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SAS Output
Table 4.9.A. Total Capacity of Distributed and Dispersed Generators by Technology Type,
2013 through 2015 (Table Discontinued)

  Capacity (MW)  
Year Internal Combustion Combustion Turbine Steam Turbine Hydro Wind Photovoltaic Storage Other Wind and Other Total Number of Generators
Distributed Generators
2013 981.3 106.4 31.1 103.9 78.3 556.0 2.0 89.0 -- 1,947.4 196,141
2014 813.8 81.3 12.9 108.2 33.7 692.0 7.2 101.0 -- 1,855.5 203,099
2015 797.6 49.3 10.5 121.2 26.7 876.4 24.4 88.4 -- 1,994.6 215,825
Dispersed Generators
2013 3,249.7 159.8 17.0 1.9 4.5 21.6 8.7 25.8 -- 3,489.0 17,929
2014 3,479.3 169.7 16.7 0.7 3.7 14.3 6.6 5.7 -- 3,696.8 22,599
2015 3,160.9 199.1 16.7 0.7 4.7 17.6 7.2 5.7 -- 3,412.6 23,665
Distributed and Dispersed Generators
2013 4,231.0 266.2 48.1 105.8 82.8 577.6 10.7 114.8 -- 5,436.4 214,070
2014 4,293.1 251.0 29.6 108.9 37.5 706.3 13.8 106.7 -- 5,552.2 225,698
2015 3,958.5 248.5 27.2 121.9 31.4 893.9 31.6 94.1 -- 5,407.1 239,490

Starting in 2013, the residential sector is now included and all net metering units are excluded.
Distributed and Dispersed generator data in 2005 include a significant number of generators reported by one respondent, which may be for residential applications.
Prior to 2010, data contains generators over and under 1 MW, from 2010 forward, data contains only generators under 1 MW.
Distributed generators are commercial and industrial generators which are connected to the grid. Dispersed generators are commercial and industrial generators which are not connected to the grid. Both types may be installed at or near a customer`s site, or at other locations. They may be owned by either the customers of the distribution utility or by the utility. Other includes generators for which technology is not specified.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report."