40% 34,166 21,640 12,190 11,215 170 166 611 534
Montana 10,315 7,746 33% 9,265 6,448 1,043 1,282 0 0 7 17
Nevada 180,100 186,318 -3.3% 167,450 169,306 8,331 13,834 267 256 4,053 2,922
New Mexico 120,856 90,587 33% 88,523 64,102 31,014 25,709 518 555 800 221
Utah 89,405 83,768 6.7% 86,091 79,177 1,140 1,176 719 653 1,455 2,762
Wyoming 18,694 14,242 31% 14,245 10,086 9 5 0 0 4,440 4,151
Pacific Contiguous 982,282 927,070 6.0% 398,570 355,060 509,403 495,752 10,302 10,379 64,007 65,880
California 680,050 694,753 -2.1% 209,418 220,115 402,638 403,833 9,126 9,672 58,868 61,133
Oregon 162,894 131,895 24% 92,367 69,741 69,745 61,571 165 187 617 396
Washington 139,338 100,423 39% 96,784 65,204 37,019 30,348 1,012 520 4,522 4,350
Pacific Noncontiguous 27,780 27,094 2.5% 27,509 26,791 0 0 1 1 270 302
Alaska 27,780 27,094 2.5% 27,509 26,791 0 0 1 1 270 302
Hawaii 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. Total 13,244,813 12,384,086 7.0% 6,820,807 6,376,041 5,766,811 5,364,050 49,069 48,658 608,127 595,337

Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.