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Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS)


Table B23. Energy sources, floorspace, 2012

Released: May 2016

Total floorspace (million square feet)
Buildings using any
energy source
Energy sources used (more than one may apply)
Propane Other1
All buildings 87,093 84,893 84,869 58,725 20,200 5,964 4,608 7,706 3,826
Building floorspace (square feet)                  
1,001 to 5,000 8,041 7,501 7,492 3,757 604 Q Q 762 193
5,001 to 10,000 8,900 8,505 8,489 4,817 559 Q Q 959 303
10,001 to 25,000 14,105 13,565 13,565 8,823 1,123 Q 145 1,124 486
25,001 to 50,000 11,917 11,672 11,672 8,148 1,490 213 Q 920 520
50,001 to 100,000 13,918 13,604 13,604 9,935 2,822 704 567 1,042 566
100,001 to 200,000 12,415 12,362 12,362 9,416 2,858 1,313 1,273 1,061 564
200,001 to 500,000 10,724 10,652 10,652 8,293 5,370 1,565 1,064 959 809
Over 500,000 7,074 7,033 7,033 5,535 5,374 2,001 1,306 879 384
Principal building activity                  
Education 12,239 12,239 12,239 9,520 2,185 1,155 1,292 877 806
Food sales 1,252 1,252 1,252 846 Q N N Q Q
Food service 1,819 1,819 1,819 1,394 Q Q Q 237 Q
Health care 4,155 4,155 4,155 3,292 2,776 684 523 315 106
Inpatient 2,374 2,374 2,374 2,113 2,257 576 477 225 Q
Outpatient 1,781 1,781 1,781 1,179 520 Q Q Q Q
Lodging 5,826 5,826 5,826 4,918 2,051 630 Q 883 Q
Mercantile 11,330 11,330 11,320 8,493 1,119 Q N 839 482
Retail (other than mall) 5,439 5,439 5,430 3,371 454 Q N 575 Q
Enclosed and strip malls 5,890 5,890 5,890 5,123 665 Q N 264 Q
Office 15,952 15,952 15,952 10,290 5,328 1,794 1,096 358 757
Public assembly 5,559 5,559 5,559 3,888 1,663 888 880 858 288
Public order and safety 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,007 908 Q Q Q Q
Religious worship 4,557 4,557 4,557 3,016 391 N Q 487 Q
Service 4,630 4,512 4,512 2,790 733 Q N 555 383
Warehouse and storage 13,077 12,584 12,568 7,007 1,773 Q N 1,516 549
Other 2,002 1,972 1,972 1,378 738 Q Q 393 Q
Vacant 3,256 1,699 1,699 886 Q Q Q Q Q
Year constructed                  
Before 1920 3,983 3,800 3,800 2,320 1,099 540 Q 265 Q
1920 to 1945 6,025 5,882 5,866 3,792 1,447 888 Q 321 291
1946 to 1959 7,381 7,208 7,208 5,393 1,530 446 203 525 415
1960 to 1969 10,362 10,198 10,198 7,553 2,407 1,002 923 921 490
1970 to 1979 10,846 10,556 10,556 7,979 2,614 930 811 880 499
1980 to 1989 15,230 14,791 14,791 9,887 3,806 449 310 1,214 591
1990 to 1999 13,803 13,123 13,118 9,162 3,201 642 664 1,339 572
2000 to 2003 7,215 7,193 7,193 4,723 1,467 Q Q 903 349
2004 to 2007 6,524 6,485 6,485 4,096 1,497 Q 418 780 Q
2008 to 2012 5,723 5,658 5,653 3,821 1,133 Q Q 559 Q
Census region and division                  
Northeast 15,534 15,300 15,291 11,068 6,079 1,981 794 1,746 1,087
New England 4,302 4,197 4,192 2,241 1,866 Q Q 861 397
Middle Atlantic 11,232 11,104 11,099 8,827 4,213 1,628 656 885 691
Midwest 18,919 18,575 18,560 15,025 3,935 906 585 1,909 798
East North Central 12,742 12,544 12,544 10,790 2,619 574 420 829 532
West North Central 6,178 6,032 6,016 4,236 1,316 332 Q 1,080 267
South 34,279 33,026 33,026 19,900 7,051 2,191 2,479 2,567 907
South Atlantic 17,981 17,608 17,608 9,984 4,419 1,159 1,202 1,476 554
East South Central 4,904 4,824 4,824 3,436 797 Q Q 470 Q
West South Central 11,394 10,594 10,594 6,480 1,835 646 773 621 Q
West 18,360 17,992 17,992 12,732 3,135 886 749 1,484 1,034
Mountain 4,981 4,812 4,812 3,766 1,092 482 Q 503 403
Pacific 13,379 13,180 13,180 8,966 2,043 404 329 982 631
Climate region2                  
Very cold/Cold 31,898 31,311 31,286 24,511 8,008 1,926 1,227 3,594 2,011
Mixed-humid 27,873 27,422 27,422 19,361 7,287 3,012 2,027 2,183 1,017
Mixed-dry/Hot-dry 12,037 11,743 11,743 7,520 1,605 Q Q 842 496
Hot-humid 12,831 12,002 12,002 5,300 2,597 374 752 998 Q
Marine 2,454 2,416 2,416 2,033 703 Q Q Q Q
Number of workers (main shift)                  
Fewer than 5 17,751 15,555 15,530 7,858 1,489 Q Q 1,689 543
5 to 9 8,973 8,970 8,970 5,355 717 Q Q 902 359
10 to 19 9,623 9,623 9,623 6,799 765 Q Q 932 365
20 to 49 14,514 14,514 14,514 10,613 1,824 623 505 1,246 416
50 to 99 13,476 13,476 13,476 10,320 3,137 669 683 1,052 656
100 to 249 10,941 10,941 10,941 8,880 4,040 1,096 982 958 870
250 or more 11,815 11,815 11,815 8,900 8,229 3,082 1,986 927 618
Weekly operating hours                  
Fewer than 40 8,220 6,553 6,548 3,705 538 Q Q 691 Q
40 to 48 15,828 15,737 15,737 9,960 2,668 403 521 936 338
49 to 60 20,529 20,445 20,425 14,006 3,910 1,099 805 1,680 1,300
61 to 84 15,867 15,800 15,800 11,494 3,104 844 524 1,261 880
85 to 167 9,395 9,364 9,364 6,734 1,868 631 606 1,296 552
Open continuously 17,253 16,994 16,994 12,827 8,113 2,815 2,005 1,842 661
Ownership and occupancy                  
Nongovernment owned 67,550 65,645 65,620 44,481 14,057 3,135 2,104 5,896 2,663
Owner occupied 30,637 30,345 30,321 20,542 6,308 1,842 1,478 3,569 1,431
Leased to tenant(s) 26,115 25,809 25,809 17,361 4,749 730 297 1,567 789
Owner occupied and leased 8,873 8,820 8,820 6,254 2,928 557 329 743 427
Unoccupied 1,925 670 670 325 Q Q N Q Q
Government owned 19,543 19,248 19,248 14,244 6,143 2,829 2,504 1,810 1,163
Federal 1,573 1,573 1,573 868 1,083 708 Q Q Q
State 5,539 5,522 5,522 3,939 1,400 1,538 1,448 394 Q
Local 12,431 12,153 12,153 9,438 3,660 584 612 1,332 616
Energy sources
(more than one may apply)
Electricity 84,869 84,869 84,869 58,725 20,200 5,964 4,608 7,686 3,801
Natural gas 58,725 58,725 58,725 58,725 13,663 2,860 2,431 3,396 2,637
Fuel oil 20,200 20,200 20,200 13,663 20,200 3,110 2,134 3,080 1,133
District heat 5,964 5,964 5,964 2,860 3,110 5,964 3,730 Q 335
District chilled water 4,608 4,608 4,608 2,431 2,134 3,730 4,608 Q Q
Propane 7,706 7,706 7,686 3,396 3,080 Q Q 7,706 488
Other 3,826 3,826 3,801 2,637 1,133 335 Q 488 3,826
Energy end uses
(more than one may apply)
Buildings with space heating 80,078 80,078 80,053 58,129 19,670 5,962 4,561 7,332 3,826
Buildings with cooling 79,294 79,294 79,294 56,899 19,309 5,903 4,608 7,061 3,573
Buildings with water heating 79,015 79,015 79,015 57,019 19,708 5,822 4,511 7,383 3,679
Buildings with cooking 38,546 38,546 38,546 31,026 12,694 3,154 2,084 4,209 2,076
Buildings with manufacturing 5,078 5,078 5,078 3,740 863 Q Q 809 Q
Buildings with electricity
25,642 25,642 25,642 20,271 17,073 3,749 2,731 3,380 2,881
Food preparation or serving areas
in non-food service buildings
(more than one may apply)
Snack bar or concession stand 9,884 9,884 9,884 7,867 4,868 1,613 996 1,625 552
Fast food or small restaurant 9,787 9,787 9,787 8,345 3,624 1,195 828 1,039 418
Cafeteria or large restaurant 15,222 15,222 15,222 13,043 7,093 1,828 1,309 1,633 1,045
Commercial kitchen/
food preparation area
16,150 16,150 16,150 14,082 6,678 1,562 1,119 1,852 788
Small kitchen area 14,054 14,054 14,054 10,883 4,666 1,138 761 2,062 844
1Other includes wood, coal, solar, and all other energy sources.
These climate regions were created by the Building America program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).
Q = Data withheld either because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
N = No cases in reporting sample.
Notes: • Because of rounding, data may not sum to totals. • See
Guide to the 2012 CBECS Detailed Tables or CBECS Terminology for definition of terms used in these tables and/or comparison of differences with prior CBECS tables. Both references can be accessed from http://www.eia.gov/consumption/commercial/data/2012/
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Consumption and Efficiency Statistics, Form EIA-871A of the 2012 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.