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Table 3.7. Utility Scale Facility Net Generation
by State, by Sector, 2023 and 2022 (Thousand Megawatthours)

All Sectors Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector

Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Census Division
and State
Year 2023 Year 2022 Percentage
Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022
New England 102,611 105,612 -2.8% 1,658 1,563 96,713 99,270 2,129 2,217 2,110 2,563
Connecticut 40,666 43,054 -5.5% 135 103 39,582 42,036 294 295 655 620
Maine 12,512 12,764 -2.0% 5 1 11,361 11,090 47 104 1,099 1,568
Massachusetts 19,696 21,026 -6.3% 529 529 17,323 18,612 1,673 1,690 172 195
New Hampshire 16,825 18,764 -10.3% 17 11 16,719 18,659 62 66 27 28
Rhode Island 10,431 7,819 33.4% 0.06 0.35 10,223 7,609 50 58 157 151
Vermont 2,480 2,184 13.6% 973 918 1,504 1,263 2 3 0 0
Middle Atlantic 424,194 429,507 -1.2% 35,522 35,249 379,475 384,965 3,834 3,994 5,362 5,300
New Jersey 64,229 65,061 -1.3% 282 246 62,260 63,174 1,107 1,129 580 511
New York 124,040 125,185 -0.9% 35,157 34,872 85,934 87,212 2,145 2,267 804 834
Pennsylvania 235,925 239,261 -1.4% 84 130 231,282 234,578 581 598 3,978 3,955
East North Central 584,213 597,825 -2.3% 210,067 210,124 361,790 375,154 1,794 1,825 10,562 10,722
Illinois 177,738 185,223 -4.0% 4,104 4,345 170,954 177,941 435 447 2,244 2,490
Indiana 90,047 98,055 -8.2% 54,096 61,240 30,705 31,791 238 240 5,007 4,784
Michigan 120,657 117,497 2.7% 88,209 81,578 30,476 33,807 717 750 1,255 1,362
Ohio 133,223 135,810 -1.9% 13,608 15,623 118,678 119,252 273 248 664 687
Wisconsin 62,549 61,239 2.1% 50,050 47,338 10,976 12,361 130 139 1,392 1,400
West North Central 351,225 376,502 -6.7% 258,247 278,252 88,242 93,293 590 762 4,145 4,196
Iowa 69,837 72,982 -4.3% 55,970 58,913 11,744 11,790 128 191 1,994 2,088
Kansas 58,457 62,198 -6.0% 33,224 34,212 24,863 27,700 13 16 357 269
Minnesota 57,277 58,967 -2.9% 40,376 42,148 15,431 15,277 247 335 1,222 1,207
Missouri 66,703 79,361 -15.9% 59,453 72,498 7,025 6,615 182 200 43 47
Nebraska 39,446 40,693 -3.1% 27,292 27,762 11,830 12,587 19 19 304 325
North Dakota 42,069 44,401 -5.3% 32,582 33,585 9,321 10,626 0.08 0.09 166 190
South Dakota 17,436 17,900 -2.6% 9,350 9,134 8,028 8,697 NM 0.01 58 69
South Atlantic 800,717 807,112 -0.8% 659,687 656,810 122,815 130,655 2,774 2,829 15,441 16,819
Delaware 4,772 5,308 -10.1% 25 69 3,479 4,145 7 7 1,262 1,087
District of Columbia 172 160 7.3% 3 0.33 21 22 147 138 0 0
Florida 259,798 258,910 0.3% 243,421 240,393 11,636 13,270 1,097 1,105 3,644 4,143
Georgia 129,222 126,485 2.2% 105,782 100,542 19,110 20,738 2 6 4,327 5,198
Maryland 36,001 37,139 -3.1% 4,431 3,941 31,164 32,881 346 267 59 51
North Carolina 126,553 134,257 -5.7% 104,306 111,135 20,481 21,152 263 288 1,504 1,681
South Carolina 100,853 98,710 2.2% 95,650 92,255 3,717 4,965 2 1 1,485 1,489
Virginia 91,059 89,477 1.8% 68,967 69,673 19,136 16,657 910 1,017 2,047 2,130
West Virginia 52,287 56,665 -7.7% 37,103 38,802 14,070 16,824 0 0 1,114 1,040
East South Central 353,377 359,754 -1.8% 301,637 308,431 42,486 42,388 201 200 9,053 8,735
Alabama 139,435 144,789 -3.7% 97,501 103,495 37,210 36,783 0 0 4,725 4,511
Kentucky 63,217 69,147 -8.6% 62,094 67,901 587 682 1 3 535 562
Mississippi 72,933 67,781 7.6% 68,027 62,601 3,004 3,389 0 0 1,902 1,791
Tennessee 77,791 78,036 -0.3% 74,015 74,434 1,685 1,534 200 197 1,892 1,871
West South Central 797,511 781,608 2.0% 246,870 249,924 475,533 457,375 833 928 74,274 73,381
Arkansas 63,196 65,905 -4.1% 57,015 58,598 5,219 6,193 55 58 906 1,056
Louisiana 97,785 105,505 -7.3% 60,863 67,520 7,028 7,730 92 146 29,802 30,109
Oklahoma 89,236 84,635 5.4% 43,593 36,521 44,864 47,260 -18 -21 796 874
Texas 547,295 525,563 4.1% 85,398 87,284 418,422 396,193 704 744 42,771 41,342
Mountain 372,230 375,324 -0.8% 258,965 267,880 109,550 103,874 614 592 3,101 2,978
Arizona 111,839 104,699 6.8% 86,637 82,574 25,017 21,952 151 154 34 19
Colorado 57,542 58,044 -0.9% 39,336 40,494 17,962 17,299 24 27 220 225
Idaho 17,842 16,278 9.6% 11,701 10,388 5,527 5,300 70 69 544 521
Montana 26,896 27,089 -0.7% 10,516 11,423 16,354 15,636 0 0 26 30
Nevada 42,164 42,592 -1.0% 25,302 25,718 16,249 16,402 111 109 502 363
New Mexico 39,269 40,889 -4.0% 20,503 23,940 18,592 16,817 107 113 67 19
Utah 33,497 39,386 -15.0% 27,811 33,562 5,332 5,359 150 120 203 344
Wyoming 43,181 46,347 -6.8% 37,159 39,781 4,517 5,109 0 0 1,505 1,458
Pacific Contiguous 381,281 381,392 -0.0% 205,332 210,093 159,101 153,604 2,579 2,677 14,269 15,018
California 216,629 203,384 6.5% 77,633 65,373 124,804 122,993 2,504 2,585 11,688 12,433
Oregon 61,692 61,318 0.6% 40,869 42,568 20,119 18,093 67 72 637 584
Washington 102,961 116,691 -11.8% 86,831 102,152 14,177 12,517 9 20 1,944 2,001
Pacific Noncontiguous 15,912 16,032 -0.7% 11,628 11,282 3,220 3,705 718 713 346 331
Alaska 6,718 6,694 0.4% 6,023 6,032 194 208 384 339 117 115
Hawaii 9,194 9,337 -1.5% 5,606 5,249 3,027 3,498 334 374 228 217
U.S. Total 4,183,271 4,230,668 -1.1% 2,189,615 2,229,605 1,838,927 1,844,282 16,066 16,737 138,664 140,043

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.