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Table 2.9. Revenue from Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector,
by State, 2023 and 2022 (Million Dollars)

  Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation All Sectors
Census Division
and State
Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022
New England 13,407 11,981 9,570 9,057 2,357 2,344 63 56 25,396 23,438
Connecticut 3,751 3,246 2,273 2,156 405 419 39 31 6,468 5,852
Maine 1,349 1,143 718 636 295 293 0 0 2,362 2,072
Massachusetts 5,734 5,196 4,763 4,562 1,089 1,063 20 21 11,607 10,843
New Hampshire 1,310 1,224 827 763 304 292 0 0 2,441 2,279
Rhode Island 809 735 645 608 119 115 5 4 1,579 1,462
Vermont 453 436 343 331 145 162 0 0 940 930
Middle Atlantic 25,650 25,558 21,951 22,266 5,656 6,218 516 434 53,774 54,476
New Jersey 5,031 5,032 5,052 5,138 727 818 46 33 10,856 11,021
New York 11,148 11,532 12,866 13,133 1,042 1,221 426 360 25,482 26,246
Pennsylvania 9,472 8,995 4,033 3,995 3,886 4,178 44 41 17,436 17,209
East North Central 29,072 29,460 20,855 20,575 14,670 15,360 33 38 64,630 65,433
Illinois 6,804 7,274 5,124 5,332 3,385 3,585 29 33 15,342 16,223
Indiana 4,741 4,970 2,889 3,020 3,399 3,674 1 2 11,031 11,666
Michigan 6,130 6,256 4,895 4,658 2,326 2,372 1 1 13,351 13,286
Ohio 7,647 7,384 4,984 4,790 3,554 3,730 2 3 16,187 15,906
Wisconsin 3,750 3,576 2,963 2,775 2,007 2,000 0.20 0.18 8,719 8,351
West North Central 13,979 14,133 11,065 10,813 7,715 7,843 5 5 32,764 32,793
Iowa 1,940 1,997 1,302 1,316 1,880 1,875 0 0 5,122 5,187
Kansas 1,849 2,021 1,707 1,817 879 974 0 0 4,435 4,812
Minnesota 3,392 3,336 2,801 2,773 1,893 1,911 2 2 8,088 8,023
Missouri 4,398 4,374 2,958 2,846 1,012 1,015 2 2 8,370 8,237
Nebraska 1,195 1,186 986 848 888 955 0 0 3,070 2,989
North Dakota 558 576 801 709 905 854 0 0 2,263 2,139
South Dakota 647 644 511 504 259 258 0 0 1,416 1,405
South Atlantic 53,552 51,579 36,933 36,248 10,358 11,136 120 95 100,963 99,057
Delaware 776 714 491 472 157 179 0 0 1,424 1,365
District of Columbia 390 357 1,191 1,137 19 14 30 21 1,630 1,530
Florida 20,652 18,664 11,621 10,842 1,673 1,615 8 8 33,953 31,129
Georgia 7,997 8,438 5,498 5,995 2,206 2,960 11 13 15,711 17,406
Maryland 4,333 4,058 3,456 3,495 344 360 46 37 8,179 7,950
North Carolina 7,593 7,253 4,662 4,308 1,868 1,801 1 1 14,125 13,363
South Carolina 4,228 4,387 2,618 2,620 1,677 1,878 0 0 8,523 8,885
Virginia 6,146 6,233 6,604 6,621 1,353 1,347 25 14 14,128 14,215
West Virginia 1,438 1,473 791 758 1,061 982 0 0 3,291 3,214
East South Central 15,194 15,845 11,020 11,214 6,511 7,146 0 0 32,725 34,205
Alabama 4,594 4,691 2,924 2,946 2,221 2,447 0 0 9,739 10,085
Kentucky 3,106 3,466 2,196 2,318 1,793 2,136 0 0 7,096 7,920
Mississippi 2,453 2,349 1,760 1,656 1,089 1,071 0 0 5,302 5,076
Tennessee 5,041 5,339 4,140 4,293 1,408 1,492 0 0 10,589 11,124
West South Central 33,184 33,032 20,478 20,853 15,441 16,129 14 14 69,116 70,028
Arkansas 2,251 2,321 1,209 1,209 1,276 1,325 0.04 0.03 4,736 4,855
Louisiana 3,666 4,067 2,481 2,809 2,345 3,027 1 1 8,494 9,905
Oklahoma 2,877 3,170 2,158 2,296 1,380 1,517 0 0 6,415 6,984
Texas 24,389 23,475 14,629 14,539 10,441 10,259 12 12 49,471 48,285
Mountain 15,003 14,162 11,525 10,635 6,604 6,482 20 16 33,152 31,296
Arizona 5,466 4,995 3,845 3,404 1,159 1,126 1 1 10,471 9,525
Colorado 2,859 2,922 2,409 2,440 1,256 1,296 12 9 6,537 6,667
Idaho 1,083 1,034 601 565 648 631 0 0 2,331 2,230
Montana 722 668 613 536 366 350 0 0 1,700 1,553
Nevada 2,252 1,972 1,473 1,261 1,281 1,069 1 1 5,006 4,302
New Mexico 1,016 1,008 999 1,006 671 707 0 0 2,685 2,722
Utah 1,269 1,230 1,135 1,079 603 623 7 6 3,012 2,938
Wyoming 338 334 451 345 621 681 0 0 1,409 1,359
Pacific Contiguous 31,320 29,583 32,310 29,282 10,379 10,715 106 108 74,114 69,688
California 24,440 23,137 27,007 24,896 8,014 8,117 94 94 59,555 56,244
Oregon 2,603 2,368 2,291 1,558 1,085 1,289 3 2 5,982 5,217
Washington 4,277 4,079 3,012 2,827 1,279 1,309 9 11 8,577 8,227
Pacific Noncontiguous 1,632 1,656 1,635 1,657 1,468 1,521 0 0 4,735 4,834
Alaska 490 474 543 517 256 254 0 0 1,290 1,244
Hawaii 1,142 1,183 1,092 1,140 1,212 1,268 0 0 3,446 3,590
U.S. Total 231,993 226,990 177,342 172,600 81,159 84,895 877 765 491,370 485,249

See Technical notes for additional information on the Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation sectors.
Notes: - See Glossary for definitions. - Values are final.
See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-826.
Utilities and energy service providers may classify commercial and industrial customers based on either NAICS codes or demands or usage falling within specified limits by rate schedule.
Changes from year to year in consumer counts, sales and revenues, particularly involving the commercial and industrial consumer sectors, may result from respondent implementation of changes in the definitions of consumers, and reclassifications.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861, Annual Electric Power Industry Report.