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Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS)


Table B21. Multibuilding campuses or complexes, number of buildings and floorspace, 2012

Released: May 2016

Number of buildings (thousand) Total floorspace (million square feet)
Buildings on
campuses or complexes
Buildings on
campuses or complexes
With central facilities plant All
With central facilities plant
All buildings 5,557 1,874 137 87,093 34,818 7,888
Building floorspace (square feet)            
1,001 to 5,000 2,777 888 32 8,041 2,595 80
5,001 to 10,000 1,229 387 Q 8,900 2,824 Q
10,001 to 25,000 884 333 32 14,105 5,366 494
25,001 to 50,000 332 125 15 11,917 4,487 569
50,001 to 100,000 199 81 19 13,918 5,679 1,239
100,001 to 200,000 90 38 11 12,415 5,407 1,659
200,001 to 500,000 38 18 7 10,724 5,040 2,003
Over 500,000 8 4 2 7,074 3,419 1,709
Principal building activity            
Education 389 268 48 12,239 6,547 2,174
Food sales 177 Q N 1,252 Q N
Food service 380 65 Q 1,819 401 Q
Health care 157 48 5 4,155 2,464 1,229
Inpatient 10 6 2 2,374 1,846 1,016
Outpatient 147 42 3 1,781 619 213
Lodging 158 89 15 5,826 2,630 833
Mercantile 602 135 N 11,330 4,110 N
Retail (other than mall) 438 61 N 5,439 1,054 N
Enclosed and strip malls 164 74 N 5,890 3,056 N
Office 1,012 271 27 15,952 5,726 1,619
Public assembly 352 140 11 5,559 2,582 980
Public order and safety 84 19 Q 1,440 678 Q
Religious worship 412 120 Q 4,557 1,379 Q
Service 619 178 Q 4,630 1,609 Q
Warehouse and storage 796 402 Q 13,077 4,858 Q
Other 125 59 Q 2,002 691 Q
Vacant 296 68 Q 3,256 1,012 Q
Year constructed            
Before 1920 362 73 Q 3,983 1,500 Q
1920 to 1945 488 120 11 6,025 2,375 699
1946 to 1959 599 183 16 7,381 2,952 805
1960 to 1969 639 199 23 10,362 4,090 1,388
1970 to 1979 684 222 20 10,846 4,682 1,243
1980 to 1989 915 339 17 15,230 5,535 662
1990 to 1999 845 333 24 13,803 5,847 1,150
2000 to 2003 375 143 8 7,215 2,967 Q
2004 to 2007 347 142 7 6,524 2,609 534
2008 to 2012 303 119 6 5,723 2,262 312
Census region            
Northeast 805 255 24 15,534 6,505 1,817
Midwest 1,237 316 14 18,919 6,297 1,065
South 2,247 762 61 34,279 14,076 3,403
West 1,267 541 39 18,360 7,941 1,602
Number of workers (main shift)            
Fewer than 5 2,892 961 48 17,751 6,917 701
5 to 9 1,085 348 12 8,973 2,940 192
10 to 19 731 230 11 9,623 2,900 279
20 to 49 513 193 29 14,514 5,504 1,079
50 to 99 206 82 19 13,476 5,308 1,265
100 to 249 93 43 12 10,941 5,258 1,581
250 or more 37 18 6 11,815 5,991 2,790
Weekly operating hours            
Fewer than 40 1,149 341 Q 8,220 2,664 Q
40 to 48 1,346 451 35 15,828 5,800 660
49 to 60 1,244 393 30 20,529 7,538 1,403
61 to 84 764 281 18 15,867 6,359 1,004
85 to 167 479 137 19 9,395 3,547 1,099
Open continuously 575 271 28 17,253 8,910 3,483
Ownership and occupancy            
Nongovernment owned 4,781 1,426 57 67,550 24,504 3,989
Owner occupied 2,466 737 49 30,637 11,136 2,823
Leased to tenant(s) 1,745 568 4 26,115 9,979 593
Owner occupied and leased 349 76 2 8,873 2,857 532
Unoccupied 221 45 Q 1,925 532 Q
Government owned 776 448 79 19,543 10,314 3,898
Federal 33 13 2 1,573 887 473
State 185 141 42 5,539 4,071 2,388
Local 558 294 35 12,431 5,356 1,038
Party responsible for operation
and maintenance of energy
Building owner 4,715 1,638 135 73,702 29,356 7,697
Business owner or tenant 724 199 Q 11,309 4,713 Q
Property management 54 23 Q 1,250 559 Q
Other 64 Q Q 832 Q Q
Provider of direct input on energy-
related equipment purchases
Building owner 4,876 1,706 135 76,271 30,384 7,698
Business owner or tenant 540 134 Q 8,256 3,441 Q
Property management 35 8 N 880 357 N
Other 106 25 Q 1,686 636 Q
Campus or complex activity            
Not part of a campus or complex 3,683 N N 52,275 N N
Primary or secondary school 237 237 33 4,616 4,616 744
College or university 84 84 58 4,068 4,068 3,282
Office complex 154 154 5 3,456 3,456 551
Retail complex 258 258 N 5,159 5,159 N
Storage complex 314 314 Q 3,212 3,212 Q
Religious campus or complex 197 197 Q 1,932 1,932 Q
Health care complex 52 52 13 3,362 3,362 1,624
Lodging or resort complex 65 65 Q 1,295 1,295 Q
Transportation complex 35 35 Q 554 554 Q
Government complex 104 104 11 2,107 2,107 681
Other 371 371 9 5,057 5,057 456
Central plant that produces
(more than one may apply)
District hot water 55 55 55 3,701 3,701 3,701
District steam 48 48 48 4,582 4,582 4,582
District chilled water 100 100 100 6,361 6,361 6,361
Electricity 37 37 37 1,949 1,949 1,949
Energy sources
(more than one may apply)
Electricity 5,234 1,736 134 84,869 33,957 7,845
Natural gas 2,933 841 64 58,725 22,179 4,721
Fuel oil 467 154 22 20,200 9,186 3,689
District heat 48 40 39 5,964 4,987 4,547
District chilled water 54 53 53 4,608 4,348 4,224
Propane 510 157 6 7,706 2,453 496
Other 172 46 2 3,826 1,416 416
Energy end uses
(more than one may apply)
Buildings with space heating 4,722 1,450 126 80,078 31,299 7,689
Buildings with cooling 4,461 1,350 123 79,294 30,980 7,713
Buildings with water heating 4,423 1,339 124 79,015 31,074 7,628
Buildings with cooking 1,589 452 26 38,546 15,457 3,580
Buildings with manufacturing 259 57 Q 5,078 1,236 Q
Buildings with electricity
410 140 29 25,642 11,238 4,459
Heating equipment
(more than one may apply)
Heat pumps 628 240 21 11,846 5,105 975
Furnaces 755 209 7 8,654 3,005 330
Individual space heaters 1,247 375 16 20,766 8,190 1,306
District heat 48 40 39 5,925 4,965 4,535
Boilers 544 187 29 22,443 9,043 2,317
Packaged heating units 2,802 802 47 49,188 17,187 2,055
Other 62 14 Q 1,574 746 Q
Cooling equipment
(more than one may apply)
Residential-type central air
1,546 389 13 14,765 4,416 440
Heat pumps 692 268 19 12,538 5,545 865
Individual air conditioners 709 218 13 12,420 4,915 1,140
District chilled water 54 53 53 4,608 4,348 4,224
Central chillers 163 67 18 17,041 7,453 2,455
Packaged air conditioning units 1,909 585 37 45,153 16,738 2,634
Swamp coolers 109 30 Q 1,918 730 Q
Other Q Q Q 328 Q Q
Main equipment replaced since
1990 (more than one may apply)
Heating 1,874 544 32 27,558 10,069 1,131
Cooling 1,971 569 32 30,702 11,384 1,895
1These climate regions were created by the Building America program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).
2In earlier CBECS publications, BAS was referred to as Energy Management and Control System (EMCS).
Q = Data withheld either because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
N = No cases in reporting sample.
Notes: • Because of rounding, data may not sum to totals. • See
Guide to the 2012 CBECS Detailed Tables or CBECS Terminology for definition of terms used in these tables and/or comparison of differences with prior CBECS tables. Both references can be accessed from http://www.eia.gov/consumption/commercial/data/2012/
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Consumption and Efficiency Statistics, Form EIA-871A of the 2012 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.