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SAS Output
Table 3.3.A. Net Generation by Energy Source: Independent Power Producers, 2013 - 2023
(Thousand Megawatthours)

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Period Coal Petroleum
Nuclear Hydroelectric
Solar Renewable
and Solar
Other Total
Annual Totals
2013 379,270 3,761 1,780 527,522 3,524 382,902 22,018 7,782 181,263 -908 6,742 1,515,657
2014 395,701 6,789 1,410 531,758 3,246 377,295 19,861 16,086 196,723 -1,030 6,622 1,554,462
2015 342,608 6,240 1,601 619,839 3,517 380,498 17,996 22,962 202,858 -987 6,765 1,603,898
2016 307,263 3,360 1,401 624,600 3,758 381,294 18,539 33,502 233,553 -1,057 6,876 1,613,090
2017 304,198 3,281 1,480 572,919 3,978 380,465 23,034 49,376 258,962 -1,047 6,439 1,603,086
2018 278,668 5,487 1,516 645,616 3,935 382,833 23,812 58,337 275,154 -1,119 6,677 1,680,917
2019 235,847 2,669 1,125 692,113 3,883 378,738 24,288 64,480 290,343 -1,000 7,138 1,699,625
2020 185,328 1,984 1,504 706,885 3,129 360,925 19,409 78,567 319,633 -995 6,971 1,683,340
2021 217,636 2,378 1,413 699,547 3,292 348,961 21,702 100,612 344,784 -1,235 6,449 1,745,538
2022 204,243 5,734 1,354 750,266 3,451 343,604 20,673 125,155 387,590 -1,276 3,487 1,844,282
2023 152,238 2,573 1,415 803,945 3,340 333,482 23,862 142,360 374,335 -1,445 2,823 1,838,927
Year 2021
January 20,645 159 124 55,180 337 32,261 1,989 4,766 28,106 -92 586 144,063
February 20,795 331 90 49,941 190 28,615 1,441 5,502 24,726 -86 516 132,062
March 15,206 149 104 45,540 188 28,384 2,124 8,081 35,500 -94 576 135,757
April 12,755 153 131 45,583 270 26,966 2,023 9,464 32,452 -95 519 130,220
May 14,000 161 136 49,085 289 29,903 2,024 10,827 30,751 -93 535 137,617
June 20,363 225 87 65,700 322 29,216 1,544 10,826 25,029 -106 537 153,743
July 24,606 194 114 75,646 312 30,461 1,889 10,720 20,990 -134 546 165,344
August 23,918 221 122 77,980 331 30,719 1,639 10,565 25,329 -139 532 171,216
September 18,077 178 130 63,041 299 29,214 1,640 9,880 26,399 -120 512 149,249
October 16,402 166 112 61,110 343 23,879 1,657 8,055 29,020 -93 535 141,184
November 15,296 202 131 54,770 180 27,867 1,899 6,755 31,239 -76 493 138,756
December 15,573 240 132 55,971 232 31,476 1,834 5,172 35,242 -107 563 146,327
Year 2022
January 23,291 1,778 144 58,734 292 31,282 1,702 6,707 32,672 -73 337 156,865
February 19,627 438 131 51,382 251 27,552 1,808 7,781 32,824 -111 276 141,960
March 17,526 222 145 49,110 270 28,768 2,358 10,085 37,718 -103 307 146,406
April 14,792 154 137 46,169 291 25,037 2,360 11,598 40,541 -101 296 141,274
May 14,096 149 58 56,228 365 28,345 2,054 13,172 37,838 -92 289 152,501
June 16,076 192 108 67,698 281 28,807 1,601 14,109 30,941 -129 309 159,993
July 19,305 311 71 84,262 342 29,969 1,357 13,851 27,884 -146 312 177,519
August 20,347 295 124 85,697 277 29,976 1,272 12,685 23,314 -145 298 174,141
September 14,860 210 140 72,435 306 27,819 1,354 11,709 24,739 -105 275 153,744
October 12,745 228 136 60,642 276 26,860 1,338 10,406 29,126 -64 255 141,947
November 14,768 190 84 55,774 236 28,430 1,504 7,299 35,838 -97 252 144,278
December 16,810 1,566 76 62,134 264 30,759 1,966 5,753 34,153 -111 284 153,654
Year 2023
January 13,093 166 123 60,616 285 30,363 2,679 6,565 34,357 -122 281 148,405
February 11,333 444 112 55,471 238 26,526 1,935 7,898 35,758 -97 224 139,842
March 12,063 191 117 58,390 280 26,730 2,356 10,209 38,366 -130 228 148,801
April 10,796 191 107 52,454 202 23,088 2,336 12,968 36,407 -99 218 138,668
May 10,816 186 143 58,633 308 26,596 2,196 14,853 28,753 -123 271 142,634
June 11,172 149 114 71,177 273 27,814 1,505 15,445 25,822 -132 253 153,592
July 15,778 243 140 90,165 305 29,910 2,075 16,463 26,509 -137 241 181,692
August 15,990 183 138 88,505 333 29,679 2,037 15,347 26,048 -154 240 178,346
September 12,872 200 132 75,519 289 27,985 1,589 13,534 25,576 -137 196 157,755
October 11,746 255 98 63,078 249 26,895 1,443 12,176 31,572 -78 215 147,648
November 13,493 193 59 62,734 262 27,538 1,507 8,985 31,544 -102 229 146,440
December 13,087 173 130 67,204 316 30,357 2,205 7,916 33,624 -135 227 155,104

Coal includes anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, and waste coal; synthetic coal and refined coal; and beginning in 2011, coal-derived synthesis gas. Prior to 2011 coal-derived synthesis gas was included in Other Fossil Gas.
Petroleum Liquids includes distillate and residual fuel oils, jet fuel, kerosene, waste oil, and beginning in 2011, propane. Prior to 2011 propane was included in Other Fossil Gas.
Petroleum Coke includes petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas. Prior to 2011, petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas was included in Other Fossil Gas.
Other Fossil Gas includes gaseous propane, blast furnace gas, other manufactured and waste gases derived from fossil fuels other than hydrogen.
See the Technical Notes for fuel conversion factors.
Renewable Sources include wood, black liquor, other wood waste, biogenic municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, agriculture byproducts, other biomass, geothermal, solar thermal, photovoltaic energy, and wind.
Other includes hydrogen, non-biogenic municipal solid waste, batteries, purchased steam, sulfur, tire-derived fuel, and other miscellaneous energy sources.
Notes: Beginning with 2001 data, non-biogenic municipal solid waste and tire-derived fuels are reclassified as non-renewable energy sources and included in Other. Biogenic municipal solid waste is included in Other Renewable Sources.
See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923 and predecessor forms.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. NM=Not meaningful due to large standard error. W=Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 Combined Heat and Power Plant Report; and predecessor forms.
Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report, replaced the following: Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; Form EIA-920, Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;
Form EIA-423, Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report; and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants.