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Table 3.15. Utility Scale Facility Net Generation from Renewable Sources Excluding Hydroelectric
by State, by Sector, 2023 and 2022 (Thousand Megawatthours)

All Sectors Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector

Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Census Division
and State
Year 2023 Year 2022 Percentage
Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022
New England 11,419 12,151 -6.0% 572 678 9,692 10,113 528 575 627 785
Connecticut 1,022 940 8.7% 0.10 1 1,012 933 5 6 5 0.16
Maine 4,320 4,963 -13.0% 0 0 3,694 4,150 7 32 618 780
Massachusetts 3,111 3,087 0.8% 115 142 2,520 2,458 472 482 4 5
New Hampshire 1,194 1,339 -10.8% 0 0 1,157 1,294 37 45 0 0
Rhode Island 839 789 6.3% 0 0 834 782 6 7 0 0
Vermont 934 1,034 -9.6% 457 536 476 496 1 2 0 0
Middle Atlantic 16,047 15,839 1.3% 358 119 13,903 13,786 1,298 1,364 489 571
New Jersey 2,233 2,204 1.4% 126 119 1,637 1,594 465 485 6 6
New York 8,663 8,233 5.2% 232 0 7,649 7,386 625 666 157 180
Pennsylvania 5,151 5,403 -4.7% 0 0 4,616 4,805 208 212 326 385
East North Central 55,069 57,427 -4.1% 8,565 8,200 45,278 47,786 131 157 1,095 1,283
Illinois 23,961 25,325 -5.4% 95 112 23,863 25,208 3 5 NM 0
Indiana 10,953 11,453 -4.4% 1,134 737 9,774 10,658 2 11 43 47
Michigan 11,584 12,268 -5.6% 4,822 5,172 6,201 6,435 42 43 519 618
Ohio 4,526 4,605 -1.7% 12 12 4,250 4,264 14 17 249 312
Wisconsin 4,046 3,775 7.2% 2,503 2,166 1,190 1,222 70 80 283 306
West North Central 130,196 141,512 -8.0% 48,823 52,251 80,452 88,264 180 265 741 732
Iowa 42,170 46,367 -9.1% 30,352 34,490 11,738 11,783 8 23 71 71
Kansas 27,420 29,823 -8.1% 2,546 2,117 24,850 27,676 13 16 11 13
Minnesota 17,628 18,179 -3.0% 6,354 5,222 10,534 12,177 102 164 638 616
Missouri 7,049 7,790 -9.5% 2,855 3,027 4,150 4,717 40 43 3 3
Nebraska 12,015 12,776 -6.0% 167 171 11,830 12,588 18 18 0 0
North Dakota 14,477 16,250 -10.9% 5,155 5,624 9,321 10,626 0 0 0 0
South Dakota 9,439 10,326 -8.6% 1,395 1,600 8,028 8,697 0 0 17 29
South Atlantic 60,851 58,161 4.6% 18,491 15,792 33,468 31,985 1,056 1,107 7,835 9,278
Delaware 226 147 53.3% 7 7 199 113 7 7 13 21
District of Columbia 83 80 3.3% 3 0.33 21 22 58 58 0 0
Florida 17,183 15,348 12.0% 13,478 11,129 1,994 2,076 457 459 1,254 1,684
Georgia 12,501 12,674 -1.4% 640 688 8,707 8,100 2 2 3,153 3,885
Maryland 1,746 1,524 14.6% 8 8 1,715 1,489 24 26 0 0
North Carolina 13,680 13,636 0.3% 1,075 796 11,475 11,575 106 118 1,024 1,147
South Carolina 4,504 4,414 2.0% 74 64 3,161 3,040 0 0 1,268 1,310
Virginia 8,830 8,322 6.1% 3,206 3,100 4,098 3,553 402 437 1,123 1,232
West Virginia 2,099 2,017 4.0% 0 0 2,099 2,017 0 0 0 0
East South Central 8,347 7,506 11.2% 334 203 2,811 2,150 5 7 5,197 5,147
Alabama 4,371 4,085 7.0% 25 25 1,217 912 0 0 3,129 3,147
Kentucky 573 494 15.9% 124 133 119 17 1 3 329 343
Mississippi 1,972 1,801 9.5% 182 42 459 471 0 0 1,332 1,288
Tennessee 1,430 1,126 27.0% 3 3 1,016 750 3 4 407 369
West South Central 190,432 180,499 5.5% 7,481 3,386 179,194 173,120 46 62 3,711 3,931
Arkansas 1,511 1,578 -4.2% 241 254 561 505 19 20 690 799
Louisiana 2,280 2,273 0.3% 40 41 335 235 0 0 1,904 1,997
Oklahoma 37,356 37,946 -1.6% 6,743 2,452 30,365 35,198 -7 -9 256 304
Texas 149,285 138,702 7.6% 457 639 147,932 137,182 35 51 861 831
Mountain 83,476 80,791 3.3% 14,764 15,647 68,184 64,627 121 121 408 395
Arizona 9,365 8,838 6.0% 593 697 8,718 8,099 20 23 34 19
Colorado 19,840 19,474 1.9% 4,256 4,514 15,568 14,950 8 8 8 2
Idaho 3,706 3,527 5.1% 435 181 2,906 2,970 31 30 335 345
Montana 4,825 4,081 18.2% 959 1,074 3,846 2,988 0 0 20 19
Nevada 14,192 13,311 6.6% 177 193 13,955 13,060 47 47 12 11
New Mexico 17,576 16,480 6.7% 3,142 3,161 14,433 13,317 1 2 0 0
Utah 5,163 5,114 1.0% 255 270 4,894 4,833 14 11 0.14 0
Wyoming 8,810 9,966 -11.6% 4,945 5,556 3,865 4,410 0 0 0 0
Pacific Contiguous 92,484 90,294 2.4% 6,996 7,471 82,145 79,457 991 987 2,352 2,380
California 71,348 69,916 2.0% 1,490 1,855 67,939 66,167 953 945 966 949
Oregon 11,955 10,921 9.5% 1,532 1,346 9,866 9,031 31 32 526 513
Washington 9,181 9,457 -2.9% 3,974 4,270 4,340 4,258 7 10 860 918
Pacific Noncontiguous 1,918 1,846 3.9% 158 180 1,569 1,456 190 210 0 0
Alaska 150 180 -16.5% 61 81 50 58 39 41 0 0
Hawaii 1,767 1,666 6.1% 97 99 1,519 1,398 151 169 0 0
U.S. Total 650,239 646,025 0.7% 106,543 103,925 516,695 512,744 4,545 4,854 22,456 24,502

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.