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SAS Output
Table 3.24. Useful Thermal Output by Energy Source: Electric Power Sector Combined Heat and Power, 2013 - 2023
(Billion Btus)

Period Coal Petroleum
Other Total
Annual Totals
2013 21,306 4,614 993 188,094 10,303 16,225 4,966 246,501
2014 15,513 4,931 936 182,148 7,732 17,736 5,666 234,662
2015 16,036 4,894 1,143 178,167 7,161 16,999 5,180 229,580
2016 13,922 695 1,237 227,427 17,400 24,993 8,046 293,719
2017 11,269 627 1,267 192,299 17,798 24,279 7,422 254,961
2018 13,573 1,023 1,023 207,459 18,692 23,375 7,119 272,265
2019 12,759 655 1,019 197,106 19,684 26,057 7,544 264,823
2020 7,412 530 1,300 203,104 17,318 24,815 7,322 261,801
2021 6,793 891 1,180 191,119 16,931 22,963 5,547 245,424
2022 6,936 1,201 996 187,898 17,384 20,406 2,882 237,704
2023 4,653 982 1,208 188,431 17,627 19,046 3,244 235,191
Year 2021
January 641 79 128 17,244 1,613 2,373 624 22,701
February 730 230 104 15,240 857 2,094 530 19,785
March 665 72 117 15,596 906 2,242 572 20,169
April 489 66 104 15,638 1,377 1,980 364 20,019
May 489 45 96 15,189 1,282 1,699 421 19,221
June 515 34 99 15,684 1,554 1,768 443 20,097
July 584 53 108 16,266 1,570 1,703 435 20,719
August 550 54 103 16,944 1,605 1,777 425 21,457
September 657 42 94 15,341 1,446 1,655 384 19,618
October 330 59 53 15,633 1,790 1,443 386 19,694
November 495 91 85 16,112 1,569 2,112 455 20,919
December 649 67 89 16,233 1,363 2,117 509 21,026
Year 2022
January 674 213 89 17,433 1,426 2,155 278 22,268
February 637 55 109 15,602 1,380 1,874 224 19,881
March 742 104 99 16,051 1,420 1,863 210 20,489
April 611 77 87 13,952 1,648 1,563 235 18,171
May 533 78 85 14,840 1,825 1,323 229 18,913
June 475 83 68 15,765 1,497 1,492 248 19,628
July 488 69 14 17,425 1,467 1,601 285 21,350
August 568 71 85 16,961 1,407 1,603 264 20,959
September 541 81 85 15,310 1,403 1,546 215 19,182
October 539 92 88 14,489 1,350 1,529 229 18,317
November 582 99 89 14,166 1,161 1,865 200 18,162
December 546 179 98 15,903 1,399 1,993 265 20,384
Year 2023
January 442 109 98 15,783 1,327 1,854 263 19,876
February 480 95 104 15,205 1,157 1,872 241 19,153
March 652 78 110 15,908 1,411 2,500 242 20,901
April 435 84 89 14,339 1,415 1,790 292 18,445
May 374 75 107 14,012 1,588 1,639 290 18,085
June 476 77 98 15,307 1,534 1,428 284 19,204
July 304 70 101 17,143 1,495 1,229 285 20,627
August 266 63 106 17,205 1,715 1,042 278 20,674
September 244 73 109 15,559 1,502 786 214 18,486
October 379 100 90 15,440 1,395 1,671 187 19,261
November 290 71 87 16,148 1,409 1,595 328 19,927
December 313 88 108 16,381 1,679 1,642 340 20,551

Coal includes anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, and waste coal; synthetic coal and refined coal; and beginning in 2011, coal-derived synthesis gas. Prior to 2011 coal-derived synthesis gas was included in Other Fossil Gas.
Petroleum Liquids includes distillate and residual fuel oils, jet fuel, kerosene, waste oil, and beginning in 2011, propane. Prior to 2011 propane was included in Other Fossil Gas.
Petroleum Coke includes petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas. Prior to 2011, petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas was included in Other Fossil Gas.
Other Fossil Gas includes gaseous propane, blast furnace gas, other manufactured and waste gases derived from fossil fuels other than hydrogen. Prior to 2011, Other Fossil Gas included propane and synthesis gases.
See the Technical Notes for fuel conversion factors.
Renewable Sources include wood, black liquor, other wood waste, biogenic municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, agriculture byproducts, other biomass, geothermal, and solar thermal.
Other includes hydrogen, non-biogenic municipal solid waste, batteries, purchased steam, sulfur, tire-derived fuel, and other miscellaneous energy sources.
Notes: Beginning with 2001 data, non-biogenic municipal solid waste and tire-derived fuels are reclassified as non-renewable energy sources and included in Other. Biogenic municipal solid waste is included in Other Renewable Sources.
Beginning with the collection of Form EIA-923 in January 2008, the methodology for separating the fuel used for electricity generation and useful thermal output from combined heat and power plants changed. The new methodology was retroactively applied to 2004-2007, as well as 2008-2015. Beginning with the 2016 Form EIA-923 data, the methodology for seperating the fuel used for electricity generation and useful thermal output from CHP plants was updated. This update will apply to the 2016 data and future data years. See the Technical Notes (Appendix C) for further information.
See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923 and predecessor forms.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. NM=Not meaningful due to large standard error. W=Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 Combined Heat and Power Plant Report; and predecessor forms.
Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report, replaced the following: Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; Form EIA-920, Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;
Form EIA-423, Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report; and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants.