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Table 3.3.B. Net Generation from Renewable Sources: Independent Power Producers, 2013 - 2023
(Thousand Megawatthours)

  Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Small Scale Generation Generation From Utility and Small Scale Facilities
Period Wind Solar
Wood and
Solid Waste
Other Waste Biomass Geothermal Conventional
Total Renewable Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Estimated Solar Photovoltaic Estimated Total Solar Photovoltaic Estimated Total Solar
Annual Totals
2013 141,306 6,969 813 9,768 8,442 5,838 1,139 14,770 22,018 211,063 N/A N/A N/A
2014 153,825 13,769 2,317 11,977 9,062 5,838 1,261 14,761 19,861 232,670 0 13,769 16,086
2015 160,135 19,841 3,121 11,545 9,202 5,806 1,342 14,829 17,996 243,816 0 19,841 22,962
2016 191,720 30,194 3,308 10,382 9,255 5,965 1,486 14,746 18,539 285,594 0 30,194 33,502
2017 217,006 46,128 3,248 10,416 9,505 5,652 1,479 14,905 23,034 331,372 0 46,128 49,376
2018 233,931 54,796 3,540 10,021 9,162 5,891 1,226 14,924 23,812 357,303 0 54,796 58,337
2019 251,968 61,290 3,190 9,237 8,739 5,096 1,043 14,260 24,288 379,111 0 61,290 64,480
2020 281,599 75,464 3,103 9,135 8,417 5,117 839 14,526 19,409 417,609 0 75,464 78,567
2021 307,579 97,717 2,895 9,101 7,717 5,019 900 14,466 21,702 467,098 0 97,717 100,612
2022 353,032 122,184 2,971 8,739 7,077 2,904 776 15,061 20,673 533,418 0 122,184 125,155
2023 340,780 139,513 2,847 7,637 6,646 2,858 828 15,586 23,862 540,557 0 139,513 142,360
Year 2021
January 24,803 4,687 79 865 701 433 86 1,218 1,989 34,862 0 4,687 4,766
February 21,692 5,370 132 783 619 386 77 1,169 1,441 31,669 0 5,370 5,502
March 32,361 7,826 255 782 693 436 83 1,145 2,124 45,705 0 7,826 8,081
April 29,561 9,133 330 608 638 413 67 1,165 2,023 43,938 0 9,133 9,464
May 27,654 10,439 388 717 662 426 82 1,210 2,024 43,602 0 10,439 10,827
June 21,934 10,506 320 794 632 429 77 1,164 1,544 37,399 0 10,506 10,826
July 17,806 10,466 254 808 648 434 70 1,225 1,889 33,599 0 10,466 10,720
August 22,159 10,227 338 838 636 420 66 1,211 1,639 37,533 0 10,227 10,565
September 23,338 9,581 299 750 618 402 77 1,215 1,640 37,919 0 9,581 9,880
October 26,049 7,834 221 680 620 417 70 1,183 1,657 38,732 0 7,834 8,055
November 28,244 6,567 187 728 590 386 69 1,222 1,899 39,893 0 6,567 6,755
December 31,979 5,080 91 748 662 438 76 1,340 1,834 42,248 0 5,080 5,172
Year 2022
January 29,596 6,583 124 760 613 259 70 1,374 1,702 41,080 0 6,583 6,707
February 30,076 7,624 157 727 578 217 69 1,157 1,808 42,413 0 7,624 7,781
March 34,827 9,832 253 740 639 237 67 1,208 2,358 50,161 0 9,832 10,085
April 37,831 11,279 319 643 586 232 53 1,195 2,360 54,499 0 11,279 11,598
May 35,040 12,805 367 675 601 237 47 1,238 2,054 53,064 0 12,805 13,172
June 28,081 13,740 369 755 590 251 71 1,192 1,601 46,650 0 13,740 14,109
July 24,872 13,565 286 823 600 260 74 1,255 1,357 43,092 0 13,565 13,851
August 20,341 12,409 277 797 585 254 71 1,266 1,272 37,271 0 12,409 12,685
September 21,896 11,426 283 730 567 241 63 1,243 1,354 37,803 0 11,426 11,709
October 26,369 10,117 289 648 593 232 69 1,216 1,338 40,870 0 10,117 10,406
November 32,961 7,150 149 709 565 231 54 1,318 1,504 44,641 0 7,150 7,299
December 31,142 5,654 99 732 560 254 66 1,399 1,966 41,872 0 5,654 5,753
Year 2023
January 31,400 6,481 84 715 581 254 65 1,341 2,679 43,600 0 6,481 6,565
February 33,123 7,790 109 600 513 227 76 1,219 1,935 45,591 0 7,790 7,898
March 35,432 10,056 154 691 559 242 61 1,382 2,356 50,932 0 10,056 10,209
April 33,788 12,673 295 554 517 210 59 1,279 2,336 51,711 0 12,673 12,968
May 25,915 14,554 300 660 582 246 61 1,289 2,196 45,802 0 14,554 14,853
June 23,074 15,080 365 630 557 243 61 1,257 1,505 42,771 0 15,080 15,445
July 23,717 16,083 380 696 565 252 66 1,214 2,075 45,046 0 16,083 16,463
August 23,260 15,038 309 715 570 246 73 1,184 2,037 43,433 0 15,038 15,347
September 22,895 13,241 293 604 528 221 72 1,255 1,589 40,699 0 13,241 13,534
October 28,858 11,889 287 501 550 231 72 1,361 1,443 45,191 0 11,889 12,176
November 28,701 8,818 166 613 546 235 67 1,382 1,507 42,035 0 8,818 8,985
December 30,617 7,810 106 657 581 251 96 1,422 2,205 43,745 0 7,810 7,916

Wood and Wood-derived fuels include wood/wood waste solids (including paper pellets, railroad ties, utility poles, wood chips, bark, and wood waste solids), wood waste liquids (red liquor, sludge wood, spent sulfite liquor, and other wood-based liquids), and black liquor.
Other Waste Biomass includes sludge waste, agricultural byproducts, other biomass solids, other biomass liquids, and other biomass gases (including digester gases, methane, and other biomass gases).
Notes: Beginning with 2001 data, non-biogenic municipal solid waste and tire-derived fuels are reclassified as non-renewable energy sources and included in Other. Biogenic municipal solid waste is included in Other Renewable Sources.
See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923 and predecessor forms.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. NM=Not meaningful due to large standard error. W=Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 Combined Heat and Power Plant Report; and predecessor forms.
Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report, replaced the following: Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; Form EIA-920, Combined Heat and Power Plant Report; Form EIA-423, Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report; and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants.
Estimated small scale solar photovoltaic generation and small scale solar photovoltaic capacity are based on data from Form EIA-861M, Form EIA-861 and from estimation methods described in the technical notes.