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SAS Output
Table 5.8.F. Other Waste Biomass: Consumption for Electricity Generation and Useful Thermal Output,
by Sector, 2013 - 2023 (Billion Btus)

  Electric Power Sector  
Period Total (all sectors) Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers
Annual Totals
2013 91,830 2,432 20,439 6,238 62,721
2014 103,561 2,375 28,558 7,289 65,339
2015 109,297 2,854 32,903 7,935 65,605
2016 90,909 2,571 29,446 9,073 49,820
2017 86,274 1,860 33,060 8,506 42,848
2018 79,745 1,357 27,627 9,540 41,221
2019 65,031 1,172 23,057 8,950 31,852
2020 65,617 1,043 20,552 8,180 35,842
2021 67,832 1,017 21,035 7,982 37,798
2022 65,090 652 18,897 7,181 38,361
2023 60,278 879 20,664 7,366 31,368
Year 2021
January 6,976 101 2,177 690 4,007
February 6,050 84 2,020 651 3,296
March 6,681 106 2,162 711 3,702
April 5,813 78 1,881 639 3,215
May 5,862 57 1,970 622 3,213
June 4,090 108 1,307 664 2,010
July 4,416 74 1,434 664 2,243
August 4,339 89 1,306 686 2,259
September 4,584 88 1,454 673 2,368
October 5,613 74 1,321 656 3,562
November 6,389 78 1,869 652 3,790
December 7,019 78 2,133 674 4,134
Year 2022
January 6,855 57 2,077 683 4,038
February 6,039 40 1,983 588 3,428
March 6,915 46 2,009 658 4,202
April 5,590 35 1,338 552 3,666
May 5,211 64 930 577 3,641
June 4,273 56 1,373 587 2,258
July 4,169 63 1,495 570 2,041
August 4,428 49 1,461 574 2,344
September 3,932 72 1,280 603 1,978
October 5,346 47 1,385 629 3,285
November 5,733 62 1,628 571 3,472
December 6,598 61 1,940 589 4,008
Year 2023
January 6,291 82 2,065 591 3,553
February 5,758 84 2,138 569 2,967
March 5,828 60 2,003 624 3,141
April 5,244 89 1,754 546 2,855
May 5,286 66 1,537 652 3,030
June 3,749 47 1,177 630 1,894
July 3,759 61 1,359 603 1,736
August 3,792 60 1,446 596 1,690
September 3,560 73 1,349 604 1,533
October 5,271 106 1,721 663 2,781
November 5,407 67 1,864 619 2,858
December 6,333 85 2,250 668 3,330

Notes: Beginning with the collection of Form EIA-923 in January 2008, the methodology to allocate total fuel consumption for electricity generation and consumption for useful thermal output was changed.
The new methodology was retroactively applied to 2004-2007 data. See the Technical Notes (Appendix C) for further information. See Glossary for definitions.
Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923 and predecessor forms.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 Combined Heat and Power Plant Report, and predecessor forms.
Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report, replaced the following: Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; Form EIA-920, Combined Heat and Power Plant Report.