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Weekly Supply Estimates
(Stocks in Thousand Barrels, All Other Volumes in Thousand Barrels per Day)
Area: Period:
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Data Series Area
01/03/25 01/10/25 01/17/25 01/24/25 01/31/25 02/07/25 View
Refiner Inputs and Utilization
Crude Oil Inputs
743 739 740 711 735 755 1992-2025
Gross Inputs
756 741 742 716 738 762 1990-2025
Operable Capacity (Calendar Day)
910 910 910 910 910 910 2010-2025
Percent Operable Utilization
83.1 81.5 81.6 78.7 81.1 83.7 2010-2025
Refiner and Blender Net Inputs
Motor Gasoline Blending Components
2,123 2,234 2,244 2,208 2,311 2,344 2004-2025
600 360 477 491 444 615 2010-2025
1,539 1,789 1,658 1,644 1,745 1,729 2004-2025
-15 24 -1 23 45 36 2004-2025
All Other
-1 61 111 51 78 -35 2004-2025
Fuel Ethanol
292 303 305 301 316 315 2010-2025
Refiner and Blender Net Production
Finished Motor Gasoline (Excl. Adjustment)
2,846 2,965 2,997 2,947 3,084 3,076 1993-2025
1,093 1,059 1,131 1,117 1,145 1,141 1993-2025
Blended with Fuel Ethanol
1,093 1,059 1,131 1,117 1,145 1,141 2004-2025
0 0 0 0 0 0 2010-2025
1,753 1,905 1,866 1,830 1,939 1,936 1994-2025
Blended with Fuel Ethanol
1,801 1,943 1,884 1,850 1,962 1,973 2004-2025
Ed55 and Lower
1,798 1,941 1,881 1,847 1,959 1,971 2010-2025
Greater than Ed55
2 2 2 2 2 3 2010-2025
Other Conventional
-48 -38 -18 -20 -22 -38 2004-2025
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
84 80 96 89 62 67 1990-2025
89 80 96 89 62 68 1993-2025
0 0 0 0 0 0 1993-2025
Distillate Fuel Oil
208 208 232 210 221 227 1990-2025
15 ppm Sulfur and Under
220 203 229 218 219 219 2004-2025
> 15 ppm to 500 ppm Sulfur
0 7 -5 -1 6 5 1993-2025
> 500 ppm Sulfur
-11 -2 8 -6 -4 3 1993-2025
Residual Fuel Oil
38 31 35 41 43 42 1990-2025
215 206 210 203 235 234 1993-2025
Ethanol Plant Production
Fuel Ethanol
11 11 11 11 11 11 2010-2025
Commercial (Excl. Lease Stock )
7,817 7,188 7,802 7,124 8,467 8,524 1990-2025
Commercial (Incl. Lease Stock)
Total Motor Gasoline
61,383 63,350 60,300 62,100 65,510 66,742 1990-2025
Finished Motor Gasoline
2,482 2,581 3,145 3,187 3,516 3,454 1994-2025
4 4 4 4 4 4 1993-2025
Blended with Fuel Ethanol
4 4 4 4 4 4 2004-2025
0 0 0 0 0 0 2004-2025
2,478 2,577 3,141 3,183 3,512 3,450 1994-2025
Blended with Fuel Ethanol
0 0 0 0 0 0 2004-2025
Ed55 and Lower
0 0 0 0 0 0 2010-2025
Greater than Ed55
0 0 0 0 0 0 2010-2025
Other Conventional
2,478 2,577 3,141 3,183 3,512 3,450 2004-2025
Motor Gasoline Blending Components
58,901 60,769 57,155 58,913 61,994 63,288 2004-2025
22,367 22,239 21,464 19,885 21,963 20,700 2004-2025
RBOB with Ether
RBOB with Alcohol
27,841 29,842 26,864 29,925 30,826 33,207 2004-2025
1,564 1,538 1,843 1,547 1,241 989 2004-2025
All Other
7,129 7,149 6,984 7,555 7,964 8,391 2004-2025
Fuel Ethanol
6,767 7,509 7,684 7,907 8,327 8,019 2010-2025
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
8,890 10,059 9,496 10,618 10,504 9,930 1990-2025
Distillate Fuel Oil
37,233 34,995 34,808 32,252 29,902 29,964 1990-2025
15 ppm Sulfur and Under
36,085 33,919 33,681 31,177 28,811 28,813 2004-2025
> 15 ppm to 500 ppm Sulfur
542 514 434 418 498 550 1993-2025
> 500 ppm Sulfur
606 563 693 657 593 601 1993-2025
Residual Fuel Oil
5,408 5,319 5,575 6,150 5,568 5,024 1990-2025
Propane/Propylene (Excl. Propylene at Terminal)
6,748 5,954 5,368 4,501 4,097 3,271 2015-2025
Propane, Fractionated and Ready for Sale
5,167 4,295 3,837 2,964 2,696 1,774 2023-2025
Propane/Propylene (Incl. Propylene at Terminal)
1,361 1,223 1,555 1,484 1,650 1,301 2004-2025
467 473 642 517 770 564 1990-2025
Total Products
894 750 913 967 880 737 2004-2025
Total Motor Gasoline
366 389 269 524 530 262 2004-2025
Finished Motor Gasoline
86 28 11 230 11 39 2004-2025
0 0 0 0 0 0 2004-2025
Blended with Fuel Ethanol
0 0 0 0 0 0 2004-2025
0 0 0 0 0 0 2004-2025
86 28 11 230 11 39 2004-2025
Blended with Fuel Ethanol
0 0 0 0 0 0 2004-2025
Ed55 and Lower
0 0 0 0 0 0 2010-2025
Greater than Ed55
0 0 0 0 0 0 2010-2025
Other Conventional
86 28 11 230 11 39 2004-2025
Motor Gasoline Blending Components
280 361 259 294 520 223 2004-2025
140 179 52 141 271 97 2010-2025
RBOB with Ether
RBOB with Alcohol
39 50 43 19 19 36 2004-2025
33 71 93 47 68 45 2004-2025
All Other
69 61 71 87 161 45 2004-2025
Fuel Ethanol
0 0 0 0 0 0 2010-2025
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
20 13 0 40 13 93 2004-2025
Distillate Fuel Oil
170 187 259 132 125 215 2004-2025
15 ppm Sulfur and Under
170 187 259 132 125 215 2004-2025
> 15 ppm to 500 ppm Sulfur
0 0 0 0 0 0 2004-2025
> 500 ppm to 2000 ppm Sulfur
0 0 0 0 0 0 2004-2025
> 2000 ppm Sulfur
0 0 0 0 0 0 2004-2025
Residual Fuel Oil
133 41 124 74 48 0 2004-2025
51 44 65 61 52 47 1993-2025
Other Oils
154 75 195 135 112 120 2010-2025
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: Domestic crude oil production includes lease condensate and is estimated using a combination of short-term forecasts for the lower 48 states and the latest available production estimates from Alaska. Beginning with the WPSR data for the week ending Friday, November 15, 2024 (scheduled for release on November 20), weekly crude oil production estimates are rounded to the nearest 1,000 b/d at the U.S. and Lower 48 state levels, a change from the previous method of rounding to the nearest 100,000 b/d. Finished motor gasoline production and product supplied includes a weekly adjustment applied only to the U.S. total to correct for the imbalance created by blending of fuel ethanol and motor gasoline blending components. From 1993 to June 4, 2010, this adjustment was estimated from the latest monthly data and allocated to formulation and PAD District production data. Reformulated and conventional gasoline production excludes adjustments for fuel ethanol and motor gasoline blending components. Historical data prior to June 4, 2010 includes the adjustment allocated by PAD District formulation. Propane/propylene includes production from natural gas plants. With the publication of the estimates for week ending April 10, 2020, propane/propylene inventories no longer include propylene inventories held at terminals. These volumes have been removed from the data back to the January 2, 2015 reporting period and are not included in any relevant U.S. totals, PADD sub-totals, or Total Inventory calculations. Imports and stocks of RBOB with Ether and RBOB with Alcohol are discontinued as of the week ending June 4, 2010 reporting period. Beginning with June 1, 2023, Motor Gasoline Blending Components exports are included with Total Motor Gasoline exports. They were previously included with Other Oil Exports. Due to independent rounding, individual product detail may not add to total.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 2/12/2025
Next Release Date: 2/20/2025