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Electric Power Monthly

Data for June 2024 Release Date: August 23, 2024 Next Release Date: September 24, 2024 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table 5.4.A. Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector,
by State, June 2024 and 2023 (Thousand Megawatthours)

  Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation All Sectors
Census Division
and State
June 2024 June 2023 June 2024 June 2023 June 2024 June 2023 June 2024 June 2023 June 2024 June 2023
New England 3,968 3,440 4,113 4,032 1,272 1,268 42 39 9,395 8,779
Connecticut 1,173 921 1,036 935 226 225 16 15 2,451 2,097
Maine 356 340 325 314 195 173 0 0 876 827
Massachusetts 1,630 1,447 1,919 1,965 484 537 23 21 4,056 3,971
New Hampshire 394 341 336 333 203 169 0 0 933 843
Rhode Island 243 232 331 326 59 59 2 2 635 620
Vermont 173 158 166 159 105 105 0 0 444 422
Middle Atlantic 12,376 10,150 12,446 11,570 5,830 5,947 300 281 30,951 27,948
New Jersey 3,349 2,555 3,258 2,954 506 462 38 18 7,151 5,989
New York 4,414 3,855 6,100 5,732 1,317 1,234 227 222 12,058 11,043
Pennsylvania 4,613 3,739 3,087 2,883 4,007 4,251 34 42 11,741 10,915
East North Central 17,751 15,095 15,884 14,918 15,800 15,726 37 37 49,472 45,775
Illinois 4,773 3,956 3,987 3,853 3,600 3,409 32 33 12,393 11,251
Indiana 3,087 2,592 2,089 1,924 3,609 3,478 2 2 8,787 7,995
Michigan 3,165 2,791 3,315 3,189 2,348 2,439 0.48 0.43 8,829 8,419
Ohio 4,823 3,862 4,439 3,945 4,292 4,418 2 2 13,556 12,227
Wisconsin 1,903 1,894 2,053 2,007 1,951 1,982 0.12 0.09 5,907 5,883
West North Central 9,680 9,424 9,608 9,111 8,449 8,757 3 3 27,741 27,295
Iowa 1,287 1,268 1,095 1,052 2,317 2,290 0 0 4,700 4,611
Kansas 1,577 1,357 1,520 1,444 981 960 0 0 4,078 3,761
Minnesota 1,783 2,038 1,880 1,988 1,649 1,783 1 1 5,312 5,810
Missouri 3,515 3,109 2,705 2,593 1,114 1,097 2 2 7,336 6,801
Nebraska 851 893 1,077 829 1,026 1,196 0 0 2,953 2,918
North Dakota 298 358 919 780 1,086 1,143 0 0 2,303 2,280
South Dakota 369 401 413 424 276 288 0 0 1,059 1,113
South Atlantic 37,467 31,905 31,294 28,904 11,857 12,012 105 108 80,724 72,928
Delaware 446 385 417 418 179 194 0 0 1,042 997
District of Columbia 210 194 642 590 16 15 32 29 900 829
Florida 13,706 12,459 9,190 8,803 1,506 1,515 6 7 24,408 22,784
Georgia 6,311 5,240 4,537 4,184 2,821 2,851 12 11 13,681 12,286
Maryland 2,490 1,969 2,498 2,234 314 292 37 37 5,339 4,532
North Carolina 5,941 4,947 4,656 4,256 2,289 2,355 1 1 12,887 11,559
South Carolina 3,285 2,658 2,395 2,163 2,121 2,197 0 0 7,801 7,018
Virginia 4,248 3,384 6,321 5,667 1,399 1,392 17 23 11,985 10,466
West Virginia 828 668 639 588 1,213 1,201 0 0 2,681 2,457
East South Central 11,201 9,903 8,451 7,943 8,239 8,163 0 0 27,890 26,009
Alabama 3,220 2,874 2,132 2,043 2,688 2,697 0 0 8,041 7,614
Kentucky 2,364 2,003 1,760 1,635 2,259 2,220 0 0 6,383 5,857
Mississippi 1,850 1,688 1,364 1,296 1,338 1,347 0 0 4,552 4,331
Tennessee 3,766 3,339 3,194 2,970 1,954 1,899 0 0 8,915 8,207
West South Central 24,216 22,384 20,046 18,894 19,973 21,411 2 15 64,237 62,704
Arkansas 1,718 1,547 1,111 1,059 1,702 1,627 0.02 0.02 4,532 4,232
Louisiana 3,181 2,954 2,259 2,157 3,649 3,423 1 1 9,090 8,534
Oklahoma 2,540 2,202 2,293 2,022 1,956 1,926 0 0 6,789 6,150
Texas 16,777 15,682 14,383 13,656 12,666 14,436 1 14 43,826 43,788
Mountain 11,679 9,096 9,897 8,708 7,977 7,488 13 12 29,566 25,304
Arizona 4,678 3,651 3,369 2,852 1,251 1,223 1 1 9,299 7,727
Colorado 2,010 1,553 1,759 1,639 1,310 1,277 7 6 5,086 4,476
Idaho 717 637 570 541 1,165 1,028 0 0 2,452 2,205
Montana 377 358 397 394 430 404 0 0 1,204 1,156
Nevada 1,787 1,222 1,225 1,137 1,174 1,066 1 1 4,187 3,426
New Mexico 735 622 851 793 1,120 982 0 0 2,706 2,398
Utah 1,166 867 1,301 1,068 764 696 4 5 3,235 2,636
Wyoming 208 185 426 283 763 811 0 0 1,396 1,279
Pacific Contiguous 10,506 9,820 13,344 13,221 7,011 6,845 67 72 30,928 29,958
California 6,711 5,972 9,612 9,506 3,941 3,683 58 62 20,323 19,224
Oregon 1,333 1,370 1,420 1,382 1,399 1,409 2 2 4,154 4,163
Washington 2,462 2,477 2,312 2,333 1,671 1,753 7 8 6,452 6,571
Pacific Noncontiguous 362 351 432 427 400 392 0 0 1,194 1,171
Alaska 140 139 203 199 116 109 0 0 459 447
Hawaii 222 212 229 227 284 283 0 0 735 723
U.S. Total 139,206 121,568 125,515 117,727 86,809 88,009 569 568 352,098 327,872

See Technical notes for additional information on the Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation sectors.
Notes: - See Glossary for definitions. - Values are preliminary estimates based on a cutoff model sample.
See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-826.
Utilities and energy service providers may classify commercial and industrial customers based on either NAICS codes or demands or usage falling within specified limits by rate schedule.
Changes from year to year in consumer counts, sales and revenues, particularly involving the commercial and industrial consumer sectors, may result from respondent implementation of changes in the definitions of consumers, and reclassifications.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861M (formerly EIA-826), Monthly Electric Power Industry Report.