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Electric Power Monthly

Data for July 2024 Release Date: September 24, 2024 Next Release Date: October 24, 2024 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table 5.4.A. Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector,
by State, July 2024 and 2023 (Thousand Megawatthours)

  Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation All Sectors
Census Division
and State
July 2024 July 2023 July 2024 July 2023 July 2024 July 2023 July 2024 July 2023 July 2024 July 2023
New England 5,134 4,989 4,551 4,814 1,303 1,344 44 46 11,032 11,193
Connecticut 1,507 1,517 1,174 1,208 232 247 17 16 2,930 2,988
Maine 415 412 385 337 194 177 0 0 994 926
Massachusetts 2,062 2,009 2,025 2,331 497 575 24 28 4,609 4,943
New Hampshire 553 477 384 394 206 175 0 0 1,142 1,046
Rhode Island 381 370 394 366 61 59 2 2 839 797
Vermont 216 204 188 179 113 111 0 0 517 493
Middle Atlantic 16,327 14,873 14,449 13,652 6,312 6,401 329 313 37,417 35,239
New Jersey 4,281 3,969 3,570 3,513 540 557 37 27 8,428 8,066
New York 6,040 5,576 6,981 6,774 1,394 1,361 249 241 14,663 13,951
Pennsylvania 6,006 5,328 3,899 3,365 4,378 4,482 43 46 14,326 13,221
East North Central 20,088 19,393 17,109 16,667 16,269 16,470 41 43 53,506 52,573
Illinois 5,095 5,018 4,360 4,302 3,579 3,693 36 39 13,071 13,052
Indiana 3,467 3,337 2,181 2,152 3,740 3,780 2 1 9,389 9,270
Michigan 3,654 3,532 3,627 3,505 2,470 2,425 0.44 0.42 9,751 9,462
Ohio 5,591 5,251 4,727 4,560 4,426 4,523 2 2 14,747 14,336
Wisconsin 2,281 2,255 2,213 2,149 2,054 2,049 0.11 0.10 6,548 6,453
West North Central 11,125 10,841 10,193 9,621 8,960 9,087 3 3 30,280 29,551
Iowa 1,463 1,435 1,140 1,092 2,333 2,336 0 0 4,935 4,862
Kansas 1,649 1,687 1,596 1,575 1,041 1,014 0 0 4,286 4,275
Minnesota 2,246 2,113 2,075 2,011 1,769 1,825 1 1 6,090 5,951
Missouri 3,824 3,825 2,826 2,830 1,187 1,155 2 2 7,839 7,811
Nebraska 1,105 1,018 1,143 884 1,187 1,266 0 0 3,436 3,168
North Dakota 384 349 964 799 1,149 1,197 0 0 2,497 2,345
South Dakota 454 414 449 429 295 295 0 0 1,198 1,139
South Atlantic 42,814 41,431 33,474 32,964 12,284 12,291 137 113 88,708 86,800
Delaware 596 526 421 416 176 187 0 0 1,194 1,130
District of Columbia 296 250 706 695 16 16 30 32 1,048 993
Florida 15,172 14,862 9,810 9,650 1,527 1,515 7 6 26,515 26,033
Georgia 6,983 7,046 4,937 4,811 2,960 2,922 14 12 14,894 14,790
Maryland 3,103 2,888 2,766 2,631 331 310 33 38 6,233 5,867
North Carolina 6,820 6,713 4,900 4,964 2,311 2,437 1 1 14,032 14,115
South Carolina 3,916 3,745 2,688 2,572 2,304 2,200 0 0 8,907 8,516
Virginia 4,877 4,470 6,555 6,546 1,409 1,483 52 24 12,894 12,524
West Virginia 1,051 932 690 679 1,250 1,221 0 0 2,990 2,832
East South Central 13,499 12,651 9,131 8,912 8,485 8,292 0 0 31,114 29,856
Alabama 3,637 3,624 2,316 2,275 2,791 2,711 0 0 8,743 8,609
Kentucky 2,880 2,676 1,891 1,836 2,295 2,231 0 0 7,067 6,744
Mississippi 2,156 2,145 1,498 1,458 1,416 1,439 0 0 5,069 5,043
Tennessee 4,826 4,207 3,427 3,342 1,983 1,911 0 0 10,235 9,460
West South Central 27,432 28,934 21,437 21,043 20,816 22,766 3 16 69,688 72,759
Arkansas 2,082 2,006 1,204 1,185 1,778 1,661 0.03 0.03 5,064 4,852
Louisiana 3,619 3,774 2,388 2,396 3,709 3,465 1 1 9,716 9,636
Oklahoma 2,894 2,935 2,562 2,296 2,005 1,983 0 0 7,461 7,214
Texas 18,837 20,218 15,283 15,166 13,325 15,657 2 15 47,446 51,057
Mountain 14,216 13,899 10,873 10,441 8,517 8,339 13 13 33,619 32,693
Arizona 5,749 5,787 3,818 3,587 1,298 1,299 1 1 10,866 10,673
Colorado 2,261 2,138 1,907 1,911 1,421 1,386 7 7 5,596 5,442
Idaho 947 904 656 631 1,322 1,310 0 0 2,924 2,845
Montana 464 422 452 421 445 418 0 0 1,362 1,261
Nevada 2,258 2,153 1,382 1,286 1,246 1,206 1 1 4,886 4,647
New Mexico 842 886 908 956 1,214 1,051 0 0 2,963 2,893
Utah 1,453 1,391 1,305 1,341 786 836 4 4 3,549 3,572
Wyoming 242 218 444 308 785 833 0 0 1,472 1,358
Pacific Contiguous 14,788 12,699 15,230 14,597 7,797 7,151 71 72 37,886 34,518
California 10,024 8,309 11,009 10,660 4,440 3,910 62 62 25,534 22,941
Oregon 1,747 1,686 1,622 1,532 1,532 1,483 2 2 4,904 4,702
Washington 3,017 2,704 2,599 2,405 1,825 1,758 7 8 7,449 6,875
Pacific Noncontiguous 374 376 452 449 418 426 0 0 1,244 1,250
Alaska 145 142 210 205 114 124 0 0 470 471
Hawaii 229 233 242 244 303 302 0 0 774 779
U.S. Total 165,796 160,085 136,898 133,161 91,160 92,565 641 621 394,494 386,432

See Technical notes for additional information on the Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation sectors.
Notes: - See Glossary for definitions. - Values are preliminary estimates based on a cutoff model sample.
See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-826.
Utilities and energy service providers may classify commercial and industrial customers based on either NAICS codes or demands or usage falling within specified limits by rate schedule.
Changes from year to year in consumer counts, sales and revenues, particularly involving the commercial and industrial consumer sectors, may result from respondent implementation of changes in the definitions of consumers, and reclassifications.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861M (formerly EIA-826), Monthly Electric Power Industry Report.