Next Generation * Natural Gas (NG)2 Information Requirements--Executive Summary
October 1, 2000
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has initiated the Next Generation * Natural Gas (NG)2 project to design and implement a new and comprehensive information program for natural gas to meet customer requirements in the post-2000 time frame. This effort is in response to regulatory changes and the evolving structure and operations of the industry that have impacted the needs of EIA’s customers for its data and other information products. EIA has undertaken this effort so that its natural gas data and analysis programs will reflect the information appropriate to a restructured industry. The (NG)2 project uses input from public policy makers and other natural gas information users to identify and define the information needed for policy making, and to assess the gas industry’s performance. This assessment includes addressing supply, demand and price developments within the industry; the competitiveness of the industry; and determinants of long-term demand.