Uranium Mill Sites Under the UMTRA Project
Remediation of UMTRCA Title I Uranium Mill Sites Under the UMTRA Project Summary Table: Uranium Ore Processed, Disposal Cell Material, and Cost for Remediation as of December 31, 1999
Uranium Ore Processed |
Remediation Project Cost |
Remediation Project (Mill Site Name, State) |
Ore (Million Short Tons) |
Uranium Production (Million Pounds U3O8) |
Disposal Cell Remediated Material Volume (Million Cubic Yards) |
Total Cost A
(Thousand U.S. Dollars)02/09 |
Per Pound Produced (Dollars per Pound U3O8) |
Per Unit of Remediated Material
(Dollars per Cubic Yard) |
Per Unit of Radiation Avoided
(Dollars per Curie, 226Ra |
Ambrosia Lake (Phillips), NMB |
3.05 |
13.02 |
5.20 |
39,961 |
3.07 |
7.68 |
21,600.54 |
Belfield, ND |
0.05 |
0.34 |
C |
C |
C |
C |
C |
Bowman, ND |
0.08 |
0.61 |
C |
C |
C |
C |
C |
PA |
D |
D |
0.07 |
D |
D, E |
E |
E |
PA |
E |
E |
0.19 |
47,591 |
E |
E |
475,910.00 |
CO |
1.61 |
7.85 |
2.53 |
67,618 |
8.61 |
26.68 |
48,298.57 |
SD |
1.98 |
6.86 |
3.00 |
5,411 |
0.79 |
1.80 |
10,267.55 |
City, TX |
2.72 |
8.66 |
5.80 |
56,254 |
6.49 |
9.70 |
44,051.68 |
Junction, CO |
2.28 |
11.69 |
4.43 |
504,048 |
43.12 |
113.90 |
F |
River, UT |
0.18 |
0.83 |
0.38 |
23,633 |
28.44 |
61.87 |
787,766.67 |
CO |
0.54 |
1.45 |
0.74 |
58,917 |
40.61 |
79.62 |
336,668.57 |
OR |
0.13 |
0.34 |
0.94 |
33,325 |
97.27 |
35.30 |
793,452.38 |
ID |
0.20 |
0.37 |
0.13 |
18,434 |
50.47 |
142.46 |
1,536,166.67 |
CO |
1.76 |
4.03 |
3.50 |
63,528 |
15.75 |
18.15 |
139,621.98 |
Hat, UT |
2.20 |
11.38 |
3.48 |
54,482 |
4.79 |
15.66 |
30,267.78 |
Valley, AZ |
1.10 |
0.77 |
0.93 |
24,126 |
31.43 |
G |
G |
CO |
0.70 |
3.18 |
0.79 |
86,332 |
27.18 |
108.84 |
1,092,810.13 |
CO H |
2.70 |
16.54 |
3.76 |
119,165 |
7.20 |
31.72 |
43,522.64 |
WY |
1.06 |
3.89 |
1.79 |
49,664 |
12.76 |
I |
I |
Lake City, UT |
1.69 |
9.57 |
2.80 |
94,165 |
9.84 |
33.63 |
60,751.61 |
NM |
1.53 |
7.42 |
2.80 |
24,771 |
3.34 |
8.85 |
33,116.31 |
Rock, COJ |
0.63 |
2.68 |
0.86 |
50,428 |
18.82 |
58.84 |
288,160.00 |
WY |
0.19 |
0.35 |
0.32 |
10,106 |
29.03 |
32.08 |
80,848.00 |
City, AZ |
0.80 |
4.70 |
1.40 |
34,143 |
7.27 |
24.39 |
36,322.34 |
and Averages: |
27.17 |
116.53 |
46.07 |
1,476,340 |
12.67 |
32.04 |
105,249.88 |
A Includes site characterization; environmental, health, and safety; remedial
action for site design, acquisition, construction, and field management;
vicinity property design and construction; surveillance and maintenance;
technology development, and project management allocation.
B The Ambrosia Lake (Phillips)
mill generated about 3.1 million tons of tailings. Some 0.4 million tons
were used to backfill underground mines.
C Combined Belfield and Bowman
cost was $10,239,000. The former uranium ore processing sites were not remediated
under the UMTRA Program. Lignite ash produced at these sites was processed
at mills in Colorado and New Mexico.
D Uranium ore was not processed
at the Burrell site. Radioactively contaminated materials at this site were
stabilized on site for economic reasons.
E Ore processing data are not
available for the Canonsburg facility. Total cost includes Canonsburg and
Burrell remediation. Cost for Unit of Radiation Avoided includes Canonsburg
and Burrell sites.
F A portion of the Cheney Disposal
Cell will remain open as late as 2023, or until filled. Disposal cell radioactivity
will be determined at that time.
G Radioactively contaminated
materials from Monument Valley, Arizona, mill site were relocated/stabilized
at the Mexican Hat, Utah, disposal cell.
H Includes uranium produced
at the Rifle mill from Green River and Slick Rock uranium-upgrader slimes
and Belfield lignite-ash mill-feed product.
I Radioactively contaminated
materials from the Riverton, Wyoming, mill site were relocated/stabilized
at the UMETCO uranium facility in the Gas Hills Uranium Mining District,
J Includes the Slick Rock uranium
mill site and the Slick Rock uranium concentrator site.
-- = Not applicable.
Note: The Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control
Act of 1978 (UMTRCA) provided for regulation of uranium mill tailings and
established the Title I program. The U.S. Department of Energy conducted
the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project (UMTRA) under that authority.
Sources: Uranium Ore Processing - H. Albrethsen,
Jr., and F.E. McGinley, "Summary History of Domestic Uranium Procurement
Under U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contracts, Final Report," GJBX-220 (82),
U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Office, October 1982, and Energy
Information Administration historical data files.
Disposal Cell Material - Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Program, U.S. Department of Energy,
Grand Junction Office, (7/2001).
Remediation Project Cost: Total Cost - "UMTRA, End-of-Project
Report," prepared by Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., for the U.S. Department
of Energy, Environmental Restoration Division, Albuquerque, NM, May 1999,
Remediation Project Cost - Calculations were made by the Office
of Coal, Electric, Nuclear and Alternate Fuels, Energy Information Administration,
U.S. Department of Energy.